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Oct 6, 2009
Banned Books and real Banned Books[SOURCE]: Chelsea Schilling Perversion 101: Kids taught 'gay' sex, rape, bestiality All done as part of the celebration of the American Library Association's "Banned Book Week." Banned Books : Your ticket to Freedom!!! If your ticket to freedom is pornography for your kid without your consent, then it's a ticket to a porn show. Some freedom! And J.K Rowling is listed on the ticket as a banned book??? I suppose all the Harry Potter movies are banned movies as well! Harry Potter is your ticket to freedom? Freedom from what? To enjoy light-hearted witchcraft? I can picture the scene in my mind:
for banning witchcraft for his kid!" Banned is a twisted wordThe problem is the same case as with all liberal thought -- the opposite of what they say is the real reality. Liberals complained bitterly in the 1930's about having their freedom of speech rights trampled on -- get it? They were speaking about not being able to speak. Likewise, banned books were never banned. If they were banned, then they would not exist. One might as well say that x-rated porn is banned free speech. The only part we want banned is what the government can show to our kids, whom we have entrusted them with in their government schools. No porn is not appropriate to be show to our children, especially without our knowledge and consent. And "Perks of Being a Wallflower" is literary porn. Examples of real Banned BooksIf you want real banned books, you can't have them -- they are not published. The media-Scribe-controlled publishing houses won't publish them, nor would they promote them. Examples would be:
Examples of Banned Books IN SCHOOLSince the real topic is banned book in government schools, once again we must set the record straight. Examples of real banned books for school kids.
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