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March 17, 2009 Source: Stalin's Jews Source: Benjamin Freedman Speaks: A Jewish Defector Warns America Source: Tomkiw Entertainment Holodomor - The Movie Source: Spartacus Russian Jews Ten years before the "Holocaust" of 6 million innocent Jews at the hands of bad Christians (German Nazis), there was the "Holodomor" of 7 million innocent Christians at the hands of bad Jews (Russian Pharisees, Sadducees and media-Scribes). Thanks to the Jewish media-Scribes, you have probably hear of Holocaust Denial, but exactly because of Holodomor Denial by the Jewish media-Scribes who control our mass-media, you most likely have never heard of this Christian Holodomor which preceded the Jewish Holocaust. The same Jewish Pharisees who love to wipe American Christian noses in the German Holocaust, are denying that they set the example for European genocide with their Ukrainian Holodomor of 1932-33, against 7 to 10 million Ukrainian Christian peasant "masses". Peasant masses these Judeo-Communists claimed they defended against abuses by the Russian Christian aristocrats, of which they also completely massacred. This article will prove that Hitler was small time in his criminality compared to the massive pain, suffering and deaths inflicted by the Russian Pharisees and Sadducees. This article will prove that Hitler's propaganda minister Goebbels was an amature compared to the well-greased propaganda machine of the world-wide media-Scribes. This fantastic story begins in Russia. A Short Introduction to Russian History On 3 March 1861, mere months after America began its bloody Civil War to emancipate its black slaves, Russian Tsar Alexander II signed his Emancipation Manifesto freeing all Russian Serfs. For this, the Czar would become known as Alexander the Liberator. Unlike President Abraham Lincoln, Alexander II managed to free all 23 million Serfs, representing 40% of the entire population of Russia, without destroying his country in the process. Blacks in America would have to wait another 100 years for full citizenship rights, but Alexander the Liberator insured that, within a few years, his serfs were granted the full rights of free citizens, gaining the rights to marry without having to gain consent, to own property and to own a business. The Manifesto prescribed that peasants would be able to buy the land from the landlords. In the preceding period of his life as heir apparent, the intellectual atmosphere of St Petersburg had been unfavourable to any kind of changes, freedom of thought and all private initiative being, as far as possible, suppressed vigorously. Personal and official censorship was rife; criticism of the authorities was regarded as a serious offense. -- All a reaction to the Karl Marx inspired Judeo-Communist revolutions of 1848, which had spread all across Europe, before finally being stopped dead in its tracks. The failure of the 1848 Judeo-Communist revolution forced many a young Jewish radical to leave Europe for America, one step ahead of the law. As also happened a few decades back, after the final defeat of Napoleon that brought to a close the Judeo-French Revolution era, settling Europe once again back into a Christian-ruled continent and sending many Jewish radicals scurrying for safety in America. In the mind of a Real-Theoretical-Communist, one would believe that Christian Alexander the Liberator would be heralded by a real communist as a true hero of the masses. But Alexander the Liberator freed the Christian masses, and so, in the unreal mind of a Jewish Judeo-Communist, Alexander was not at all a liberator. In the Judeo-Communist propaganda to the world, "Alexander II and his Russian Orthodox Christian religion were holding back Russia and hence holding back the unwashed Russian masses from achieving their full potential". In the Judeo-Communist worldview, there was only one choice allowed, "The Christian Tsar had to be eliminated". Judeo-Terrorists So, some 26 years after he had the opportunity of implementing beneficial changes for his people, Tsar Alexander II would be assassinated in public by the Narodnaya Volya Judeo-Terrorist organization. Now, at that time, almost half of the world's Jews, an estimated 5,500,000 Jews were living in Russia, making Russia by far the biggest population center of Jews. At that time, because of the huge population of Jews, Russia was the center of attention for the Jewish Sanhedrin of Pharisees, Sadducees and media-Scribes. Jewish freedom fighters concentrated mainly upon Russia and the main center and focus of that battle was the destruction of the Romanov Dynasty of Tsar Alexander II, his son Tsar Alexander III and his grandson, Tsar Nicholas II. The seventh attempt by Narodnaya Volya terrorists was finally successful in blowing up the beloved Liberator of 23 million serfs. When it became public knowledge that the masterminds behind the assassination, and all the previous assassination attempts, of their beloved leader were Jewish Pharisees, there were violent backlashes and demands upon the Liberator's son, Alexander III to do something. After the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, there was a wave of pogroms in Russia against the Jewish community. This led to a large increase in Jews leaving Russia. Of these, more than 90 per cent settled in the United States -- all complaining to one and all about how cruely and unfairly the Jews in Russia were being treated. No mention that Pharisee radicals had agitated for revolution in 1848, or that they had assassinated the Tsar in 1881, or of course, that they would agitate for another revolution in 1905 and finally suceed in subjugating Russia in 1917. Nope, that part of history was uninteresting and unimportant. "All The News That Was Fit To Print" was already being given to America through America's Pravda, The New York Times. And the hands of Jewish Pharisees were clean. Please note the hypocrisy of the Jewish Pharisees in that after the elimination of the Tsars, the assassination of the head of the Jewish Pharisee and Judeo-Communist secret police Moisei Uritsky, would ignite the Red Terror of Sept-Oct of 1918, ordered by Jewish Pharisee Yakov Sverdlov, who was also the man responsible for ordering the extermination of the entire Romanov family in cold blood. Martin Latsis, chief of the Ukrainian Cheka, foretelling the class warfare so renowned with Judeo-Communists, explained in newspaper "Red Terror":
War against Christianity itself Members of the Christian clergy were subjected to particularly brutal abuse. According to documents cited by the late Alexander Yakovlev, then head of the Presidential Committee for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression, priests, monks and nuns were crucified, thrown into cauldrons of boiling tar, scalped, strangled, given Communion with melted lead and drowned in holes in the ice. An estimated 3,000 Christian clergy were put to death by the Judeo-Communists in 1918 alone. Turkish Muslim abuse much worst, but not reported Truth was that the Turkish Muslims were mistreating Armenian Christians far, far, far worst at the time than the Tsar ever did, eventually leading by the close of WWI, to a genocide of 2 million Armenian Christians. But once the Herodian pawn of the Rothschild dynasty, J.P. Morgan, had bought up all the major newspapers in America during the 1880's, suddenly, the so-called poor suffering Jews in Russia got the lion's share of the media attention here in America. -- thus marking the beginning of the total Jewish media-Scribe monopoly here in America and the good-will for Jews necessary to allow many more Jews to immigrate into America. Americans were led to believe that the Christians in Russia were evil, while the good Christians in America were going to protect the poor innocent Jews in Russia from bad, evil, backwards, and tyrannical dictators like Alexander "the Liberator" and his son, Alexander III who witnessed his bloody assassination. Indeed, under a law introduced by Tsar Alexander III following the assassination of his father, all Russian Jews were forced to live in what became known as the Pale of Jewish Settlement. Exceptions were made for rich business people, students and for certain professions. The Pale comprised the ten Polish and fifteen neighbouring Russian provinces, stretching from Riga to Odessa, from Silesia to Vilna and Kiev. In the American Jewish-owned media-Scribe press, pictures from Turkey of Christian villages burned to the ground with young women raped and fathers beheaded, were somehow made to equate to a Jewish man being denied a passport in Russia. --True story -- Both examples of rotten dictatorships. During WWI, Jewish Pharisees were for Germany, before they were against Germany ...First they were for Germany... Most Jewish Pharisees in America at the time of WW1 were from Germany, had family in Germany still, and they knew Jews were well tolerated and well treated in Germany; hence, they were very pro-German. The Pharisees also liked Germany, because Germany had graciously accepted so many exiled Russian Jews from the Judeo-Communist Revolution of 1905, who had tried to take advantage of the Russo-Japanese War. America's own Pharisee Jacob Schiff would help industrialize and militarize non-Christian Japan to fight against the Christians of Russia's Tsar. (That would come back to bite us!) The Pharisees did not like England, because England had sided with their hated enemy, the Tsar. The Pharisees did not like England, because England was fighting against their friend, Germany. ...Now they were against Germany... That all suddenly changed in December 1917 when,
Both events culminating in Dec of 1917 were deemed extremely vital to Jewish interests. The Christian Tsar was no longer a threat to Jews in Russia and England had something the Pharisees wanted very badly and were willing to barter for - the future State of Israel. Now, the Jewish Pharisees began to stab their former ally in the back. Suddenly, American Jewish Pharisees switched sides and were all for war with Germany to help out "Our mother country -- England". The Jewish media-Scribes immediately began a propaganda campaign in America for war with Germany. One month after the Tsar was overthrown in March, President Wilson called for war on Germany, which the U.S. Congress declared on April 6 1917. While England was just in sight of taking Jerusalem in December 1917, England signed the Balfour Declaration on November 2 1917 promising to give Jerusalem to the Jews, in exchange for the Jews continuing help to bring America into the war in her fight with Germany. The summer of 1918, saw 10,000 American troops landing in France every day, sealing the fate of Germany. Hitler came along later to fill in the details of the backstabbing which German Jews instigated against German Christians during and after WWI. Now, back to our discussion of Russia. A significant number of Pharisees played leading roles in the October Revolution. Jewish Pharisee Yakov Sverdlov would finish off the Romanov dynasty by ordering the murders of Tsar Nicholas II and his entire royal family on July 16, 1918 then later in the year kick off the Red Terror. The Jews were the biggest winners in the Judeo-Communist Russian Revolution On July 10th, 1918, the Judeo-Soviet government passed a law that abolished all discrimination between Jews and non-Jews. This resulted in a considerable amount of Jewish migration within the Soviet Union. A forgone conclusion that the Jews were the big winners from looking at the list of prominent Judeo-Communist leaders below. There are reports that 80% of the Judeo-Communist commisars were Jewish Pharisees. The persecuted minority would now persecute the majority. Around October 1923, the Soviet Judeo-Communists tried unsuccessfully to extend the Russian Revolution into a weakened post-WWI Germany, spooking Germans into electing Hitler. By the time Stalin left the world stage, the "freedom fighters", who had fought against suppression by the Tsars, had managed to slaughter 40 to 50 million innocent Christians. Now that is revenge. How did America React? How exactly did America react? HOW ??????? In 1933, America's "greatest President of all time by proclamation of the Jewish media-Scribes", FDR, gave formal recognition to the Jewish minority of Pharisees as the official government for the Christian peoples of the Soviet Union. How did America treat Russia afterwards? America teamed up with Russia to fight Germany again. How did FDR address Stalin, who along with his fellow communist puppet Mao, slaughtered over 100 million people? FDR addressed Stalin as "Uncle Joe" to our "Uncle Sam". Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33 This article chronicles the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933 -- the genocide of 7 million Christian peasants, derisively known as Kulaks, now becoming known as "The Holodomor". In particular, the denial of the Holodomor is of the utmost concern. But first, the major actors in this tragic play. Prominent Jewish Pharisees in the Russian Judeo-Communist Party The Christian HolodomorThe word Holodomor comes from Ukrainian words and means "death by starvation". Jewish Pharisees, who had grown up in rich Jewish families and who had attended expensive law schools, were sucessful in overthrowing the Russian Czar and setting themselves up in power. Soon, they were characterizing any Ukrainian peasant who was a tad better off than his neighboring peasant as a Kulak. Jewish Pharisees who were richer than any Kulak, were propagandasixing for the entire Kulak "class" to be despised. He was to be killed or to be sent into hard labor in the Siberian Gulag Concentration Camps for his "sins" against Judeo-Communist equality. This is always the way Judeo-Communists first strip off any Christian with a good sense of morality or any patriot with the least amount of ambition, who would get in their way for their next atrocity -- the destruction of the very peasants they claim to represent. And so, once the Kulaks were out of the way, the Judeo-Communists demanded the entire wheat harvest of the Ukraine as needed for export, including seed grain for the next years harvest. Where the German gas chambers were a quick and painless death, the Ukrainian death fields became a slow agonizing death which in some cases involved cannibalism of their own children or those of others.
"Famine in Ukraine was brought on to decrease the number of Ukrainians, replace the dead with people from other parts of the USSR, and thereby to kill the slightest thought of any Ukrainian independence." - V. Danilov et al., Sovetskaia derevnia glazami OGPU_NKVD. T. 3, kn.2. Moscow 2004. P.572 The Ukrainians were fellow patriots fighting alongside the Jewish Pharisess, against the "conservative" followers of the Czar in 1917, but by 1929, the Ukrainians were enemies of the state. IF they had only know how bad things would become for them three years later... Stalin's Big LieDenying the Holodomor
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders.... --Winston Churchill Prominent American Holodomor Deniers Why we cannot see the truth We cannot see the truth because the truth gets bent and twisted so much that one can no longer recognize the truth. In the on-line discussion below, the Jewish control and atrocities against Christians is being re-painted into a conflict between two groups of Christians -- Ukrainian Christians and Russian Christians. The Ukrainians see the Russian Christians as being responsible, not recognizing that the Judeo-Communists were completely under the control of the Pharisees at the time (Still is or not?) On the other hand, the Russian Christians are saying that the blame should be on the Communists, not them. Again, the Russians are not aware that the Judeo-Communist Party of Russia was owned, controlled and manipulated by the Jewish Pharisees. Neither side sees that their common enemy are the Jewish Pharisees.
Conclusion After 253 Holocaust movies and no Holodomor movies, do we have to ask ourselves if there is a bias by the media-Scribes in favor of Jews and against Christians? Must we allow ourselves to be subjected to slanders of anti-Semitism and racism, when the anti-Christian racist sentiments are so much more overflowing? Is it time to retire the old Holocaust Denial charges when there are clearly an entire industry devoted to Holodomor Denial? When will ordinary Jews come out and totally condemn the evil being done in their name by the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the media-Scribes? We ask this all the time of ordinary Muslims, who stand by while radical Muslims behead anyone they can get their hands on, yet why can we not ask this of moderate Jews? Ucraina Holodomor - 1933Article located at: |
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