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April 6, 2009

Per the Jews, "How Islam was Really Created"

Source: The Christian Solution book
The Truth about Islam

Source: Ben Abrahamson and Joseph Katz
The Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614CE compared with Islamic conquest of 638CE.

Source: The Christian Solution book
The Jewish History of the World -- The Muslims -- Middle East Era

Death of the Prophet, Abu Bakr's Appointment, and Shallum's Rebellion

The Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614 CE
compared with
The Islamic conquest of Jerusalem in 638 CE
Its Messianic nature
and the role of the Jewish Exilarch

By Ben Abrahamson and Joseph Katz

Introductory Comments from The Christian Solution:

You may not have thought about this or even known it, but both Christianity and Islam claim to have the same origins.

Both start off with mainly Jewish converts, then later gather in an overwhelming number of converts from other religions.

Both claim Abraham as their father. Both claim to be monotheistic.

So, what's the difference?

One set of Jews thought that Jesus Christ was the true Messiah, come to bring peace on Earth.

Another set of Jews thought that Mohammad was the true Messiah, come to smite the followers of the false Messiah.

For anyone who wants to read the uncensored, intact, complete and unamended edition,
you can view it in pdf form -- > here is-->the original document

Beware though, if you wish to read the original, plan on reading it about three times, because it is not an easy read.

For the simplified, clarified, condensed, and Christianized version below, comments starting with "TCS" will be sprinkled throughout this excellent and comprehensive 63-page research, performed by media-Scribes Abrahamson and Katz, who by the way, profess to be Muslims.

One is amazed at the honesty of these media-Scribes in reporting the cunning and treachery of the Pharisees and Sadducees toward Christians, and in showing how much collaboration the NT Jewish Exilarch had with Persia and Islam to destroy Christianity.

But the explosive conclusion of this work shows that the work is addressed to a Muslim and NT Jewish audience, not a Christian one, in an attempt to pull both together again into a Neo-Judeo-Muslim alliance.

It is an attempt to show the Muslims how much the NT Jews had helped exhaust the Persian and Christian Empires in the past in order to establish the Muslim Empire, dominant over both Persia and Christianity; so as to help Islam re-establish itself today, as the major international power, in one huge game of "Risk", by saying to the Muslims, "Can't we all just get along?"

(For reference, the NT Jewish term Exilarch was originally defined by putting together the words EXILE and PATRIARCH to make a word for literally, the Jewish Patriarchal leader of the Babylonian Exile. This term is maintained by the authors for use during the Roman Diaspora Exile as well.)


Explores the conquests of (TCS: Christian) Jerusalem in 614CE and 638CE within the context of previous attempts at Jewish restoration.

Discusses reasons for a Persian-Jewish alliance (TCS: We Christians will call it a Judeo-Persian alliance) and later a Judeo-Arab alliance (TCS: We Christians will call it a Judeo-Muslim alliance).

The first conquest (TCS: against Christian Jerusalem) was in 614 CE by the Persians with the assistance of up to 20,000 Jewish soldiers.

The second (TCS: conquest against Christian Jerusalem) was in 638 CE by Islamic forces under the command of Khalif 'Umar, with an unknown amount of Jewish aid.

These events were separated by only twenty-four years, and many of the factors that affected the first conquest were present during the second conquest.

As will be explained below, the common thread throughout both of them was the nationalistic ambitions of the Jewish Exilarch, the secular leader of world Jewry.

(TCS: What an profound admission by these Judeo-Muslim media-Scribes that the NT Jewish Exilarch was in actuality helping nobody but his own people?)

Jerusalem and the Temple, attempts at restoration

After the destruction of the Jewish Temple (70 C.E) and subsequent Jewish Revolt (135 C.E.), Jerusalem passed into the hands of Rome. It's name was changed by the Romans to Aelia Capitolina and Jews were officially forbidden to live there.

It is estimated that about six million Jews lived throughout the Roman Empire and another two million lived under the Persian Empire.

(TCS: As opposed to only 5 million living in America today)

The Jews living in the Persian Empire were wealthier and enjoyed a much greater degree of freedom than their co-religionists living in the Roman Empire.

(TCS: Which also means that the Pharisees controlled Persia more than they controlled the Roman Empire)

At times, the Jews in Persia attained semi-autonomy, collecting taxes and managing their own small army.

(TCS: Hence explaining why the Jewish Pharisees decided to use their considerable influence over and friendship with the Persians, to exhaust its military strength in constant wars with the Christians, in trying to take Jerusalem from the Christians. Many Americans can see similar parallels in helping Jews re-take Jerusalem from the Muslims.)

Jews accounted for perhaps as much as 10% of the Roman Empire.

(TCS: NT Jews account for 2% of America's population today)

The Roman government tried to influence its sizable Jewish population, especially during its many wars with Persia, by rewarding or punishing Jews through its policies towards Jerusalem. It was in the interest of Rome to hint at promises of restoring Jerusalem' to try and sway its Jewish population from siding with Rome's long time enemy, or to punish them for misbehavior by further desecration of the sacred place. These policies inflamed Jewish nationalism and may have helped to keep it alive.

(TCS: Translation: Christian's vain attempt to befriend the NT Jews could never be successful, for as long as Christians controlled Jerusalem, Christians would always be the enemy.)

Jehoiachin was the King of Judah when the Babylonians besieged Jerusalem in 598/597 BCE. During the siege King Jehoiachin decided to surrender. He gathered the royal family, and in an entourage of ministers and servants rode out to meet the Babylonian Emperor Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar took him and his entourage captive to Babylon, where they lived in comfortable confinement for 36 years. Nebuchadnezzar occupied Jerusalem, and sat the ex-king's uncle, Zedekiah, on the throne, and Judah became a Babylonian vassal-state.

King Zedekiah reigned for 11 years, when he and Judah's neighbor-states rebelled against Babylonian rule. Nebuchadnezzar responded by re-conquering the Middle East.

Destruction of the First Temple - 587 BC

It was at this time that Jerusalem and the First Temple were destroyed by the Babylonians, 587/586BCE, and the mass deportation of the Jews to Babylonia took place.

(TCS: Parallels to Rome's dealings with the NT Jews. That is: defeat of the NT Jews, followed by a peace treaty agreed to by both; followed by a reneging of the peace treaty; followed by a second war; resulting in the destruction of the temple and Diaspora of NT Jews from their homeland; followed my much NT Jewish crying and protestations of victim-hood. Rome actually gave the Jews one pass before the Temple was destroyed and two passes before the Second Diaspora. Nebuchadnezzar only gave one pass for both.)

Maccabean Revolt - 175 BC

In 175 BCE Antiochus Epiphanes came to throne in Syria and within ten years the Maccabeans revolted and routed Syrian domination in Israel. Recognition of the Hasmonean dynasty by the Roman Senate soon followed and for the first time, Israel was ruled by a priest-monarch of the tribe of Levi. The Hasmoneans ruled by force, and several of the royal family were murdered by its own members to prevent rival claimants. This situation was unfavorable to the Davidic house, and a notice in al-Makrizi, seems to indicate the exodus of Davidic descendants from Israel to Babylonia at the beginning of Hasmonean rule.

Pompey Conquers Israel - 63 BC

The rivalry between Hasmoneans, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, brought about a civil war in 68-63 BCE.

The war ended with the invasion of the Roman general Pompey and the forfeiture of the freedom of the Jewish people. Israel was forced to pay tribute to Rome and placed under the supervision of the Roman governor of Syria.

From 63-40 BCE, the government officially was in the hands of Hyrcanus, but in actuality the power rested with his Roman-Arab adviser Antipatris and his son Herod.

(TCS: NOTE: This conquest by Rome of a sovereign Jewish people was not of Christian doing. Christ had yet to be born. Later, after the ministry of Jesus, many OT Jews of the area would become Christian, along with many Greeks who had settled in the region. When we get to the main story by our authors, 500-years into the future, would it now be a Christian leader of Rome being called upon to protect and defend a land filled with Christians from Judeo-Persians and Judeo-Muslims.)

All the Hasmonean kings adopted a policy of territorial expansion. This led to the problem of what to do with the non-Jewish population in the newly annexed territories. Although opposed by the Pharisaic-Rabbinic leadership and without any historical precedent, an early Hasmonean king, Yochanan Hyrcanus, began a policy of forced conversion to a limited form of Judaism.

Sadduceean leadership (TCS: Sadducee), under Alexander Yannai began an active program of seeking and encouraging converts that was especially successful among other Semitic peoples.

(TCS: We see that the OT Jews were engaging in conquests of non-Jewish lands. In fact, Rome was known to attack neighbors who threatened them. If some of that OT Jewish territorial expansion was onto lands aligned with Roman, then that would have been the excuse for Rome to expand throughout OT Jewish land. And if the former Romans were being forced into converting to Judaism, that would have been further reason for Rome to invade.)

According to Josephus, Herod -- his mother an Arab princess -- actively sought to combine Jewish Israel with Arab trans-Jordan in one large Judeo-Arabic kingdom.

(TCS: Since Herod did not have an Jewish mother, he would not be considered a Jew)

Six hundred years before the Prophet, the Arabs and Jews were one nation with one common religion. A vast Judaic nation from the 'Nile to the Euphrates' that performed the Festival -- Hagg pilgrimage and shared in the Korban Shlamim temple offering of which they were allowed to eat. They were called alternatively Gerrim, Kenites, Nethinim, and Shlamai (=Muslim).

(TCS: Do the media-Scribe authors bring this up to imply that since the OT Jews conquered and dominated Arabs backed by Roman power, then this somehow proves that OT Jews and non-OT Jews can all live happily together?)

Jewish Revolts against Rome - 70 AD

The Parthian empire (TCS: The Judeo-Persian Empire) was large, tolerant and weak. How free a hand the Parthians permitted the Jews is perhaps best illustrated by the rise of a small Jewish outlaw state in Nehardea. Still more remarkable is the conversion of the vassal kingdom of Adiabene to Judaism also in the 1st century C.E. Yet the vastness of the Parthian empire was one of its strengths. Rome would be hard-pressed to hold such a large area, and would lay itself open to revolts in its own territories due to Roman troops being removed to the front lines.

During the first Jewish revolt which led to the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E., the Babylonian Jews gave support, but few soldiers to fight together with their Israeli brethren against Roman Emperor Vespasian.

(TCS: Translation: For people looking for Jewish Conspiracy, if all the NT Jews of the world do not work together, then they will lose.)

Jewish Revolts against Rome - Kitos War - 115-117 AD

From 115-117 CE, the Jews revolted. A revolt which was mainly led by Jews broke out in Cyprus, Egypt and Cyrene on the north coast of Africa. In Cyrene it was led by a Jewish "king" called Lukuas and in Cyprus by Artemion.

After almost a year of fighting, Trajan's General, Marcius Turbo, succeeded in putting down the rebellion.

In all of the cities there was widespread slaughter including the capital of Cyprus, Salamis, much of Alexandria and most of the Island of Cyrene. In Alexandria, the great synagogue and library were destroyed as well. As a result, Jews were forbidden to live in Cyprus. This revolt was known to many historians as the second rebellion against Rome. Rome countered the revolt by destroying Jewish Alexandria over three years.

(TCS: Before you start crying over this "Holocaust" or "Pogrom" of NT Jews by Roman-Pagans, consider that the "sweet innocent" Jews had done quite a bit of widespread slaughter themselves and Romans felt that the Jews had deserved what they got.)

    "Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which Jews committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwell in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives and we are tempted to applaud the severe retaliation which was exercised by the arms of legions against a race of fanatics, whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of Roman government, but also of humankind."

    --Edward Gibbon (Womersely ODNB pp11,12)

    "In Cyrene, the Jews massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus, 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of these unhappy victims were sawed asunder, according to a precedent to which David had given sanction of his examples. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked up the blood, and twisted the entrails like a girdle around their bodies,

    --see Dion Cassius I, lxviii, p. 1145

In 115 CE, Trajan occupied Adiabene and southern Mesopotamia. Trajan was the first Roman emperor to dare (after 167 years) to cross the Euphrates with a Roman army, and in the winter of 115-116 CE, Rome conquered the capital of Parthia, Ctesiphon.

The Kitos War was raging in Jerusalem, provoked by Roman procurator Lucius Quietus who set an idol up on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Abgar VII, ruler of Edessa with its large Jewish population switched from the Roman to the Parthian side.

(TCS: the NT Jews had no loyalty to Rome of course)

Trajan then sent Lucius Quietus, who captured Edessa, sacked it, and killed Abgar VII. Rome annexed Mesopotamia and Assyria and briefly made the Tigris River the eastern boundary of Roman Empire. At this point the Roman Empire reached maximum territorial expansion.

(TCS: This was during the reign of "The Five Good Emperors". After this EXTERNAL military defeat of the NT Jews, the NT Jews would obtain revenge by insuring that the Roman Empire would crumble into pieces INTERNALLY.)

In 117 CE, Trajan was struck with a serious illness. The emperor had to abandon the battlefield. He attempted to reach Rome, but died on the way in Selinius, a town in Asia Minor.

Hadrian, cousin of Trajan, was appointed Roman emperor. He was met with chaos and attempted to pacify the Empire. First he abandoned all the recent conquests beyond the Euphrates. He put ruthless Quietus to death and promised policies of peace and compromise to the regions. He even promised the Jews they could rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem.

(TCS: Rome still ruled under the decentralized Greek city-state model where the locals basically ruled themselves. Against Roman rules, Quietus had not allowed "home rule" for the Jews, which resulted in rebellion after he had offended their religious beliefs. That is why he was put to death.)

It was in a great measure owing to the revolt of the Babylonian Jews that the Romans did not become masters of Parthia. In recognition of services thus rendered by the Jews of Babylonia, and by the Davidic house especially, the Parthian kings elevated the "princes of the Exile", who till then had been little more than mere collectors of revenue, to the dignity of real princes.

(TCS: Thus official recognition of the NT Jewish Exilarch and of Persia making the deadly mistake of giving the NT Jews power over Persian rule, as it marked the beginning of the demise of Persian independence and especially, their religion Zoroastrian)

Jewish Revolts against Rome - Bar Kochba - 131-133 AD

The Coordinated Revolt of Bar Kochba

While the Jews of Babylonia were relatively safe, the Jews of Israel and the former Parthian provinces suffered under Hadrian.

Originally attempting to be conciliatory to the Jews, Hadrian found himself continuing to suppress ongoing Jewish revolt.

(TCS: Does not need translation: occupier tried to be nice, but the ones occupied still revolted)

The Jews of Cyprus were annihilated. Hadrian reversed himself and decreed that the Jewish Temple may not be rebuilt and forbid circumcision of Jews and other Jewish practices throughout the empire. Rabbi Akiva journeyed from Israel to Nehardea and Gazaka to meet with the Exilarch and others to make preparations for another revolt. Adiabene quietly began sending arms and supplies to Israel.

(TCS: Translation, this pre-mediated, planned, coordinated, surprise-attack by NT Jews from all over the known world, could be all be a fabrication of anti-Semitic Roman conspiracy-theory nutcases.)

In 131 CE, Bar Kokba raised the banner of revolt in a well planned attack on Rome in coordination with Parthia.

(TCS: i.e. Judeo-Persians were helping their long-time friends from the time of the Greek-Persian Wars, or they had so much Jewish media-Scribe propaganda, they wanted to help "liberate" Jerusalem for the poor, downtrodden Jews.).

For several years he succeeded in actually producing a short-lived independent Jewish kingdom.

In Sefer Yuhasin, it is maintained that Bar Kokba waged war with the Romans in Mesopotamia, but this is probably a reminiscence of the struggles under Trajan. It is known that Jews from Babylonia enrolled themselves under Bar Kokba and the crushing of Bar Kokba revolt in 135 CE no doubt added to the number of Jewish refugees in Babylon and Arabia.

(TCS: No doubt indeed, and these Jewish refugees to Arabia would later greatly assist a NT Jewish champion called Muhammad, to obtain revenge against the cruel Pagan Romans, who had, in the meantime, become peaceful, loving Christians who also had hated the cruel pagan Romans.)

The Exilarchs under the Sassanids: Friends of the Rulers, Enemies of the People

Although Babylonia, or Iraq, was largely populated by Jews, the population was still a mixed one, and in the course of time the non-Jewish population grew to be in the majority. The religiously-undeveloped Parthians (TCS: Persians) could not exercise religious influence upon the Jews; but it was otherwise with the Sassinids

(TCS: The Sassinids would bring back the monotheistic Zoroastrian religion; perhaps with OT Jewish influence).

The rulers at first retained close relations with the Jews, but due to pressure by the non-Jewish population, the relations became strained.

(TCS: As was always the case, the NT Jews could always ingratiate themselves with the ruling class, for a while, but to the detriment of the lower classes, or what we would call, the regular people. And as always, the lower classes always finally rose up in rebellion when they found their civilization destroyed.)

In the winter of 226 CE, Artaxerxes I (Ardeshir I) destroyed the rule of the Arsacids, and founded the illustrious dynasty of the Sassanids. Different from the Parthian rulers, who in language and religion inclined toward Hellenism (TCS: from the invasion of Alexander the Great in 323 BC), the Sassanids intensified the Persian side of life, favored the Pahlavi language, and restored with zeal the old religion of the Magi, founded upon fire-worship, which now, under the favoring influence of the government, attained the fury of fanaticism. Of course, both Christians and Jews suffered under this; but the latter, dwelling in more compact masses, were not exposed to such general persecutions as broke out against the more isolated Christians.

(TCS: An example, that included Christian persecutions under both Pagan Rome rule, and Islamic rule, where the always put-upon and always suffering NT Jews somehow, were never as put-upon and suffering as advertised.)

The Sassanids continued to recognize the Exilarch as a prince of a semi-autonomous ethnic state due to his contribution in preventing invasion from Rome and his continued role in managing a buffer zone against Rome. Under the first Sassanid rulers, the intimacy of the Exilarch, Academies and Parthian leaders continued to grow. Ibn Daud says that in Ardeshir's days the Jews and Persians loved each other, as also in the days of King Sapor I. (240-271).

(TCS: Explains why the Sassanids were previously defined by the authors as illustrious)

S. Cassel believes that the Jews were favored by the Persians; and Graetz knows of no persecution under Ardeshir. King Sapor favored Samuel with such a degree of intimacy that the latter was sometimes also called "King Samuel" and "Arioch" (friend of the Arians), and the people generally spoke of him with respect as "the Jewish sage". But Samuel, too, liked the Persians. He was the author of the celebrated saying, "The law of the land is the law to go by".

(TCS: Lots of Judeo-Persian love going on in both directions here.)

Under Sapor began the bitter contest with the Romans for possession of the rich lands of the Euphrates, thickly populated by Jews. The Persians penetrated to the very heart of the Roman territory, until Odenath, prince of Palmyra, moved against them and took their booty from them in 261 CE.

Even though the Sassanids continued to recognize the Exilarch as a prince of a semi-autonomous ethnic state, due to the resentment of the local population, the role of Jews began to be eliminated from public office -- and even their autonomy began to be dependant upon large payments to government.

In Seder Olam Zutra records that "the Persians obtained dominion in the year 245 (233 CE) after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple, and instituted a persecution of the Jews."

Although the Exilarch still retained hope of restoring the Judaic nation, he was also aware that his nation was slipping away from him, gradually loosing any loyalty to Judaism or the Land of Israel. Whole communities were converting to Christianity. To counter this, the Exilarch placed great emphasis on the Rabbinic academies and Jewish learning.

(TCS: Of course, the Exilarch was supposed to have converted to Christianity also. Had he done so, it is possible that the NT Jews as we know them today, would no longer exist, but follow the teachings of the Messiah, Jesus. That the Exilarch remained a Jesus-denier is the reason for all the problems of modern life.)

The Politicization of Religion

Under the Parthians, the majority of the population in Armenia was an ally against Rome. In 162 CE, the Parthians declared war on Rome as the long-standing quarrel between Rome and the Armenians became violent. The Parthians succeeded in defeating the 4-legion Roman garrison, deposing King Manu VIII and installing their own ruler Wael bar Sahru. After the Sassanids took control in Persia, the Romans again tried to extend their influence. In 252 CE, the Persians under Shapur I attacked the eastern frontier in a dispute over control of Armenia, defeating the Romans at Barbalissos.

All this changed in 301 CE, after Armenia became the first nation to declare Christianity as its official religion.

To the amazement of the Persians and the delight of Rome, in spite of repeated Persian military victories, the switch to Christianity turned Armenia from an ally of Persia to a steadfast ally of Rome.

Conquest depends on logistics, and logistics depends on the local population, and the local population now had an influence every bit as potent as their military rulers: religion. The political power of religion became apparent to both rulers, and perhaps influenced Constantine when he declared Christianity the official religion of Rome in 312 CE.

(TCS: Correction: Constantine only proclaimed tolerance. It would be Emperor Theodosius who would declare Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire.)

In any event, the lesson was not lost on the Sassanid Persian rulers, and religious persecution and intolerance increased.

By Christian writers, the Jews are accused without warrant of having instigated the slaughter of twenty-two bishops by Sapor II (310-382 CE) as part of his antagonism to the Christian predilection for Rome.

(TCS: The illustrious Judeo-Persians at work. Sort of reminds you of illustrious Judeo-Muslims of today)

In 362 C.E, Byzantine Emperor Julian waged a vigorous war in which Mesopotamia and Babylonia proper were involved.

(TCS: in retaliation to the slaughter of the innocent, peaceful, Christian Bishops)

When Julian besieged the Persian capital of Ctesiphon, he announced plans to rebuild the Jewish Temple and even began construction. The Jews, in spite of the friendly attitude of the Roman ruler, sided with Persia.

(TCS: Christians side with Rome and Jews side with Persia. Obviously, Julian did not know of NT Jewish treachery)

Birta was deserted by its inhabitants, Jews, who removed themselves to Jewish fortresses under the protection of the Exilarch. In retaliation, the Romans burned the place. The same fate befell the more important city Firuz Shavur (Pyrisabora), which also possessed a large Jewish population; Mahoza, too, near Ctesiphon, Raba's birthplace and the seat of his academy, was also laid in ashes, together no doubt with many other towns in which Jews dwelt.

In all these cases, the Exilarch could not expect help from the Persia troops, but was free to defend itself -- as long as the attackers were not Persian.

Of Sapor's successors, Yezdegerd I. (397-417 CE) had friendly relations with the Jewish people; Yezdegerd I had a Jewish wife for queen; later on he became a strong religious fanatic, and ordered a bloody persecution of the Christians.

(TCS: Always nice to have a Jewish wife to plead tolerance towards Christians, NOT!)

At this time, the Jews of Arabia publicly differed with their Babylonian co-religionists by declaring that the Shema prayer must be performed at rising and going to bed -- not as part of the morning and evening prayers. This raised the number of prayers in Arabia from three to five times a day

(TCS: Humm, it appears that Muslims praying five times a day comes from Jewish tradition)

The Jews, coming under immediate Persian domination, underwent a year of suffering, which in the Talmud is called "the year of the destruction of the world". From this year to 474 a series of violent acts followed, such as the destruction of synagogues, prohibition of the study of the Law, the forcible delivery of children to the Fire Temples.

Large-scale changes in the pattern of Jewish settlement took place. Many decided to leave Babylonia altogether; and since the Roman Empire was not a safe alternative, the direction of the emigration was at first southward to Arabia.

(TCS: Following the Roman Diaspora following the Jewish Revolts against Rome, this would be a second wave of NT Jews into the world of Muhammad's Arabia)

Waves of Israelites to Arabia bring Judaism

The traditional view of Arabian history centers on Yemen. It is assumed that a fairly developed civilization grew in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. For several hundred years it grew rich by exporting gold, frankincense and myrrh to the Roman Empire; as well as controlling the overland routes to India and the East. The first collapse of the Marib dam around 450 CE; the decline of the use of frankincense due to the Christianization of Rome; and the Rome success bypassing the desert by using a sea route led to the collapse of southern Arabian society. This in turn led to waves of immigration from the South to North, from the city to the desert.

The first wave of immigrants came with the success of the Maccabean, later Herodian, Judeo-Arab kingdom. Romanized Arabs (TCS: and Jews) from the trans-Jordan began migrating southward. The Tobiads which briefly had controlled Jerusalem extended their power southward from Petra and established the "Tubba" dynasty of kings of Himyar. Yathrib was settled during this period.

The second wave of immigrants came before the destruction of the Temple, when refugees fleeing the war, as well as the Sadducean leadership, fled to Arabia. Khaibar was established as a city of Sadducean Cohen-Priests at this time.

The third wave of immigrants were mostly refugees and soldiers from Bar Kokhba's revolt fighters trained in the art of war and zealously nationalistic -- sought refugee in Arabia.

This last wave of immigrants included people who are known in Islamic literature as the Aus and the Khazraj. Around 300 CE, they were forced out of Syria by the rising strength of Christian Rome, and the adoption of the Ghassan leader, Harith I, of Christianity.

Syed Abu-Ala' Maududi in his "The Meaning of the Qur'an" points out that the Jews of the Hejaz "In the matter of language, dress, civilization and way of life, they had completely adopted Arabism, even their names had become Arabian ... They even inter-married with the Arabs". (TCS: Many NT Jews likewise took American names when immigrating into the U.S.)

This intermarriage between Jews and Arabs, for example between the families of Quraish and Jewish women is well documented.

(TCS: Note that this Judeo-Quraish tribe is Muhammad's tribe)

Michael Lecker of Hebrew University in his article "A note on early marriage links between Qurashis and Jewish women", in. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam (1987)," says that there are three choices:

1. The women gave up Judaism and embraced paganism. 2. The women didn't care about intermarriage with non-Jews 3. The men embraced Judaism

Due to various supporting evidence he gives, Dr. Lecker discounts the first two and is left with possibility of the third choice.

(TCS: Put bluntly, the Arabs of Muhammad's tribe became Jewish)

Maududi says that the Bani Al-Nadir and Bani Quraizah were tribes made up of Cohenim. It is known that the Bani al Nadir and the Bani Quraizah were the clients of the Aus, and the Bani Qainuqa were the clients of the Khazraj. In this context we propose they were not just the "clients", but the Cohenim or Priests of their associated tribes. As Cohenim, they performed teaching, religious, judicial and semi-governmental services. This would also explain why they - more than any other tribe in Yathrib - would have opposed the Prophet.

Dhu Nuwas - Jewish Lord of the Sidelocks

The title Dhu Nuwas means Lord of Sidelocks. He was given this name because the kingdom of Himyar was not accustomed to the Persian Rabbinate custom to wear Peot -- Sidelocks. Islamic histories claim that this was the introduction of Judaism in Arabia, although it is not ever actually said that Abu Karib converted to Judaism. A more accurate statement would be that this was the introduction of Persian Rabbinicism into Sadducean Arabia.

In 517, the enthronement of a Persian Rabbinite king led Christians to seize a major town of the Himyarite kingdom.

(TCS: The Christians were well aware of how Christians are treated under Judeo-Persian control)

After mustering an army, Dhu-Nuwas inflicted a costly defeat on the rebels, taking many prisoners, and destroying their church. In imitation of his cousin Mar Zutra II who had declared his independence from Kovad in Persia, Dhu-Nuwas carried out some rash acts that eventually involved him in difficulties and brought misfortune to him and the kingdom of Himyar.

(TCS: Overthrow of Christian rule and harsh treatment of Christians would lead to retaliations)

Christian Byzantium Emperor Julian retaliates against Dhu Nuwas

News of this deed soon reached Byzantium, a challenge of this sort could not go unpunished. But the Roman emperor, Justin I, was embroiled in a war with the Persians and a Samaritan (TCS: A form of Judaism) revolt in Israel.

He decided to write to the Christian king of Ethiopia, who was a good deal closer to Himyar, to act as Christendom's avenger. The Ethiopian king, Kaled Ella Asbaha, was more than anxious to oblige the emperor's request. In 518, when Ethiopian troops landed in Himyar. Dhu Nuwas's forces soundly defeated the invaders. Flushed with success, Dhu Nuwas now saw himself as the champion of Arabian Jewry. It has been suggested by some scholars that Dhu-Nuwas's ultimate objective was the creation of a Jewish empire stretching from Babylon to the Red Sea.

In the meantime, a revolt in the northern Himyarite center of Najran (c. 523), which was inhabited chiefly by Christians, led to many casualties. The town's governor, a Christian named Harith (Aretas) ibn-Kaleb; although a feudatory of Dhu-Nuwas resented his status as a vassal to the Rabbinite king (he may also have not performed his feudal duties in the war against Aidug). In any case, the governor's feelings were paralleled by the town's Christian population, which also refused to obey the king's orders.

When the Najran rebels spurned Dhu-Nuwas's peace terms, Dhu-Nuwas besieged the town and reduced its inhabitants to such straits as they were forced to capitulate. Harith and several hundred of the rebels were executed, and burned in a great trench. A heavy tribute was also levied on the remaining Christians in the kingdom in reprisal for the persecution of Jews in Christian countries

(TCS: Poor NT Jews -- Having to resort to burning Christians in trenches)

By the year 525 CE, the Ethiopians and the Romans were ready to strike. The Negus of Ethiopia, Asbaha, had put together and equipped a powerful army, and the Roman emperor had provided his ally with the necessary fleet to transport the troops

Asbaha had taken steps to inform the Christian Arabs of the region of his plans, and they attacked the Himyarites as Dhu-Nuwas deployed his army to meet the invasion force of the Ethiopians. In the ensuing battle, the Rabbinite king fell back on his faithful, courageous cavalry to repel the invaders, but they were overwhelmed by the larger army of the enemy.

The capital of Dhu-Nuwas fell into the hands of the enemy, along with his wife, and all the treasures of his kingdom. Realizing that all was lost, and unwilling to be taken alive, the impetuous king charged his steed over a great rock jutting over the sea. The waves swept his body out to sea. So died the first and last Rabbinite king of Himyar. But the royal family did not die out; we will revisit them when we explore the marriages between the Jews and the Quraish, the family of the Prophet.

After-effects of the Failed Attempts at Jewish Independence

In Arabia, Eriat was granted rulership over Yemen by Abyssinia, a position he held until he was assassinated by one of his army leaders, Abraha. Abraha, after reconciliation with the king of Abyssinia, took rulership over Yemen and built a Cathedral in San'a to advance Christianity in Arabia.

Some of the leadership in Mecca, the Quraish, defiled this Cathedral by going to the bathroom in its halls.

(TCS: Not an unusual position for Judeo-Muslim Arabs of today to take against Christians, but this deed would be remembered later at the Temple Mount after Emperor Heraclius retook Jerusalem)

In Arabia, where laws of purity were derived from the Temple laws of Tumah and Taharah, this invalidated the house of worship for prayer and was the greatest insult. Christian Abraha commanded his soldiers to demolish the Ka‘bah in Mecca.

In 570 CE, utilizing a massive attack on war-elephants which failed, he and his soldiers came to be known as the "Men of the Elephant".

This is the traditional year when the Prophet Muhammad is born.

Following this time there were many marriages between the Quraish and Jews in Arabia.

Judeo-Persia: Reign of Emperor Khosrau II -- 591 to 628 AD

In 591 CE, Khosrau II became the Sassanid king of Persia. He followed Khosrau I's liberal policy towards the Jews.

Within the Persian royal circles, the Jews had recognized rights and privileges, but due to the fanaticism of the people they were unable to exercise them.

(TCS: The NT Jews were able to buy the sympathy of royalty, but the common people were just anti-Semitic "fanatics"!)

The doors of the academies remained shut and there remained much hatred between the Jewish and non-Jewish population. Khosrau considered the idea of relocating some of the Jews, but the opportunity had not presented itself.

Christian Byzantia: Reign of Emperor Heraclius -- 610 to 641 AD

Phocas and the Final Persian-Roman War

In 603 CE, in the 14th year of the Persian king Khosrau and in the 20th year of the Roman Emperor Maurice's reign, the Byzantine army which was in Thrace rebelled from the emperor and enthroned as their king a certain man named Phocas.

Going together to Constantinople, they killed the emperor Maurice and seated Phocas on the throne of the kingdom.

Phocus had the Emperor's five sons executed in front of him, and then had the Emperor also killed and hung their heads in a thoroughfare in Constantinople.

A few days after this he had the Empress and her three daughters also put to death.

Now a rumor spread throughout the entire country that one of Maurice's sons, Theodosius, had escaped and gone to the Persian king.

Thus there was no small agitation throughout the Romans dominions: in Constantinople, in Alexandria in Egypt, in Jerusalem and Antioch and in all parts of the country, people took up the sword and killed one another.

Emperor Phocas ordered all the rebels who wavered in their loyalty to his rule to be killed. Many were slain there in the capital. He dispatched a certain prince Bonos with troops against Antioch, Jerusalem, and everywhere there was rebellion. He went and struck Antioch and Jerusalem and indeed the entire multitude of cities in that country were consumed by the sword.

Phocus was a ruthless Emperor and is said to have spent more time killing his own subjects then the Persians.

General Heraclius, who was in Alexandria, rebelled from Phocas along with his own troops. He forcibly detached the country of Egypt from Roman control. In Syrian Mesopotamia general Nerses also rebelled. Together with his troops he entered and took the city of Edessa. But a Byzantine force came against him and besieged the city and Nerses' troops.

The event provided Khosrau a good moral excuse to attack Byzantium. For Emperor Maurice had been his benefactor; with his help he had regain the throne of Persia after he had lost it. Khosrau declared that he would avenge his godfather's and his children's murder upon Phocus, the usurper.

He assembled the entire multitude of his troops, went to the West.

He reached the city of Dara which he invested and besieged and started battling with. In the regions of Armenia, troops were assembled.

Then king Khosrau divided his forces into two parts: one part he left around the city; with the other he himself went against those forces which were besieging Edessa.

(TCS: This was a Judeo-Persian trick, as proven later.)

Byzantine general Nerses dressed a youth in royal garb placed a crown on his head and sent him to Khosrau, saying: "This is Theodosius, Emperor Maurice's son. Have mercy upon him, just as his father had mercy on you."

Nehemiah ben Hushiel and The Jewish Crusade

(TCS: The authors themselves used the term "Jewish Crusade". We swear; this was not changed by the Christian Solution.)

Khosrau on the plea of avenging the death of his father-in-law, the emperor Maurice, who had been murdered by the usurper Phocas, invaded Asia Minor and Syria at the head of a large army, but in reality Khosrau had his eye on Egypt.

(TCS: The authors are still not telling the truth. The real prize was Jerusalem)

Egypt was in rebellion against Phocas, and if Khosrau could manage to conquer Egypt, he could probably come to terms with Phocas. All that remained between Persia and Egypt was Syria-Palestine. Khosrau developed a plan: he could gain Egypt, settle his domestic problems, and gain a powerful ally behind the lines of Roman troops if he declared the Jews be entitled to all their hereditary rights; more than this they could reclaim their ancestral homeland. The Jews may or may not succeed, but they would keep the Romans busy as he concentrated on Egypt.

In 608 CE, Khosrau placed the son of the Exilarch de Jure, Nehemiah ben Hushiel as the symbolic leader of Persian troops.

(TCS: Nehemiah is one of two sons who will prove to be influential in this time-span. The other son will become the greatest advisor to Mohammad. But, one needs no further proof of the complicity of NT Jews, that the leader of all the Judeo-Persian Armies was a Pharisee. The followers of Nehemiah was untimately after Jerusalem, not Egypt.)

Nehemiah was a mystic so Khosrau feared little interference in military affairs.

Promising to re-enact the military feats of bygone years, the Exilarch drafted a Jewish army said to have consisted of 20,000 men.

(TCS: A Jewish Army to fight Christians, by the way!)

In return Khosrau allowed the reopening the leading Jewish academies Pumbedisa (607) and Sura (609).

Later Khosrau would write the Emperor:
    "Do not deceive yourself with your vain hopes, for how can that Christ who was unable to save himself from the Jews [but was crucified instead] save you from me [and my Jews]? For [even] if you descend to the bottom of the sea, I shall stretch forth my hands and seize you. And then you will see me under circumstances which you would rather not."

    -- Judeo-Persian Emperor Khosrau

(TCS: A rather bold taunt for a Judeo-Persian Emperor who was about to have his empire totally destroyed in a few short years by the enemy within, his own Pharisee allies)

Hearing news of the Exilarchs' march in full spender, at the head of the combined Judeo-Persian forces, Jews fully expected nothing short of the miraculous.

(TCS: Does the miraculous include Pharisees enticing Christians to fight Christians?)

In Antioch the Jews rioted, killing the Christian Patriarch.

(TCS: NT Jews, our friends, living in Christian lands, but in treasonous murderous rebellion).

In Arabia, they rioted and killed the Christian representative in Yemen.

(TCS: Were these pogroms against Christians?)

In Sefer Zerubavel, both these events are attributed to the miraculous work of the prophetess Hephzibah.

Within a few years, Phocus' armies were put to rout in succession.

Khosrau reached Edessa (modern, Urfa) in Asia Minor, on the one hand, and Aleppo and Antioch in Syria, on the other.

In the 20th year of king Khosrau [610], Persian general Shahen raided through the western areas, going to Cappadocian Caesarea. Now while the Christian inhabitants of the city arose and departed, the Jews went before Shahen and submitted. He remained in that city for one year. Everything was going according to plan: Persia would conquer Egypt. Persia would make peace with Phocas.

Then the unexpected happened.

When the Roman ministers saw that Phocas could not save the country, they sought the help from the African governor, the powerful Exarch of Carthage. He sent his son, General Heraclius, who was currently in rebellion against Phocas.

Heraclius had been one of East Roman Emperor Maurice's key generals in the 590 war with Persia.

Heraclius was sent to Constantinople with a strong fleet. With the support of Priscus, one of Emperor Phocas' top military leaders, the patriarch Sergius and the Green political faction, Heraclius overthrew Phocas and personally executed him.

Heraclius crowned Emperor

On October 5, 610, Heraclius I was crowned Emperor (610-641).

Now the leader of the rebel province had become the Emperor of Rome. This was not according to Khosrau's plan.

According to Islamic historians, this happened the year the Prophet was appointed to Prophethood.

When Heraclius took power, the Empire was in a desperate situation and he considered moving the capital from Constantinople to Carthage. Now as soon as Heraclius ruled, he dispatched messengers with great treasures and edicts to King Khosrau, requesting peace with great entreaties.

(TCS: The Byzantine Empire was exhausted by Pharisee induced civil war and Pharisee induced Judeo-Persian invasions)

King Khosrau, however, did not want to listen.

He said:
    "That kingdom belongs to me, and I shall enthrone Maurice's son, Theodosius, as emperor. [As for Heraclius], he went and took the rule without our order and now offers us our own treasure as gifts. But I shall not stop until I have him in my hands."

    --Judeo-Persian Emperor Khosrau

Taking the treasure, Khosrau commanded that his envoys be killed and he did not respond to his message.

The moral excuse for which Khosrau had started the war was no more valid after the deposition and death of Phocus.

Had the object of his war really been to avenge the murder of his ally on Phocus for his cruelty, he would have come to terms with the new Emperor after the death of Phocus, but Persia continued to fight.

In 612 CE, to counter the Persian choice of the Exilarch, Heraclius summoned a certain priest P'ilipikos to military service. This P'ilipikos was the son-in-law of Emperor Maurice and had been in the military for a long time, triumphing in battle. But then, during Maurice's reign, he took it into his head to cut his hair and to wear priestly garb, becoming a soldier in the covenant of the Church. Heraclius forcibly made him a general and dispatched him to the East with a large army.

This gave the war the color of a crusade between Jew and Zoroastrian against Christianity.

(TCS: A Crusade against Jews -- Heaven forbid!).

Heraclius was a brilliant general and he ranked among the greatest of the Byzantine emperors. His reforms of the government reduced the corruption which had taken hold in the disastrous reign of Phocas, and he reorganized the military with great success. He developed the idea of granting land to individuals in return for hereditary military service. This arrangement ensured the continuance of the Empire for hundreds of years and enabled Heraclius to re-conquer lands taken by the Persians, ravaging Persia along the way.

Christian Jerusalem falls : Conquest and Disaster at Jerusalem

After the conquest of Caesarea, the entire country of Israel willingly submitted to Khosrau.

(TCS: Jews willfully and Joyfully freed of "harsh" Christian rule)

The remnants of the Hebrew people took in hand their native zeal [The translation is uncertain: perhaps "manifesting desire for their homeland"] wrought very damaging slaughters among the multitude of believers.

Going to the Persians, the Jews united with them.

Benjamin of Tiberias

At that time, the army of the king of Persia was stationed at Caesarea in Israel. The Jews and the Persians were joined by Benjamin of Tiberias, a man of immense wealth, who enlisted and armed additional soldiers.

The Tiberian Jews, with those of Nazareth and the mountain cities of Galilee, marched on Jerusalem with the Persian division commanded by Shahrbaraz (Rhazmiozan).

Later they were joined by the Jews of southern Israel; and supported by a band of Arabs, the united forces took Jerusalem by storm (July, 614 CE).

(TCS: Judeo-Persians with a lot of help from their allies, the NT Jews, were finally triumphant against Christians).

Shahrbaraz spoke with the inhabitants of Jerusalem so that they submit voluntarily and be kept in peace and prosperity. Now at first the citizens of Jerusalem submitted, offering the general and the princes very great gifts, and requesting that a loyal ostikan, governor, be stationed with them to preserve the city.

Exilarch's son, Nehemiah ben Hushiel made ruler of Jerusalem

Five years after his appointment to lead the conquest of Israel, and the "ingathering of the Jewish nation", the Exilarch Nehemiah was made ruler of Jerusalem.

The Exilarch was a strong young man, handsome and adorned in royal robes. He began the work of making arrangements of the rebuilding of the Temple, and sorting out genealogies to establish a new High Priesthood.

The Jews were exuberant, but an uneasy, explosive, tension was in the air.

Several months later a riot occurred in the city. A mob of the young Christians united and killed Nehemiah ben Hushial and his "council of the righteous". They dragged their bodies through the street and dumped them over the city wall. Then, the Christians rebelled from Persian service. After this a battle took place among the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem, Jew and Christian. The multitude of the Christians grew stronger, struck at and killed many of the Jews. The remainder of the Jews jumped from the walls, and went to the Persian army in Caesarea.

Then Xorheam assembled his troops and went and encamped around Jerusalem and invested it, warring against it for 19 days. Digging beneath the foundations of the city, they destroyed the wall. On the 19th day of the siege, the Judeo-Persian forces took Jerusalem. They put their swords to work for three days slaughtering almost all the people in the city.

(TCS: Slaughtering all the Christians that is)

Stationing themselves inside the city, they burned the place down.

According to Christian sources, the troops were then ordered to count the corpses; the figure reached 57,000.

(TCS: How many poor, innocent Muslims did the Pharisees tell us Christian's slayed again during the Crusades?)

Thirty-five thousand people were taken alive, among whom was a certain patriarch named Zak'aria who was also custodian of the True Cross.

Later sources would claim that the Jews purchased Christian slaves in order to slaughter them.

The Jews sought for the Staff of Aaron, the "Rod of Hefzibah", which they claimed was what the Christians called "the remnant of the Holy Cross".

They began to torment the clerics, executing some. Finally the clerics pointed out the place where it was hidden.

(TCS: That is, after the NT Jews tortured Christian clerics, they discovered the location of the "True Cross")

The Persians took it into captivity and also melted the city's silver and gold, which they took to the court of the king.

In conjunction with the Persians, the Jews swept through Israel, destroyed the monasteries which abounded in the country, and expelled or killed the monks.

Bands of Jews from Jerusalem, Tiberias, Galilee, Damascus, and even from Cyprus, united and undertook an incursion against Tyre, having been invited by the 4,000 Jewish inhabitants of that city to surprise and massacre the Christians on Easter night.

(TCS: Didn't the NT Jews know that crucifixions should be on Good Friday, not Easter?)

The expedition, however, miscarried, as the Christians of Tyre learned of the impending danger, and seized the 4,000 Tyrian Jews as hostages. The Jewish invaders destroyed the churches around Tyre, an act which the Christians avenged by killing two thousand of their Jewish prisoners. The besiegers, to save the remaining prisoners, withdrew.

The immediate results of these wars filled the Jews with joy.

Many Christians became Jews through fear.

A Sinaitic monk embraced Judaism of his own free will, and became a vehement assailant of his former belief.

The Judaic Nation was free from the Christian yoke for about fourteen years; and they seem to have deluded themselves with the hope that Khosrau would resign Jerusalem and leave a province to them, in order that they might establish a Jewish commonwealth.

The Pivotal Years

The Roman response was swift; to counter the Jewish insolence there was the largest ever meeting of Merovingian Bishops, the Fifth Council of Paris in Gaul (France).

They decided that all Jews holding military or civil positions must accept baptism, together with their families.

Massive Jewish persecutions began to occur throughout Roman Empire.

(TCS: When NT Jews slaughter Christian women and children, the NT Jews are filled with joy. When Christians baptize NT Jews its called "persecution". Seems we have unequal double standards, even in those days)

When news of the sack of Jerusalem reached Khosrau, he was terrified.

He did not intend it to go this far.

Now regarding those who had been arrested, an order was issued by the king to have mercy on them, to build a city and to settle them there, establishing each person in his former rank/profession. He commanded that the Jews be driven from the city, and the king's order was quickly implemented, with great urgency. The Jewish troops were stationed outside the Eastern Gate of the Temple Mount.

(TCS: Remember, the Christian Emperor Maurice had graciously put Khosrau on his throne. Now, Khosrau discovered that he had been talked into going too far by the cunning, silver-tongued NT Jews.)

The distrust between the Jews and Khosrau reached its lowest point, as the Jews said that Khosrau had acted treacherously and plotted the assassination of Nehemiah.

(TCS: And for the thanks of getting to slaughter Christians, the NT Jews would turn on their greatest benefactor)

There arose great discord between the allies, which ended in the deportation of many Jews to Persia.

Shallum, Nehemiah's brother was sold into slavery, until his redemption ten years later.

(TCS: This is the other son of the Exilarch. He was redemded by Mohammad

Within a year after this victory, the Persian troops over-ran Jordan, Israel and the whole of the Sinai Peninsula, and reached the frontiers of Egypt. Arabia was split between those who were for Persia and those for Byzantium.

Mohammad started off as an ally of Christians

In Mecca, the followers of the Prophet, who had declared his support for Rome, were being fought under the command of the chiefs of the Quraish. The conflict had reached such a stage that in 615 CE, a substantial number of the Muslims had to leave their homes and take refuge with the Christian kingdom of Habash, Abyssinia, which was an ally of the Byzantine Rome.

The Romans were losing more and more ground every next day.

In Asia Minor the Persians beat and pushed back the Romans to the Bosporus, and in 617 CE, they captured Chalcedon (modern, Kadikoy) just opposite Constantinople.

As a gesture to Rome, Khosrau issued an order to grant amnesty to prisoners. He orders Jewish soldiers to leave Jerusalem and forbade Jews to settle within a three mile radius of the city. The Persians placed a certain Christian archpriest named Modestos over the city as governor. Disillusioned with Persian promises, the Jewish soldiers did not heed Khosrau and continued to encamp outside golden gate.

(TCS: Khosrau's word was probably as worn thin to Heraclius by now as well)

By 619 CE, the whole of Egypt had passed into Sassanid hands and the Persian armies had reached as far as Tripoli.

The Emperor sent an envoy to Khosrau, praying that he was ready to have peace on any terms, but he replied,
    "I shall not give protection to the emperor until he is brought in chains before me and gives up obedience to his crucified god and adopts submission to the fire god."

    -- Judeo-Persian Emperor Khosrau

But Khosrau, as a gesture to the Romans, allowed Heraclius to attack the Jewish troops outside the Golden Gate. The Persians withdrew all support.

Trapped, the Romans violently slaughtered the Jewish regiment outside Golden Gate and left bodies to rot. As many as 20,000 were killed. The Golden Gate was sealed.

In Arabia, the year it was called "the Year of Sorrow".

It was during these events that the Prophet had his "Night Journey" vision, flying from Mecca to Jerusalem on a winged animal.

Heraclius, unsatisfied with Persian gestures, went on a rampage killing every Jew found in Israel. Men, women and children are killed without mercy, sparking the author of "The Prayer of Shimon bar Yochai" to bemoan how quickly the Priests grant forgiveness to the soldiers after committing such atrocities.

(TCS: And vice-versa pal!)

The Tide Turns - Chrisians advance

By 622 CE, the Roman Emperor Heraclius had assembled an international army against the Persians. He had retaken Judea from the Sassanid Persians and the Jewish cause looked hopeless.

The "Jewish" Prophet Mohammad -- 622 AD to 632 AD

(TCS: The same year of 622 AD that the corner was turned in favor of the Christians under Heraclius, a far greater threat to Christianity had just begun. Per Wikipedia: "To escape persecution Muhammad and his followers migrated to Medina (then known as Yathrib) in the year 622 CE. This event, the Hijra, marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar".)

Signs of the Coming of the "Jewish" Prophet

With the death of Nehemiah ben Hushiel, the Judaic nation tried to grapple with the meaning of these events in terms of their literary heritage. They would come to the Golden Gate to pray. According to Jewish tradition, the Messiah of Joseph would die. So Nehemiah must have been the Messiah of Joseph. This meant that the King Messiah was sure to follow. However, before the King Messiah would appear, he would be preceded by Elijah the Prophet.

Their leaders said

    "A Prophet is about to arise;
    his time draws near.
    We shall follow him;
    and then we shall slay [our enemies]
    with [divine] slaughter... ".

As the common people became aware of the Prophet, "they spoke one to another -- surely know that is the same Prophet whom the Jews [Cohanim, Priests] warns us about."

(TCS: "Slay our enemies" would be referring to slaying Christians, of course)

Daniel had prophesied that there would be seventy weeks of years until the Temple would be rebuilt. And 490 (70x7) years had passed from the destruction of Bar Kochba's armies until this year (622 CE).

Bar Kochba was a failed Messiah, now would come the true warrior Messiah.

    "A warrior with 'the helmet of deliverance on His head' and clad in armor". "He will don garments of vengeance (as his) clothing and will put on a cloak of zealousness". "He will fight the battle of Gog ha-Magog and against the army of Armilos (Heraclius)".

(TCS: deliverance and vengeance against Judeo-Christians, who the NT Jews have now biblically defined by the code words "the army of Armilos")

Although rare, even in Arabia, parents hoping that their child might be this Messiah might name him after Daniel, Ish hamudot, Man of Delights -- Muhamud.

(TCS: You should certainly see where all this is headed: the NT Jews will put Muhammad up as their divinely-appointed Messiah to defeat the Christians in 637 AD, just as they had put Cyrus the Great up as their champion to defeat the Babylonians 1,200 years previously, in 539 BC)

In 620 CE, the Judeo-Prophet Muhammad overcome by despondency at these successive developments, and by the renewed opposition of the Quraish, set out for Tayif (sixty or seventy miles to the east of Mecca). The Prophet was working hard to turn the hearts of the Arabian tribes from their fallacies. Against the Sadducean traditions, he stressed resurrection from the dead, and the importance of prayer five times a day.

After being unsuccessful in trying to convince them of his message, he was met by the Prophet Addas at the outskirts of the city. Here he received a vision concerning the souls of those slaughtered at the Golden Gate.

These "souls of the Garden" or Jinn, Genii, accepted the Prophets message. The Qur'an puts it:

    "And when [the Lord] turned towards you a party of the Jinn who listened to the Quran; so when they came to it, they said: Be silent; then when it was finished, they turned back to their people warning (them). They said: O our people! We have listened to a Book revealed after Moses verifying that which is before it, guiding to the truth and to a right path".

    -- Koran verse

In short the Jewish souls were willing to accept his message.

(TCS: Jinns or Genies are NT Jewish souls killed by Christians, like a saint in the Catholic faith)

Council of the Righeous: Jews seek a New Leader

The "council of the righteous", i.e. twelve people representing the tribes of the Jews convened at the city of Edessa.

When they saw that the Persian troops had departed and left the city unprotected, they closed the gates and fortified themselves. They refused entry to Roman troops.

Heraclius gave the order to besiege it.

When the Jews realized that they could not resist militarily, they promised to make peace. Opening the city gates, they appeared before Heraclius. Heraclius ordered that they should go and stay in their own place Yathrib.

(TCS: Yathrib was Medina, where Muhammad was).

So they departed, taking the road through the desert to Tachkastan to Arabia.

(TCS: The message for us is that Heraclius was a Christian, not heartless and allowed Christian's mortal enemies to live. The Council of the Righeous (sic) would return the favor by returning within 15 years behind the soldiers of their new Jewish Prophet Muhammad)

The Jews called the Arabs to their aid. Their situation was desperate. They tried to support their arguments through quotes from the Torah.

Although the Arabs were agreed that they were similar in faith, they were unable to achieve any commitment on military support, for they were divided from each other by their form of religion.

The Romans had blocked all Hagg pilgrimages to Jerusalem, and so many were making the 'Umra, the minor pilgrimage to Mecca instead. The people of Yathrib had traveled to Mecca to ask questions of the Prophet, and a few converts had already been made.

(TCS: So if I understand this right, the Hajj Pilgrimage which all Muslims are required to make in their lifetime, originated in the Jewish Hagg to the Temple)

During the Hagg pilgrimage of 620 CE, six or seven people of the Judaic tribe of Khazraj had declared allegiance to the Prophet.

(TCS: If you remember, both the Khazraj and the Aus were Judaic tribes)

During the Hagg pilgrimage of 621 CE, the "council of the righteous", met with the Prophet, together with representatives of the Khazraj and the Aus. The Prophet ordered them all to assemble together and to unite in faith. He set out the principles of religious coexistence between Jew and non-Jew, the seven laws of Noah.

    The Seven Noahide Laws listed by the Talmud are:

  1. Prohibition of Idolatry
  2. Prohibition of Murder
  3. Prohibition of Theft
  4. Prohibition of Sexual Promiscuity
  5. Prohibition of Blasphemy: -revere God
  6. Prohibition of Cruelty to Animals: - Do not eat the flesh of an animal while it is still alive
  7. Requirement to have just Laws: - Shall set up an effective government to police the preceding six laws

(TCS: Since Muhammad embraced the Seven Noahide Laws, Islam would require that Islam run the government wherever it was strong enough to take control.)

As far as Israel and its re-conquest by Rome, he said:

    "God promised that country to Abraham and to his son after him, for eternity. And what had been promised was fulfilled during that time when [God] loved Israel. Now, however, you are the sons of Abraham, and God shall fulfill the promise made to Abraham and his son on you. Only love the God of Abraham, and go and take the country which God gave to your father, Abraham. No one can successfully resist you in war, since God is with you".

    -- Mohammad

So pleased with this response, the Council of the Righeous pledged their allegiance to the Prophet in what is called "the first pledge of Al-Aqabah ".

(TCS: Representatives from the 12 tribes of Israel, in this 12-man Council of the Righeous, were solidly in favor of Mohammad. Together, Judeo-Muslims would war on Christians.)

During the Hagg pilgrimage of 622, seventy residents of Yathrib pledged their lives to support the Prophet. This was "the second pledge of Al-Aqabah." They invited the Prophet to Yathrib to be their king.

Abu Bakr (Muslim Name)       (Rabbi Shallum (Jewish Name))
First convert to Islam
First leader of Islam after the death of the Prophet Mohammad

On June 20, fleeing the pro-Persian persecution of the Quraish, the Prophet and Abu Bakr traveled from Mecca southward to the cave of Thaur.

On Yom Kippur, September 24, 622 CE, the Prophet arrived safely in Yathrib, being announced from the rooftops by a Jew.

Being an urban dweller of Mecca, the Prophet kept the lunar calendar of the Sadduceans who did not accept Hillel II's mathematical calendar. When he arrived in Yathrib he was surprised to find the Jews fasting. He ordered his followers to immediately begin to fast, even midday.

For 18 months, the Prophet took upon himself the Rabbinite traditions.

Not since Dhu Nuwas, had such a Rabbinite ruler tried to unite the diverse tribes of Arabia.

The Prophet was officially elected king of Yathrib (Medina), by the council of elders.

The charter of Medinah was drawn up declaring the rights and mutual military obligations of the Jewish and Judaic followers of the Prophet.

A Mosque for the Prophet was built on the ruins of an ancient Synagogue.

As Heraclius was attacking both Jew and heretic, the economy of Yatrib was strained by Jewish and Christian refugees.

The Prophet consolidated the strength of his followers, and the kernel of an Islamic state was formed.

Salmaan Farsi (Muslim name)       (Shallum ben Hushiel (Jewish name))
Second son of the Exilarch, the Jewish Leader in Exile
Brother of Nehemiah
Conquerer of the Persian Empire for Islam

(TCS: Since the predecessor to the Persian Empire was the Parthian empire, and since Shallum was from Parthia, he would have also have been called Salman the Parthi, but for the fact that Arabs cannot pronounce the letter "P", he was called Salman the Farsi; in Arabic, Salmaan al Farsi or simply Salmaan Farsi.)

The fame of the Prophet had grown, even Shallum ben Hushiel, the brother of Nehemiah, heard of the Prophet's fame as he was picking dates for his slave master in the outskirts of the city.

Meanwhile the Persians were beginning to lose.

Heraclius had retaken Judea from Sassanid Persians, and marched as far as Ecbatana, the ancient capital of the Medes. Heraclius had set off quietly for Trabzon from Constantinople via the Black Sea and started preparations to attack Persia from the rear.

Changing of the Qiblah

For four years, Heraclius had declared absolute and total war on the Jews.

The Persians had abandoned them as well.

(TCS: Making enemies everywhere; how about creating Islam!)

In the years after the slaughter of the Jewish troops at the Golden Gate, Heraclius sought other ways to punish the Jews for their insolence.

In addition to the first forced conversions in history to be sanctioned by the imperial government occurring throughout the Roman Empire, Heraclius sought to strike at the heart of their faith.

In an affront reminiscent of the defiling of the Cathedral of Sana, he ordered the Temple Mount to be used as the city's latrines. Some aqueducts were rerouted to the Temple Mount at a slightly lower elevation, to allow a flow of water to the Temple Mount. This was not hard to do because in ancient times the water had been used to wash the blood of sacrifices away from the Temple mount. Heraclius also installed a beautiful statue of an unclothed lady, which according to Sefer Zerubavel, inspired further immoral deeds on the Temple Mount.

(TCS: To totally refresh your memory, Heraclius did this in retaliation for the act of the NT Jewish Quaraish previously defiling the Christian Cathedral of San'a by urinating in the Cathedral to make it unclean and therefore unusable.)

In the literature of the time, the Temple Mount was referred to as "House of filth near the market." The filth, "which was then all about the holy sanctuary, had settled on the steps of the gates so that it even came out into the streets in which the gate opened, and it had accumulated so greatly as almost to reach up the ceiling of the gateway."

Years later, the Muslims would call the Church of the Anastasis al-qumamah, the Dungheap, because of the disrespect of the Christians towards the Temple Mount.

To the Judaic Nation, this was an insult.

To the Sadduceans of Arabia this was a crisis. The Sadduceans were particular in cleanliness, equating cleanliness with the biblical concepts of Taharah, purity. Arabs traditions said that the ancient Israelites would cut off their skin, should any waste fall on it. The Arabs would not pray in the direction of a bathroom, nor go the bathroom while facing the holy places of Jerusalem or Mecca.

The Rabbinites however continued to pray towards Jerusalem.

This troubled the Prophet.

In the end he was answered by a divine revelation which indicated that the faithful should not pray towards Jerusalem, only towards Mecca.

Further, this would be the mark of distinction between his followers and others.

(TCS: So Muhammad prayed toward Mecca, instead of Jerusalem, simply because the NT Jewish Temple Mount had been defiled. No big deal, I suppose, as they had also made their Hajj to Mecca now instead of Jerusalem, ever since the Christians had regained control of Jerusalem.)

Comparisons made between Dhu Nuwas and Mohammad

Dhu Nuwas was born of foreign descent; he adopted foreign customs and tried to unite the Arab tribes under a foreign banner, and failed.

The Prophet Muhammad was an Arab. He was of the tribe of the Quraish; and they had been resident in Arabia for over six hundred years.

Their version of Sadducean Judaism was closer to the heart of the Arabian tribes than any Persian custom. The Sura Al-Baqara (the sacrificial cow) was given at this time. It is a Sura written primary to a Jewish audience, yet the laws of Salat (Prayer); Zum (Fasting); Zakat (Charity); Haj, (Pilgramage); and Jihad (Religious War) reflect an intention to back away from the Prophets original embrace of Rabbinite custom and return to Sadducean custom. For example, the laws forbidding wine, and of mourning during Ramadan (Sefirah) to include complete fasting during the day.

The Prophet envisioned an Umma (Judaic Nation) of the faithful that had different modes of religious worship. The non-Jews would follow the Mesanî, the seven laws of Noah. The Jews would keep the Sabbath and Kosher laws: "The Sabbath was appointed only for those who were distinguished by it, and the Lord will judge them on the Day of Resurrection according to their distinction."

(TCS: Are we to believe that the "Prophet" Muhammad worshipped the NT Jews as God's chosen people as well, and believed they were a special sub-set of Islam, then? Sounds like "Judeo-Christians" arguing in favor of helping Israelis against the Muslims in this modern day)

As there was a change of Qibla, there was a change in the war.

Heraclius started his counter attack in 623 CE from Armenia. Next year, in 624 CE, he entered Azerbaijan and destroyed Clorumia, the birthplace of Zoroaster, and ravaged the principal fire temple of Persia.

This was the same when the Muslims their first victory at Badr

The Battle of Badr, 'Uhud and Khandaq; the Expulsion of the Priestly Tribes

As mentioned above, the Bani Qainuqa, Bani Al-Nadir and Bani Quraizah were tribes made up of Cohanim, Priests. The Bani Qainuqa were the priests of the Khazraj and the Bani al Nadir and the Bani Quraizah were the priests of the Aus. Because of their Cohen status and careful marriages; they had a certain prestige as the only native population the Rabbinite Jews still considered "Jews".

As Cohanim they performed teaching, religious, judicial and semi-governmental services to their client tribe.

When the Prophet began to become more than a Prophet, and function as judge, ruler and military chief, these "Jews" -- more than any other tribe in Medinah -- began to oppose the Prophet.

In addition, Khaibar was settled by the remants of the Sadducean High Priesthood, and at one time they had controlled the Ka'aba. They held a particular animosity to the Quraish, the Prophet included, who had taken back religious control from them.

In 624 CE, Mecca attacked Medina without success at the battle of Badr. The three tribes mentioned above had actually hoped that the pro-Persian Quraish would have won.

Three Sadducean "prophets" who predicted the future success of the Persians, were assassinated by the zealous followers of the Prophet.

(TCS: Surely they are not saying they created a Frankenstein monster. He had not yet helped them free Jerusalem)

The Bani Qainuqa openly and collectively broke their covenant. Descendants of the fighters of Bar Kochba, they were proud of their bravery and valor. Being blacksmiths by profession even their children were well armed and they could instantly muster 700 fighting men from among themselves. They were also arrogantly aware that they enjoyed the protection of the Khazraj. Abdullah bin 'Ubbay (Abbaya), the chief of the, Khazraj, was their chief supporter. The Prophet laid siege to their quarters. The siege had hardly lasted for a fortnight when they surrendered and all their fighting men were tied and taken prisoners. Abdullah bin 'Ubayy came in support of them and insisted that they should be pardoned. The Prophet conceded his request and decided that the Bani Qainuqa would be exiled from Medina leaving their properties, armor and tools of trade behind

In 627 CE, the battle of Khandaq (Battle the Trench) took place. The Meccans had left 'Uhud, without despoiling the people of Medina. The Prophet foresaw that they would return again to attack Medina. Steps were immediately taken to protect the city.

The Prophet was joined by Shallum ben Hushiel, after freeing him from slavery. Although only in his late twenties, Shallum was knowledgeable in many tactics of war. He suggested to the Prophet to build trenches around the city, something that had never been seen in Arabia before. There was a combined raid by many of the Arab tribes, who wanted to crush the power of Medina. It had been instigated by the leaders of the Bani an-Nadir, who had settled in Sadducean Cohen-City Khaiber after their banishment from Medina

(TCS: NT Jews instigating a war? -- Surely such a deed could never happen).

They went round to the Quraish and Ghatafan and Hudhail and many other tribes and induced them to gather all their forces together and attack Medina jointly.

An army of unprecedented size of Arab tribes marched against the small city of Medina. From the north came Bani an-Nadir and Bani Qainuqa who after their banishment from Medina, had settled in Khaiber and Wad il Qura. From the east advanced the tribes of Ghatafan, Bani Sulaim, Fazarah, Murrah, Ashja, Sa'd, Asad, etc. and from the south the Quraish, along with a large force of their allies. Together they numbered from ten to twelve thousand men. They laid siege to Medina without success. They succeeded partially to incite the Cohen tribe of Bani Quraizah, who inhabited the south eastern part of the city, to rebellion against the Prophet. Meanwhile the Prophet went on the offensive and routed the combined armies.

After discovering the aborted treachery of the Bani Quraizah, he dispatched Ali with a contingent of soldiers as vanguard towards the Quraizah. This was followed by the whole of the Muslim forces. In the end, unlike any previous treatment of the Cohanim, all the male members of the Quraizah were executed, their women and children were taken prisoner, and their properties were distributed among the Muslims.

Christian followers antagonistic to Jewish followers of the Prophet

Up to 624 CE, there is little allusion to Christianity in the Qu'ran.

Early reference to nasaara Christians had been to the sabioona, Judaic Sabians, who were also called nazoreans. They were descendants of Temple Sympathizers who were rejected by Sadducees and Rabbinites, and had begun to accept Christianity.

As far as the Prophet was concerned, they were all part of the Judaic Nation, descendants of Abraham, and People of the Book. But the Heraclius' persecutions of Jews and heretics had brought many Syrian Christians to Medina. Though differing in doctrine, all these Christians had one thing in common, their hatred for the Jews.

In 625CE, the Persians were defeated by Romans in attack on Constantinople.

The Byzantine forces continued to press the Iranians hard and in the decisive battle at Nineveh (627 CE) they dealt them the hardest blow. They captured the royal residence of Dastagerd, and then pressing forward reached right opposite to Ctesiphon, capital of Iran in those days.

In 628 CE, in an internal revolt, Khosrau Parvez was imprisoned and eighteen of his sons were executed in front of him and a few days later he himself died in the prison.

This was the year when the peace treaty of Hudaibiya was concluded, which the Quran has termed as "the supreme victory", and in this very year Khosrau's son, Kovad II, gave up all the occupied Roman territories, restored the True Cross and made peace with Byzantium.

In 628 CE, the Emperor himself went to Jerusalem to install the "Holy Cross" in its place, and in the same year the Holy Prophet entered Makkah for the first time after the Hijrah to perform the `Umra-tul-Qada'.

(TCS: Ironic, that Christians believe the True Cross is safe once again from enemies of Christianity, as only a few years laters Jerusalem was to be taken by the new threat, the Judeo-Muslims.)

Meanwhile wholesale persecution of the Jews continued. In 629CE, Dagobert orders the Jews of the Frankish empire to accept baptism or to emigrate.

(TCS: Note that Europeans in the Dark Ages were very aware of the treachery of the NT Jews against their Christian brethren of the Byzantine Empire. The media-Scribes of today will always note how Christians have "struck without warning" in persecutions of NT Jews in remote places like France, without noting the utter slaughter and betrayal of Christians by NT Jews in Christianity's own Holy Promised Land.)

To Save the Jews of Israel from Byzantine slaughter

In 628, after the defeat and death of Khosrau, Heraclius came as victor into Jerusalem. The Jews of Tiberias and Nazareth, under the leadership of Benjamin of Tiberias, changed sides and joined him as allies.

(TCS: You can always count on the French-like behavior of the NT Jews. They are faithful like Golden Retrievers when others are strong, but attack like wolves when others are weak.)

It is said that the Emperor would have kept peace with them had not fanatic monks instigated him to a massacre.

Only a few Jews escaped into Egypt or sought refuge in caves and in forests. In atonement for the violation of an oath to the Jews, the monks pledged themselves to a fast, which the Copts still observe.

Heraclius is said to have dreamed that destruction threatened the Byzantine Empire through a circumcised people. He therefore proposed to destroy all Jews who would not become Christians; and he is reported to have counseled Dagobert, king of the Franks, to do the same. The Tiburtine Sibyl said that the Jews of the Byzantine Empire would be converted in one hundred and twenty years (by 628 CE).

Muslims capture Mecca

In 630 CE, the Prophet, with 10,000 Islamic warriors, captured Mecca without resistance. After claiming the religious center of the Ka'aba, the Prophet was now the spiritual and military leader of all Arabia and all Muslims. For the first time, the various militias of Arabia were able to gather together under one leader, not even under Dhu Nuwas was there this amount of unity.

It might have ended here, but with increased pressure from the Judaic tribes of Arabia, and constant assurances from Shallum that the Exilarch's people would come to the aid of the Prophet, the horizons of Islam began to grow.

(TCS: THIS BEARS REPEATING: Translation for Christians -- the "Muslim side" of the Judeo-Muslims would have been perfectly happy with just uniting Arabia and living in peace, but the "Judeo side" of the Judeo-Muslims wanted to go on the road in a Judeo-Muslim CRUSADE, eating up the totally exhausted remnants of the Persian and Byzantine Empires)

Muslims Prohibition alchohol because the Exliarch's son murders Christian Bucheran

(TCS: Now we will learn that the Astrologer Bucheran was a Christian supporter of Muhammad, but was vehemently opposed to the NT Jews. The treachery that the NT Jews get away with is astounding)

Shallum and Aliman now resolved among themselves to remove the dangerous enemy of the Jews, Bucheran.

One evening Muhammad, Bucheran, Aliman, and Shallum, were drinking together; the latter two soon saw that Muhammad and the astrologer were strongly intoxicated, and lay stretched out in a deep and profound sleep.

Shallum thereupon drew the sword of Muhammad from its scabbard, cut off therewith Bucheran's head, and put the bloody sword back into its receptacle, and both then lay themselves down quietly near Muhammad to sleep.

When Muhammad awoke and saw his friend lying decapitated near him, he cried out in a fury: "This terrible deed has been done by one of us three in our drunkenness!"

Shallum thereupon said quite unconcernedly: "Let each one draw his sword, and he whose weapon is stained with blood, must needs be the murderer!"

They all drew their swords, and that of Muhammad was completely dyed with fresh blood, which proved thus clearly to his satisfaction that he had murdered his friend. He was greatly grieved at this discovery; cursed and condemned the wine which was the cause of this murder, and swore that he never would drink any more, and that also no one should do so who wishes to enter heaven. This is the cause why wine is prohibited to the Mohammedans.

(TCS: This Machiavellian murderous act, done in the name of Judaism to support anti-Christian goals, is repugnant to civilization.)

The first goal outside Arabia was to save the Jews of Israel from Byzantine slaughter.

(TCS: Very important concept. The idea fro Judeo-Muslim Crusade was not to spread Islam, but to protect the NT Jews who had betrayed Christianity)

Shallum may also have dreamed of Jerusalem as his capital. The troops assembled "from Havilah to Shur."

All the remnants of the sons of Israel assembled and united with the Arabs and became a large force.

(TCS: A large force of Jews and Arabs, hence making - JUDEO-Muslims)

Under the command of Ali and Shallum, they entered the Sinai, opposite Egypt. The Byzantine army was encamped in Arabia (trans-Jordan).

The Muslims fell upon them suddenly, struck them with the sword and put to flight Emperor Heraclius' brother, Theodosius. Then the Muslims turned and encamped in Arabia (trans-Jordan). After this first victory against an international army, the Prophet sent letters to all rulers of the world explaining Islam.

In his letter to Heraclius, he demanded that he relinquish Israel. He dispatched a message to the Byzantine emperor, saying:

    "God gave that country as the inherited property of Abraham and of his sons after him. We are the sons of Abraham. It is too much that you hold our country. Leave in peace..."

    ---Mohammad telling Heraclius to give up his Christian lands

The Emperor rejected this. He did not provide a fitting response to the message but rather said:

    "The country is mine. Your inheritance is the desert [Arabia]. So go in peace to your country."

    --Heraclius telling Mohammad to go jump in a lake -- or sand dune -- whatever he can find.

Just before he fell sick, the Prophet had given orders for an expedition to Israel. Usama ibn Zeid led a contingent of soldiers as far as Yavneh near modern day Tel Aviv

Death of the Prophet, Abu Bakr's Appointment, and Shallum's Rebellion - 632 AD

In 632 CE, the Prophet Muhammad passed away.

The council of Medina tried to elect a successor, Sa'd ibn 'Obada of the Khazraj, but the Muslims were bitterly divided, they even considered appointing two leaders: Judaic (Khazraj) and Sadducean (Quraish).

(TCS: The authors are trying to be confusing here because both sides they are talking about were Jews. The Judaic (Khazraj)(Pharisees) were exils from the Judean revolts, while the Sadducean (Quraish)(Sadducees) were natives, if not past immigrants from the Babylonian Captivity days where Sadducees stayed behind to help run the Judeo-Perisian Empire, but at some time were exiled from Persia.)

Abu Bakr did much to try and unite the faithful. He brought the mutinying tribes back under his control and he began to collect the fragments of what would become the Qur'an. But the struggle for unity of Islam brought about the codification of Islam, and the diversity that was once apparent under the Prophet was lost.

(TCS: Translation: Muhammad was tolerant; however, the intolerant NT Jewish influence would prevail in Islam)

Islamic tradition ascribes the preservation of Islam to Abu Bakr:

    "On the death of Mohammad, in a little bit the Faithful would have perished utterly. But the Lord strengthened the heart of Abu Bakr, and established us in the resolve to give place not for one moment to the Kafir;—giving answers to them but in these three words Submission, Exile, or the Sword."

(TCS: The NT Jewish eternal enemies, the Amalakites, became the Kafir under Islam)

In reality one form of Islam was being raised above the others, the Quraish' Sadducean variety as espoused by a major influx of Christian converts to Islam.

(TCS: For clarification, the Sadducees are not pro-Christian, but the Judeo-Muslims convinced former Christians to hate the Catholic Christians, much as I have seen and heard where the Jewish media-Scribes have conditioned Protestant Christians even today into believing that Catholic Christians are the real enemy and are the only evil in the world, but that non-Christian Jews are God's Children.)

But for now, there was peace between all the factions for the sake of the new faith.

(TCS: Rabbi Shallum, now Abu Bakr, leader of all Islam, had given Muhammad is daughter in marriage. Rabbi Shallum's daughter, Aisha, was given to Muhammad when she was 6-years-old and Muhammad consummated his marriage with her when she was 9. He was at the time, 54 years old. Many have rightfully condemned Islam because of implications that their founder was a pedophile. But what of a religion where their Rabbis freely give their own daughters to pedophiles? Upon Muhammad's death, this Rabbi, this Rabbi Shallum, a NT Jew, would lead all of Islam as the first Caliph. A pedophile to be followed by a pedophile's best friend. Amazing!)

The Conquest of Persia and Shallum's Return

Chaldea and southern Syria belong geographically to Arabia. The Judaic tribes inhabiting this region, partly (at least in name) Christian, formed an integral part of the Judaic nation and as such fell within the immediate scope of the new faith. Four years previously (627 CE), Heraclius had marched from the Black Sea and decisively routed the Persians on the field of Nineveh. He advanced triumphantly to the gates of the Persian capital. The Persians troops mutinied and killed Persian king Khosrau in November, 628 CE.

In the space of four years afterwards, the royal title was assumed by nine candidates, who disputed, with the sword or dagger, the fragments of an exhausted monarchy. Being informed of the chaos in Persia and the threat to Jews in Babylon, Shallum (Salmaan Farsi) longed to go there.

(TCS: Islam would advance into Persia to take advantage of an empire exhausted by wars against the Byzantines, but the real motives were, ONCE AGAIN, to protect NT Jews left over from the Babylonian era that stayed on when their Persian Messiah Cyrus the Great granted special favors to the NT Jews. Mostly likely, the reason NT Jews were in danger in Persia was because they were rightfully seen as the root cause of the imminent demise of their Persian empire.)

Seeing rebellion and discord Shallum began to regret his opposition to Abu Bakr.

Abu Bakr, anticipating opposition, sent his general Khalid was to subdue Chaldea. When Al-Muthanna was overwhelmed by Persian troops by the Great Canal (a branch of the Tigris which runs across the Peninsula), Khalid, joined him and routed the enemy. Khalid scoured the country, killing all the men fit for war and taking their women captive. But the Jewish peasants he left unharmed.

(TCS: Why the act of mercy towards the NT Jews? Had not the NT Jews been Persia's greatest cheerleader?)

Khalid beheaded their leaders in front of the city walls, and every adult male of the garrison led forth and put to death; while the women and children were made over to the soldiers or sold into slavery.

In a Jewish academy nearby, forty students joined the invading forces. Amongst them were progenitors of several distinguished men, such as Ibn Ishak the historian, and Musa the conqueror of Spain.

(TCS: A NT Jew named Musa conquered Spain. Could explain pretty well why the Chrisitans in the Spanish Inquisition focused on NT Jews as well as their allies, the Judeo-Muslims. But Jewish media-Scribes today cannot understand why Christians have a beef with Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees)

Shallum, the brother of an Exilarch betrayed by the Persians, rose up to overthrow the Sassanian Dynasty.

(TCS: The brother didn't forget did he? The Persians would accommodate the NT Jewish Patriarch in Exile, the Exilarch,for centuries, but this "presumed" Exilarch would turn on them and impose a Judiazed Islam on Persia. Persia would be betrayed from within by their NT Jewish guests.)

He commanded a zealous army of Kharajtes and trained them to achieve two aims: Get the Paradise of the Earth (Iran) or die for the paradise of heaven.

Shallum using his accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and culture, adapted the teachings of the Prophet into a universal religion that included Jews and Persians. He supported the Jewish academies in Pumbedita and Sura. He translated the Qur'an into Persian, something that until now had been strictly limited to Arabic.

In 637 CE, Shallum defeated the Persian army of 20,000 soldiers in the battle of Qadisiya. He went on to capture the Persian capital Ctesiphon and occupy all of Iraq. Shallum established his capital in Mahoza, the ancient seat of the Exilarch.

(TCS: Just to make a point about whom the new boss would be -- the Jews.)

After his death, his zealous followers misused the opportunity and put the country under military rule. The Zoroastrians reported that they burned their libraries and books. They destroyed castles and forced their followers to believe nothing but Islam. No one was allowed to say: this is my land and I am an Iranian in my country, but one only could say: I am a Moslem, and I am a servant to my Arab masters.

Shallum (Salman Farsi) was recognized by Arabs and Jews as a hero, his name even appears in the Qur'an, while to Iranians Salman Farsi was a traitor.

(TCS: Duh!)

Conquest and Victory at Jerusalem

'Umar decided to return to the aborted conquest of Israel.

What was originally a mission of mercy became a mission of conquest.

(TCS: a mission of conquest = Islamic Jihadic Crusade across half the Byzantine Empire -- after freeing Jerusalem)

The Muslim army was in three divisions of 5000 men each, the commanders being 'Amr ibn al-'As, Shurahbil ibn Hasana, and Yezid. To each of these divisions one of the districts of Syria-Palestine was assigned as its field of operations.

In 635, Battle of Yarmuk occurred.

Convinced that the Rome was at war with the Jews, Emperor Heraclius decreed forced baptism on North African Jewish communities.

(TCS: People today would say that Heraclius believed in CONSPIRACY THEORIES. -- No, it wasn't the Jews, it's the Muslims silly!)

Heraclius started organizing an international force, as many as 70,000 troops. The Muslims reached Damascus, but were forced to withdraw to Yarmuk.

Heraclius ordered that his troops were to pursue the Muslims, stipulating that they were not to engage them in war, but rather to keep on the alert until he could assemble his other troops and send them to help. Now the Byzantines reached the Jordan and crossed into Arabia [trans-Jordan]. Leaving their campsite on the riverbank, the Byzantines went on foot to attack the Muslims' camp. The Muslims, however, had placed part of their army in ambuscades here and there, lodging the multitude in dwellings around the camp. Then they drove in herds of camels which they penned around the camp and the tents, tying them at the foot with rope. Such was the fortification of their camp. The beasts were fatigued from the journey, and so the Byzantines were able to cut through the camp fortification, and started to kill the Muslims. But suddenly the men in the ambuscades sprung from their places and fell upon them. The Byzantine troops turned in flight before them. There was great anxiety caused by the heat of the sun and the enemy's sword was upon them. All the generals fell and perished. More than 2,000 men were slain. A few survivors fled to a place of refuge.

After defeating the Byzantines, they marched onward to capture Damascus. In 636 CE Gaza was conquered. 'Umar visited Syria to begin to develop governmental policies.

In 637 CE, Caesarea was under siege for seven months until a Jew named Joseph led the Moslem attackers through a tunnel to capture the city.

(TCS: Thank you very much for your craftiness Joseph in helping give us Islam)

Later that year Damascus fell.

After the capture of Damascus, the Muslims crossed the Jordan and encamped at Jericho. Then dread of them came over the inhabitants of the country, and all of them submitted. That night the chief citizens of Jerusalem took the "Cross of the Lord" and all the vessels of the churches, and fled with them by boat to the palace at Constantinople. The Jerusalemites requested an oath from the Arabs and then submitted, but only if the Khalif would come in person to confirm the treaty.

When 'Amr and his Jewish soldiers arrived in Jerusalem, they planned to rebuild the Temple. At the time they enjoyed full support from the Sadducean Muslims (Hagarenes).

(TCS: note the authors are talking of "Jewish" soldiers)

Khalif 'Umar entrusted Shallum's son, Heman, to erect a wooden mosque on the Temple Mount to replace the temporary structure built by the Jews. This structure was for Jews, Jewish converts to Islam, and Muslims to pray together facing Mecca. This mosque was restricted such that no other than Jews and Muslims were not allowed. It was referred to as "their private place of prayer".

Khalif 'Umar encouraged all Jews from Arabia, Babylon or Egypt to move to Israel, although later historians would say that 'Umar expelled them.

In addition to building the common mosque, Heman also pursued a strictly Rabbinite agenda, he invited seventy Rabbinic families from Tiberias to form the new Sanhedrin.

(TCS: The Ancestor to the Great Sanhedrin of our day and age)

Omar agreed that seventy households should come to Jerusalem from Tiberias.

The Messianic Age

For the Muslims, Jewish converts to Islam, and even some Rabbinite Jews, they were now living in the Messianic Age. The Masjid al Aqsa, Al-Aqsa Mosque was the reconstructed Third Temple. Heraclius was Armilos, the anti-Christ, and he had been vanquished.

(TCS: Funny, today the Protestants demean the Catholic Pope as the anti-Christ, but this belief in the anti-Christ is strange indeed coming from NON_CHRISTIANS!)

A nation of the faithful which included Jews, and those who kept the seven laws, the Muslims, were now creating a new order. There were problems between the various followers, but it was assumed that they would soon be worked out.

Problems in the Messianic Age

To the Christians converts to Islam, the Jews were a throw back to a previous age.

The Jews were resisting the message of Islam, and were inviting revolt and rebellion.

To the Khalif, the commander of the faithful, the Jewish converts to Islam were a little of both.

(TCS: Did the Khalif wonder if the NT Jewish "converts" to Islam were just using Islam for selfish gain? I don't see what the Christian converts would have gained.)

In 642 CE, after being Exilarch for two years, Heman felt that preaching alone would not get him anywhere.

Judaism was taking more and more of a back seat in the Islamic state, and the Christian converts were fast becoming the majority.

(TCS: Here is an admission that Islam, at its birth, was a majority of Jews who had freely converted. Real Christians were not converted, but beheaded, while the remaining scared-to-death and weak Christians from these conquests of Byzantine lands were being converted by the threat of the Sword. And let's not forget the Zoarasteran converts of the entire Persian Empire, nor forget the Al-Lah converts of the entire Arab Penesula.)

They had robbed the Jews of their place of prayer by the Sakhrah rock, and were reducing the role of the Exilarch.

(TCS: Could it be that the Jewish Muslims were losing thier grip on Islam? Could it be that the Jewish Communists lost their grip on Russia in much the same way?)

Creation of Shite-Sunni Split

It was then that Exilarch's men (al-Julati) became extremists (al-Ghulat) and came up with a plan to rid Jerusalem of Christian leadership.

Three of the Exilarch's men, slaughtered two pigs and put them in Masjid al- Aqsa, Al-Aqsa mosque, which at that time was still used by both Jews and Muslims but not Christians.

Now it happened that there was a certain grandee Ishmaelite who went to worship in their common house of prayer. He encountered the Exilarch's men as they were coming out of the mosque. Blood was running down the walls and on the floor of the mosque. As soon as the man saw them, he stopped and said something or other to them. They replied and departed. The man at once went inside to pray. He saw the sight, and quickly turned to catch the men. When he was unable to find them, he was silent and went to his place. Then many Muslims entered the place and saw the evil, and they spread a lament throughout the city.

The Jews told Heman that the Christians had desecrated their place of prayer. Heman issued an order that all the Christians leaders were to be gathered together. Just as they wanted to put them to the sword, the man came and addressed them:

    "Why shed so much blood in vain? Order all the Jews to assemble and I shall point out the guilty ones."

As soon as they were all assembled and the man walked among them, he recognized the three men whom he had previously encountered. Seizing them, the Arabs tried them with great severity until they disclosed the plot.

Heman was implicated along with the Jews, It was ordered that six of the Exilarch's men be killed, but the other Jews were allowed to return to their places.

(TCS: Once again we see NT Jewish treachery and scheming.)

Heman fled to Basra. There he stayed with Hakim b Jabala, a brigand. He preached that those who robbed the rich were not outlaws; they merely aimed at narrowing down the differences between the rich and the poor. He insinuated that the Government which depended upon the support of the rich was a tyranny. The common men came to feel that Abdullah b Saba was their well-wisher. From Basra, Heman came to Kufa where he led the life of an ascetic and the people were attracted to him.

In Kufa, most of the people favored Ali. Heman exploited this position in a subtle way. By his subtle talks he exhorted the people of Kufa to rise and overthrow Uthman and install Ali as the Khalif. He would argue,

    "O Muslims, under the circumstances it is not for you to undertake Jihad across the borders of the Muslim dominions; the real Jihad lies against the Khalif who has stolen Islam".

(TCS: In pitting poor against rich, the NT Jewish Exilarch Heman was inciting a "communist revolution" in the "formerly Persian-Zoroastrian" Islam of Iran against the "formerly Arab" Islamic majority of Palestine, Egypt and Iraq. Thus was created the Shiite (Persian) and Sunni (Arab) versions of Islam)

Heman was known among Jews as the messiah of Pumbedita.

Around 645 CE, a Christian Syrian chronicle mentions a Jewish man who declared that he was the messiah in Pumbedita. At the beginning of the Arab conquest, when Iraq was not yet the center of the Caliphate, during the unstable reign of the Khalif Uthman, the messiah of Pumbedita (Heman) and about four hundred armed men, rose up, burned three unspecified houses of worship, and killed the local ruler before they were stopped by a garrison of the Khalif. They, their wives, and their children were killed.

Heman fled Kufa, and came to Syria. Here he came across Abu Dhar Ghifari. Abu Dhar Ghifari was an eminent companion of the Holy Prophet who was held in high esteem by the people.

He, however, propounded ultra socialist doctrines, and vehemently denounced the luxurious way of living of the rulers. That made him very popular with the poor.

Heman exploited this position in Syria, and posed himself as a devoted follower of Abu Dhar Ghifari. Meeting Abu Dhar Ghifari, Heman said, "Look Sir, the Governor calls the 'Baitul Mal', the property of Allah. That is a device to avoid its distribution among the people." The argument appealed to Abu Dhar Ghifari, and when he saw Muawiyah he was critical of the amassing of funds in the treasury; he wanted the immediate distribution of available funds among the people.

(TCS: Heman, the NT Jewish leader further attempting to spread communism to help his own cause.)

From Syria, Heman went to Egypt. There he found the atmosphere more congenial. Muhammad b Abu Bakr and Muhammad b Hudhaifa were already carrying on hostile attacks against Uthman. Heman took advantage of this position. The common men who listened to him came to regard him as a staunch Muslim and felt that there was considerable weight in what he said. By such activities the Heman tried to wage a war against Islamic leadership on the intellectual plane. Heman sent emissaries to major towns in the Muslim empire.

(TCS: The Exilarch Heman was a Sadducean media-Scribe it appears.)

In 660 CE, when 'Ali became Khalif, Heman approached 'Ali to try and regain the position of Exilarch.

In 642 CE, after the debacle with the pigs implicated Heman and resulted in Heman's removal from the Exilarch, 'Umar summoned Yaakov (Ka'b al-Ahbar) to find his thoughts on the matter. 'Umar summoned Yaakov and said to him: "Where do you think better to build the musalla, oratory?" Ka'b replied: "Beside the rock". In another narration: "If you seek my advice, I prefer to pray behind the rock, i.e. the rock would be the qiblah." 'Umar said: "O Jewish person [son of a Jewish woman], you are mixing your Jewishness [with Islam]. I shall build it at the forefront of the mosque, as to us belong the forefronts of the mosques, and I saw you and the way you took off your shoes." He said: "I liked to conduct it with my foot."

This Haddith seems to show Yaakov's true intentions. Perhaps with the liberation of Jerusalem by the Muslims, Yaakov began to be interested for the first time in mixing Judaism and Islam to push Muslims to achieve "Jewish goals", as it says "take vengeance ... upon the Romans". This is exactly what happened in 614 CE during the Persian conquest of Jerusalem. The Jews & Persians took vengeance on the Romans and it is said that several tens of thousands of Christians died. This turned the war against the Persians and brought about the fall of the Persian empire. So it obviously would have been unwise for 'Umar to take up this cause.

Judaism broken away from Judeo-Islam

'Umar ordered Jews removed from Masjid al-Aqsa to a synagogue outside the Temple Mount, outside its south western corner.

(TCS: NT Jews no longer welcomed in the al-Aqsa Mosque. Lost control and making enemies everywhere they step.)

Jews prayed in synagogues in the south western corner until the early Sixteenth Century.

At that time the Islamic Ottoman Empire forbade them to pray in the synagogues and destroyed them. They sent the Jews to pray near the Western Wall and the history of this wall as a temporary place of prayer and a bridge to the Temple started at this time.

(TCS: Of course the Ottoman Empire would change their relationship with the NT Jews. By this time, quite a few NT Jews were like rats abandoning a sinking ship. The Christians were coming out of their "Dark Ages", bringing a Renaissance. Their gaining strength enabled them to recapture Andalusia. The NT Jewish Golden Age was over. No longer would the Muslims want to call themselves Judeo-Muslims. And as a consequence, the Ottoman Empire would slowly crumble. As a matter of fact, this marks the transition of Judaism from dominating Islam to once again dominating Christianity. By enabling the Protestant Revolution with their printing press media-Scribe propaganda, the NT Jews would be able to rule a divided Protestant-Catholic Judeo-Christian world, as they once ruled a divided Shiite-Sunni Judeo-Muslim world.)

Khalif 'Umar's Selection of Rabbinic Judaism as "true" Judaism

When the Exilarch Heman fled to Basra in 642 CE, Khalif 'Umar installed Bustenai as Exilarch. The Jewish converts to Islam had become too extreme, and yet the Khalif wished to retain the careful balance between Judaism and the Muslims as espoused by the Prophet, and confirmed by his relationship with Shallum (Salmaan Farsi). Rabbinical Judaism was chosen to be the form of Judaism that would not pose a threat to the stability of the Islamic state.

(TCS: Rabbis are then considered to be a closer friend of Islam than Sadduceans. Interesting, as Jesus HATED even Sadducees.)

The Khalif would recognize Rabbinic Judaism as the only sanctioned form of Judaism (it was even at that time in the minority) throughout the lands of Islam, and the Rabbinites would prevent any Messianic claims, or attempts at making a presence on the Temple Mount, from destabilizing the Caliphate. Rabbinic opinion actually discourages nationalistic attempts at restoration of the Temple.

(TCS: The rabbis would not revolt against Islam in order to create a Judean state, but Pharisees and Sadducees would revolt against Christian Rome. Why didn't we figure that one out? Opps, sorry, they did -- The rabbis joined the Christians and now Jerusalem is in Jewish hands, not Muslim hands.)

The acquisition of large numbers of Christian subjects (and converts) made the privileged position of the Islamic Jews and their leaders untenable, resulting in a conflict over the construction of Temple and the deposition of the reigning militant Exilarch in favor of academic Bostanoi (coincident with many royal privileges on the new Exilarch and the Rabbinic academies). During the ensuing civil war the Islamic Jews backed the loosing side.

Jewish nationalism, more than Jewish messianism, drove Judeo-Islamic politics.

(TCS: Jews never seem to assimulate anywhere)

It led the Jews in search of a leader, and led an Exilarch to overreach his power and seek confrontation with the Christians.

The increasing numbers of Christian converts to Islam led to the reduction of both the power and privileges of the Exilarchate. Caliph 'Umar is seen in this context as simply trying to keep war from breaking out, trying to prevent another catastrophe similar to what lead to the sack of Jerusalem in 614 and the turn of the war against the Persians. For this reason both Caliph 'Umar and later Caliph 'Ali supported a double strategy of distancing the militant extremists and heaping great honors on the non-militant Rabbinical academies, declaring Rabbinic Judaism the only authorized form of Judaism within the growing Islamic empire, leaving the dethroned Islamic Jewish leaders like Abu-Issa and Yugdan to fade into mysticism.

(TCS: Is this PROOF, that Islam is NON-MILITANT, but the self-contained Judaism within it pushes it to war? In the same way, isn't Christianity non-violent, but the Judaic part of the Judeo-Christians keep pushing us to war?)

In 681 CE, Hussein, the second son of Ali and thus a grandson of the prophet Mohammed, challenged Yazid's right to the caliphate. Encouraged by factions that opposed Yazid I, Hussein marched to Kufa, expecting to be received with honor and enthusiasm. However, Yazid I sent a strong military force that killed Hussein and all his family on October 10, 680 AD. The 10th of Muharram coincided with Yom Kippur. Hussein was fasting. When trapped from reaching Kufa, he headed to Nehardea or Pumbedita to receive protection from the Rabbinites.

(TCS: A great Muslim leader was celebrating Yon Kippur?)

The last of the Exilarchic Messiahs was Shabbatai Zvi, the son of a wealthy merchant from Smyrna. He gave the boy the best Jewish education possible. Shabbatai possessed a captivating personality but he was easily influenced by others. He grew up to believe that he had a special calling by God to perform great deeds. He set out on an attempt to capture Turkey. The Jews there awaited his arrival excitedly. Many Muslims came to believe in him too. When he arrived he was immediately arrested. The Sultan did not kill him however and he was treated quite well. This favor by Turks only fanned the flame of enthusiasm further. Jewish communities all over the world sent emissaries with proclamations of Shabbatai's messiahship. A Polish Kabbalist came to visit Shabbatai and debate Torah with him. He denounced Shabbatai for fomenting sedition. Shabbatai was taken to the Sultan, where he denied that he was the messiah. He was given the choice of death or conversion to Islam. On September 15, 1666, Shabbatai, the messiah, converted to Islam. The Jews reeled in shock at these events. While some accepted the fact that they had been misled, others clung to their Messiah, believing somehow that the conversion as part of his messianic mission. In a form of self censure, they destroyed all the records relating to what had happened. They went underground with their hopes, as other leaders tried to take his place.

Concluding Remarks

With Shabbatai Zvi, great hope was followed by deep disappointment, leading to a censoring and an attempt to forget events. This appears to be what happened with Nehemiah ben Hushiel and his hopeful conquest of Jerusalem in 614 CE that ended in tragedy. Almost all record has been destroyed or has been censured by the Rabbis. On the one hand this non-political position has allowed the Rabbinic Jews to flourish among their enemies without being perceived as a threat, unlike the Khawarij. On the other hand, it has led to a history of Islam that appears to stand isolated, unrelated to outside events, incomprehensible and seemingly contradictory.

The flight of Hussein to Babylon, and his assassination along with his whole family at Kerbala, was not just a tragedy for the Shiites. It was a tragedy for the Jews and Judeo-Islamic relations as well.

For Muslims, we must recognize the debt to the many brave converts from Judaism who fought valiantly, and gave their lives for the cause of the Prophet. It was not just a few Jews (and Judaic peoples) who declared their wholehearted submission to the Prophet. Perhaps at least some of the current antagonism of Islam towards Judaism can be seen as misplaced.

Surely, Judaism is not the "enemy" of Islam.

Perhaps, given the context of the wars between the Rome and the Jews from Hadrian to Heraclius, Jihad can be seen in its original light. For Jews, we must recognize that Rabbinic Judaism exists today, and flourishes in the study of the Talmudic writings, largely because of the Islamic Caliphate. If Heraclius had succeeded in conquering Persia, it could have been that all the Jews of world would be converted or slaughtered in "one hundred and twenty years." Also, at a time when the Judaic nation was getting swept away in prophetic and Messianic fervor, Islam chose Rabbinic Judaism to lead a way out of the confusion.

It is possible that the future of Islamic-Jewish relations may be with our past.

Concluding Remarks from The Christian Solution

The authors have clearly shown that representatives of the 12 tribes of Israel, from all over the world, sent an emmisary to populate the "Council of the Righeous", and to work with the last son of the Exilarch Shallum and Mohammad, to craft a new religion, givng all credit to Mohammad.

The authors have clearly shown that these Jews thought Mohammad to be the true Messiah, and thought that Jesus Christ was a false Messiah.

The authors have clearly shown that the large influx of non-Jewish convert, without a solid founding in Judaism, stole the religion away from them.

(Possibly, the original Jewish followers of the Messiah feel the same way about Christianity being stolen away from them?)

The authors have indeed shown the world the real meaning of Jihad. Christians should now know that Jihad is not just an Islamic Holy War, but one involving Judaism declaring total war against their Christianity, with the help of first the empire of Persia and later the religion of Islam, both providing the muscle and both doing the bleeding for the side of the Sadducees and Pharisees.

The authors show where the Jews lost total control of Islam, but still retained great influence.

Today, roles are reversed.

Now it is Christians who do the bloody jihad for the Jewish Lobby in the name of Israel, by helping them get back Jerusalem and by helping them hold on to it against their Muslim neighbors.

Of course, if the roles were perfectly reversed, Christians would take back all of North Africa, Constantinople and all of Asia Minor on both sides of Constantinople and convert them BACK to Christianity. We would put Muslims under a heavy Christian tax and persecute them so badly as a minority they would decide it was best to freely become Christian.

Then Christianity would have its won 800-year Golden Age.

The Byzantines under Heraclius trying to take back their lands, indeed their Holy Lands from the NT Jews were viewed back then in no better light than the Palistinians under Arafat are viewed today, when they try to get back their lands and homes.

We learn that Rabbinate morals are morals of appeasement. The Rabbis, favored by Islam, are the outward vision of Judaism; harmless and non-menacing; whereas, the Pharisees and Sadduceans, which Jesus warned Christians to beware of, lurk in the shadows of Judaism in endless Machiavellian tricks.

We learn of the complicity in Judaism destroying its own heroes just to advance its own causes. The Persian Empire of their first Messiah, Cyrus the Great, along with Darius, and Xerxes that Judaism created and nurtured for centuries, would be tasked to weaken the Christian Roman Empire in endless wars of attrition over the Holy Lands, leaving their second Messiah, Muhammad, waiting in the wings as a mop-up operation to finish off the Persian Empire and to take complete control for themselves, all of Persia, as well as the Holy Lands from the Christians.

That Judaism never fully gained the confidence of the Islam they created, allowing them to fully control Israel, is more an indication of their constantly being caught in satanic evil deeds, trying to split and conquer their own benefactor.

And so, we learn of the complicity of Judaism in creating and then taking advantage of the titanic divide between Shiite and Sunni Islam, which is reminiscent of the titanic divide between Protestants and Christians, beginning immediately after Judaism ventured back into Christian lands in the beginning of the Sixteenth Century.

We learn of Judaism fostering Islam through the Judaic Golden Age, after which, they once again abandon Islam in favor of Renaissance Christianity.

The most important bit of knowledge to take away from this marvelous work is how closely Islam was genetically-bred to complement Judaism. There are no fundamental disagreements between Islam and NT Judaism. Our modern-day NT Jewish-filled media-Scribe monopoly never gave a peep when the Persian Muslims of Iran and other Muslims started pouring into the United States during the 1970's; just as they never complained when Germany imported millions of Ottoman Turkish Muslims in the decades prior to that. France is quickly filling with Algerian Muslims and England has more Indian Muslims than many care to admit.

Christianity must be on guard against Judaism reestablishing their traditional historic ties with Islam, in order to finish Christianity off, once and for all, as they finished off the monotheistic religion of Zoroaster.

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Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
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The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008