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July 23, 2009
Take Two Aspirin, then Take a NumberSource: Ann Coulter Take Two Aspirin And Call Me When Your Cancer is Stage 4 We started down this path with "preventive care" and now look at the mess we have. Ann Coulter spells it out in plain English -- Insurance is a necessary evil to protect us should an even greater evil befall us. We buy home insurance in case our home burns down. A home is expensive and we could not easily replace it if were destroyed. In contrast, we do not insure a pair of pants, because a pair of pants is cheap, has a known limited life span, has no tangible value most of its life span, and is easily replaced. Same for his bed, couch, toaster, hair brush, lawn mower, ect. The cumulative effect of insuring individually for each and every item you use in a home, for anything that could happen to them, would be far more expensive than only insuring one home against an extremely rare catastrophic fire. The odds of your home burning down are infinitesimally small; whereas, the odds of needing a new pair of pants is 100%. Some people use a pair of pants until the holes in them no longer covers their modesty. Others by a new pair of pants every time there is a stain on them. But, if your home burned down, the homeowners insurance covers not only the home, but all the items in the home which you could not replace all at one time, including the pair of jeans hanging in your closet. A $150,000 home can be insured for less than $1,000 a year. The bet is over 150 to 1. The cost to individually insure $10,000 of goods inside the home, would probably be much more than $1,000 per year. A bet of less than 10 to 1. At some point, people decide the risk/reward factors for themselves. Health Insurance in a Sane World Catastrophic health care with high deductibles as is used in a Health Savings Account (HSA) is actually dirt cheap. The high deductible prevents two things from happening. First, it eliminates all trivial medical expenses one should pay for themselves, such as a physical at a doctor's office, a routine cast for a broken arm and other routine procedures. This is not an important reason for a deductible, as the insurance could have simply stated that they do not pay for these common types of procedures. Second, and the most important reason for a deductible, it cuts out the majority of the expense for the insurance company. That sounds greedy, but it is not. A high deductable enables the insurance company to provide a much cheaper premium. But greed does play a factor in capitalism. Greed without competition, tells the insurance company to insure everything to collect the highest premium, but greed with competition, also tells the insurance company that he will not get any premiums, unless, the premiums are affordable and the insurance absolutely needed. Major medical expenses can be plotted like many other things in life. It follows a histogram. There are minor medical expenses falling below the deductible which the insurance company will not have to pay any on. There are the common major medical expenses that the deductible will pay most of, with the insurance company picking up the rest. And then there are the incredibly expensive operations that the deductible will help a little, but the insurance will pay most of. The insurance company in a sane world never pays for "a pair of jeans". There are some ladies who see a highly paid doctor several times a month. She is like the lady who buys a new pair of pants after each wash because the pants faded a little. There are others, such a men who will not see a doctor unless he is on a gurney. He is the kind of man who will wear his jeans until there is more jean threads in the lint trap of his dryer than still in his jeans. Each decides for himself how much care he wants. Government always has a "better idea" For health care, the federal government combines insuring the home with insuring the pair of pants (and bed, couch, toaster, hair brush, lawn mower, ect) Insurance companies do not mind the government mandated frills added, as they can collect the added premiums. Should people decide that the premiums were too high and stop paying them, the media-Scribes can declare a "health care crisis", and the government can then be counted on to pass a law which requires everyone to have the government-mandated medical insurance -- there is no choice in the matter. Doctors are the most expensive person most of us will ever need services of. They should be use sparingly. Visiting a doctor should be more expensive than getting a haircut, but we write our congressmen when our co-pays to our doctor get to be more expensive than our haircut. I am not a doctor, but I would be offended to be compared to a "hair sylist", which is just a fancy word for a barber. Doctors are expensive, so we want someone else to pay for the service -- hence the reason government is involved. The government pays for quite a few American medical bills already -- Medicare for the elderly, Medicaid for the poor, Veterans for anyone who ever served their country, emergency rooms for the marginally poor, and tax-deductible employer-provided health care for the working middle class -- all government creations. And government tells the insurance company that it must combine catastrophic major medical with "preventive care" office visits. We were told that everyone wants "preventive care", because it saves on major medical. Right? Well, if it did, one is truly amazed that those "greedy" medical insurance companies could never figure that out. They could have been making more money with bigger premiums collected. Instead, it takes a brainy politician to figure out those esoteric things. Later, on top of "preventive care", government mandated layers and layers of medical care many people do not want to pay for. Such as, expensive in vitro fertilization, mental screenings, Viagra, the pill, etc. A lot of people do not want to pay for all these frills, or cannot afford to pay for all the frills; especially after paying taxes for the Medicare, Medicaid, emergency rooms for any takers, veterans care and tax subsidised employer provided medical care. Their taxes have to pay for the medical care of the old and poor, while making up for the taxes the employers are not paying for their workers' medical care. Ann sums up with an interesting observation.
Instead of making health care more like the DMV, how about we make it more like grocery stores? Give the poor and tough cases health stamps and let the rest of us buy health care -- and health insurance -- on the free market. -- Ann Coulter You can read further at Solutions. Article located at: |
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