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Sept 5, 2009

"Matchmaker, Matchmaker, make me a Match"
The Illegal and Immoral Trade in Human Organs
(Part 2)

James Fanelli

Emily Witt
How did organ trafficking scheme stay hidden?

U.S. Rabbis accused
of illegal trade in Human Organs

Rabbi Isaac Rosenbaum
Rabbi Eliahu Ben Haim
Chief Rabbi Saul Kassin
Principal Rabbi Edmund Nahum
Rabbi Mordchai Fish

Question: Was there a Cover-up by the entire Judaic Faith?

What is the reason given by the media-Scribes for not covering the Rabbi world-wide organ-harvesting conspiracy?

Rabbi Rosenbaum is already taped by the FBI of having to "shmear" a lot of people -- i.e., bribe many public officials.

Did the bribes pay off?

    Nancy Scheper-Hughes is an anthropologist from the University of California, Berkeley, who has documented the international organ trafficking business for more than a decade. The Daily News in New York reported that Scheper-Hughes had informed the FBI about Rosenbaum's business seven years before he was finally arrested.

Sounds like the Bush administration had known about this almost the entire time in office and did nothing.

There is talk that the Jewish Synagogues were engaged in international money laundering through Jewish charities. The money was washed by the Jewish charities for a 5% tp 10% cut.

That would involve a cover-up by the Judaic faith.

What of the almost certain to be Jewish doctors who performed the illegal operations?

  • Sounds like a case can be made by the Jewish media-Scribes for a cover-up by the entire Judiac Faith INCLUDING THEIR OWN COVERUP OF FELLOW JEWS BY NOT REPORTING ANYTHING -- almost like the entire Catholic Church is accused of doing when homosexual priests are caught molesting boys.

    Question: How easy is it for rich Jews to buy our Politicians?

    Twenty five politicians in New Jersey towns were easily bought by Sadducee money.

    How does that bode for all the other politicians in America>

    For twenty shekels of silver, a politician would sell his own mother's kidney to an Israeli organ transplant crime ring.

    Question: Is this a Holocaust-styled persecution of Jewish Rabbis?

    Where is the Jewish media-Scribes calling the FBI to be anti-Semitic and targeting Jews for prosecution?

    Separation of Church and State claims can be made for the Judaic charities to Israel being accused of engaging in international money laundering.

  • Sounds like a case can be made by the Jewish media-Scribes for Jewish Persecution -- SENDING THE RABBIS TO AMERICAN HOLOCAUST CONCENTRATION CAMPS -- sort of like the false coverage of the Duke Lacrosse team of rich white boys falsely accused of gang raping a black prostitute, who by her very nature, gets paid to have sex with strangers!

    Question: Where is the United Nations Court of International Justice ?

    This is a One-World story where Christian and Buddist organs are harvested around the world for Jews in America and Israel.

    Again, Jewish charities are the core to this international criminal ring of Rabbis.

  • Sounds like the perfect opportunity for the Jewish media-Scribes to push for United Nations oversight of illegal international trade, through the Court of International Justice. -- FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!

    Rabbi Gang Arrested
    for Illegal Human Organ trading

    Accusations of Jewish Charities
    engaging in international money laundering

    Top NJ Rabbis and Government Leaders
    Arrested in Black Market Organ Scandal

    MSNBC report of the same crime

      Is there no depth they [Jews] won't sink to to make even more money?

      Issac Rosenbaum is a Hasidic Rabbi arrested for organ trafficking in an FBI sting operation.

      Rabbi Rosenbaum is alleged to have agreed to procure a kidney for an undercover officer's "sick uncle."

      "Let me explain this to you," said Rosenbaum on February 26, 2008, according to the court documents. "It's illegal to buy a kidney. It's illegal to sell. They are going to investigate him [the donor] not you, not your uncle. He's going to speak to a social worker and a psychologist to find out why he is doing it and it is our job to prepare him."

      The cost would be $160,000 for the kidney donation, 50 percent up front. But Rosenbaum repeatedly made it clear, according to court papers, It's illegal to buy or sell organs. .. . "So you cannot buy it. What you do is, you're giving a compensation for the time"

      Rabbi Isaac Rosenbaum is one of five Rabbi's arrested, along with Rabbi Eliahu Ben Haim, Chief Rabbi Saul Kassin, Principal Rabbi Edmund Nahum, and Rabbi Mordchai Fish. While there are no details, an Israeli police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld is quoted as saying he has heard of this story but knows nothing of kidneys being sold by Israelis.

      -- YouAreMerelyPuppets

    You can read further at The Illegal and Immoral trade in Human Organs (Part 1).
    You can read further at Rabbi Rap Sheet.
    You can read further at The Problem.
    You can read further at The Solution.
    Article located at:
  • Last Hope for America
    Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
    Church and State

    The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008