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Jan 29, 2012 AD

Hollywood's acclaimed
Academy Award winning
world-wide release of

The Holocaust

Jewish Hollywood Screenwriter ** Ben Hecht
Jewish Hollywood Producer ** Billy Wilder
Jewish Set Design ** First Lt. Edward A. Tenenbaum
Jewish by 1/2 Star ** General Dwight D. Eisenhower
Post Production ** C.D. Jackson
Filmed on location in ** Buchenwald Germany

--- Act 2, Scene 1 ---

    Continued from: The Holocaust: Act 1, Scene 1

The Holocaust

Filmed on location
by Jewish Hollywood
Billy Wilder

Take 1 : Scene 1
Filming Begins

SOURCE: Episode 2: The Director

Take 2 : Scene 2
Poor Emancipated Buchenwald Survivors

SOURCE: Episode 2: The Director

Take 3 : Scene 3
Cut!!!! Cut!!!
Who is this guy who keeps getting into the shot?

SOURCE: Episode 2: The Director

Take 4 : Why- it's the World Renowned
Jewish Hollywood film director Billy Wilder

SOURCE: Episode 2: The Director

Take 5 : The same Billy Wilder who directed
Marilyn Monroe in "Some Like it Hot"

SOURCE: Episode 2: The Director

Take 6 : Wilder was a German film director
who fled his home in Germany
which of course, mades him
a perfect "unbiased" director

SOURCE: Episode 2: The Director

Take 7 : No Objectivity in this film?
Sorry! America was fresh out of American directors
from Nebraska to film an American documentary.
U.S. forced to go with the German Jew film director
for a pro-Jewish, anti-German Hollywood movie

SOURCE: Episode 2: The Director

Take 8 : Alternate Title to "The Holocaust"

SOURCE: Episode 7: A Psyche Warfare Operation Makes History

Take 9 : The Buchenwald Report
(Finally Translated into English)
Who is the leader charged with the investigation?

SOURCE: Episode 7: A Psyche Warfare Operation Makes History

Take 10 : American Psychological Warfare
was headed by Albert Rosenberg
Who is he?

SOURCE: Episode 7: A Psyche Warfare Operation Makes History

Take 11 : The head of American SYKEWAR
is not an American Christian,
but another German Jew.

SOURCE: Episode 7: A Psyche Warfare Operation Makes History

Take 12 : None of the American SYKEWAR
were Americans. All were German,
but were any Christian?

SOURCE: Episode 7: A Psyche Warfare Operation Makes History

Take 13 : One biased group
choses another biased group

SOURCE: Episode 7: A Psyche Warfare Operation Makes History

Take 14 : Battlegroup Rosenberg
Except this Jewish German team
never fought in war

SOURCE: Episode 7: A Psyche Warfare Operation Makes History

Take 15 : Prominent Scene
The General enters the scene at Buchenwald
Liberated on April 4, 1945
Eisenhower, Patton and Bradley
see camp on April 12, 1945
Thus showing his true intention
to engage in Psychological Propaganda

Take 16 : Scene 1
General Eisenhower reads his lines
for his starring role in "The Holocaust"

Take 16 : Scene 2
Eisenhower wiped out 100,000
German Christian civilians at Dresden
Now weaps at a few thousand dead at Buchenwald,
Knowing that typhus was more deadly than he was?

Episode 12: Eisenhower's Holocaust Hoax Strategy

Take 17 : Scene 4
Entry of German extras onto the Buchenwald set
Portrayed as Joyous, gleeful, eager

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Take 18 : Scene 5
German extras entering the main stage
Portrayed as Inquisitive, questioning, doubtful

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Take 19 : Scene 6
German extras -- exit stage left
Portrayed as remorseful, tearful, saddened

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Take 20 : It's a Wrap!
Reason for making "The Holocaust" movie?

Take 20 : It's a Wrap!
To be sure of motives, let's look at
Eisenhower's own book, "Crusade in Europe"

Episode 13: For Eisenhower, The Holocaust Myth Was An Incoming Popularity Coup, And The "Military Industrial Complex" Speech Was An Outgoing Popularity Coup.

Take 20 : It's a Wrap!
Yelp, the Sykewar propaganda
was meant for both friend and foe

Episode 13: For Eisenhower, The Holocaust Myth Was An Incoming Popularity Coup, And The "Military Industrial Complex" Speech Was An Outgoing Popularity Coup.

Take 20 : It's a Wrap!
It was not until years later that the
standard Holocaust story was firmed up
as Buchenwald was just a statistical glitch
in the entire Holocaust Fraud
Ohrdruf was not even mentioned

Episode 13: For Eisenhower, The Holocaust Myth Was An Incoming Popularity Coup, And The "Military Industrial Complex" Speech Was An Outgoing Popularity Coup.

The Holocaust

Extra Complementary Material

Top billing on movie Posters:
SykeWar PROPAGANDA officers at Buchenwald
C.D. Jackson and Brig. Gen. Robert McClure
(Be sure to remember ---> C.D. Jackson)

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Eisenhower writes his own movie reviews
Appears on all the Late Night Talk Shows
Eisenhower makes sure to also lie to Churchill.
Churchill was staunchly pro-Jewish,
but might as well officially mislead our main ally,
while we are misleading Germans
and while we are misleading our own people.

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Tour of America to promote his new movie
WW2 is now over
General Eisenhower is our national hero
So our 1/2 Jewish hero
decides to run for President....
On his defeat of the anti-Jewish Germans

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Eisenhower's Main Publicist: C. D. Jackson
Who is on the campaign trail with Eisenhower?

The editor of Fortune Magazine, C.D. Jackson
...or as we know him, a propagandist specialist.

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Great! He Won and is now President Eisenhower
...picks C.D. Jackson for Cold War propagandist.
C.D. Jackson is a natural for the position, right?

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

President Eisenhower needs to address America
...So, who better to help write a speech
to the American public,
than a highly trained propagandist?
An expert in psychological and media manipulation!

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Who runs Life Magazine 16 years after WW2?

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Why it's our SYKE Warfare
propagandist C.D. Jackson running LIFE

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

Why should it surprise us now to see
C. D. Jackson in bed with the CIA?

And the CIA in bed with journalists
like Time-Life editor C.D. Jackson

Carl Bernstein exposed the CIA planting stories, but
neglects P.S.(Psychological Warfare) doing the same

Robert McClure stayed as a SykeWar Leader

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

McClure writing to his friend C.D. Jackson
talking about how much media they control.

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

C.D. Jackson was also associated with
William Paley, owner of CBS radio network
...An American Jew, not a German Jew
But obviously a trained propaganda expert

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

The Great War is over,
but Poland is still not liberated
half of Europe is under a Stalinist Fascism
100 million dead
and Europe is in utter ruins
But protecting Jews
is all the justification we needed for the war
even if they were the main cause?

Episode 12: Eisenhower's Holocaust Hoax Strategy

Americans pull out of Buchenwald letting the
Judeo-Soviets control Weimar.
Buchenwald then becomes a Judeo-Soviet
concentration camp housing and killing Germans.
Buried in mass graves
We will not liberate it from the Judeo-Soviets

The Culture of Critique
Immediately Following WW2 is the Cold War
We have seen how our same psychological warfare
team is in place in the Eisenhower administration

Episode 18: The Same Americans Who Helped Create The Holocaust Myth, Then Went On To Create The Cold War.

C.D. Jackson is head of Time-Life and reporting on
Stalin's murderous regime.
The Sykewar team extends into the JFK administration
Hands off the Judeo-Soviet killing machine

Episode 18: The Same Americans Who Helped Create The Holocaust Myth, Then Went On To Create The Cold War.

Lies and propaganda used to start and justify wars

Episode 14: People's Thinking Wants To Evolve Beyond Good Guys Fighting Bad Guys, But The Holocaust Myth Gets In The Way.

Republican winner John McCain scolds Ron Paul
in the 2008 debates on
Ron Paul's humble foreign policy saying:

"Hitler came to power with that kind of
attitude of isolationism and appeasement"

Instead of denouncing Hitler and militarism
John McCain uses Hitler's militarism
to justify his own brand of American militarism

Episode 12: Eisenhower's Holocaust Hoax Strategy

"Manufacturing Con"
"Manufacturing Consent"
Consent implies you know the TRUTH!
Con implies that you are being DECEIVED!
"The Holocaust" was a fictional movie, at best

Episode 8: Spotting The Chief of Psyche Warfare In The Propaganda Movie

The Holocaust

Movie Trailer and Reviews

“I never dreamed that such cruelty, bestiality, and savagery could really exist in this world.”

“I made the visit [to Buchenwald] deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda.’”

----Dwight D. Eisenhower
-- April 12 visit to the Ohrdruf subcamp of Buchenwald,
-- after liberation on April 4

Of course, Eisenhower was placing himself in a position that his own propaganda could not be questioned as propaganda.

The purpose of Eisenhower's psychological warfare propaganda was straightforward enough...

    1) De-Nazify Germany by vilifying Nazism and therefore making Germany peaceful again (The Holocaust / Morganthau Plan)

    2) Vilify German industrial capacity, to insure that the world would never again trust Germans with technology. (The Holocaust)

    3) And in a real reach, Since Germans are a real threat to Jewish superiority, to instill such a fear of German Christians as to justify the castration of every German (Morganthau Plan)
What is proof of the Holocaust in the minds of most Americans?

Stacks of dead bodies or dead bodies in open trenches.

Truth is that the "stacks of dead bodies" and "dead bodies in open trenches" were shots of 35,000 dead typhus in early 1945 unable to be buried fast enough with deteriating conditions. And we had killed by humanitarian feeding, a total of 3,000 in the case of Camp Belson and 1,000 at Buchenwald.

These were the only dead bodies ever shown in Holocaust documentaries.

There are no photos of dead bodies from 1/3rd of the Holocaust - Sobibor, Belzec and Treblinka. Liberated by Judeo-Soviets.

There are no photos of dead bodies from Auschwitz - the main camp cited as a holocaust death camp. Liberated by the Judeo-Soviets.

The side effect of propaganda against an enemy is that our leaders cannot admit that they are also indirectly lying to their own people.

If Eisenhower ever told Americans how he was lying to the Germans, then that would get back to the Germans and thus defeat the entire purpose of the SykeWar propaganda.

And why would these propagandists want to tell Americans the truth if it makes them out to be heroes and future Presidents?

What about all the rest of the story?

    You may stop reading at this point, if what has been presented already convinces you there was fraud in the Holocaust story. The rest is mind-numbing completion of the expose. On the other hand, if by this point, no doubts have been raised in your mind whatsoever, then you are either Jewish or there is nothing I can say to convince you otherwise and again you can stop.
Of course, "Worshipers of the Absolute Unquestionable Truth of the Holocaust" will not be swayed by our own American government complicity in committing deception for the purpose of war-time psychological warfare in de-Nazyfying Germany people and German industry; al the while making themselves into political heroes.

Of course, "Worshipers of the Absolute Unquestionable Truth of the Holocaust" will not be swayed by pointing out that Judeo-Communist Russia was far, far worst than anti-Judeo Nazi Germany, due to the facts of:

1) Stalin having already committed the Holodomore against 7 million Ukraininan Christians mere weeks before Hitler took office.
2) Stalin having already committed his Great Purge at the same time Hitler was merely gaining dictatorial power
3) Stalin having invaded Poland at the same time Hitler did
4) Stalin having commited the Katyn Forest Massacre against Poles, before Hitler had harmed any Jews

Judeo-Communist Russia was ran by an evil cadre of Jewish Commissars who slaughtered the entire Polish officer corps and tried to pin it on the German war machine, because they also wanted to make the anti-Jewish German government appear as absolute evil. Does not matter that we later find out that indeed it was the deceptive and evil Jewish Commissars who ordered the elimination of the Polish officers. That is what judeo-Communists do after all -- they kill off the elites of their Christian competitors.

In order to shake the unquestioning religious beliefs of the "Worshipers of the Absolute Unquestionable Truth of the Holocaust", we must attack the heart of the Holocaust story itself.

Of course, I don't really believe I need to call all the "self-interested" Jews to be liars about the Holocaust, when upon Americans entering German camps, I find my own government is filled with American-appointed Jewish liars about so-called German atrocities, in the name of America trying to de-nazify Germany.

After our American side first said the camps they entered were concentration camps instead of work camps, and when I find modern Holocaust revisions now backing off and saying that none of the camps Americans entered were the true "killing factories", but only the ones the Soviets entered, then again my suspicions are raised because I trust the Jewish Commissars of the Soviet Union even less then I trust my own Jewish apartheid-led government.

And for good reason. Why should you and I believe ANY of the tortured confessions of Soviet-held war criminals at Nuremberg that the Judeo-Soviets presented for trial, after the deceptive false flag of German genocide at the Katyn Forest?

Nuremberg was not American justice by a long shot. Not even American miulitary justice.

Tortured confessions and signed affidavits written in blood do not make for compelling evidence against the accused.

The Jewish Commissars of the Judeo-Soviets are proven LIARS and themselves are proved to have themselves committed the genocidal atrocities against Christians they accuse the Germans of doing to Jews!

Everything from Judeo-Soviets accusing Christian Germans of anything is tainted.

And after so many years of Holocaust movies playing on our heart and pulling at our heart, we never find a single Holodomor movie about the role of Jews in Russia in a far more barbaric atrocity against far more Christians, but instead, we see it being just a footnote in our history books.

It is as if there were a massive conspiracy of Holodomor denial put in place by some well-organized gang.

This too has all the appearance of the Jews being BIASED liars and frauds.

Well, let me say I have become a "Holocaust-skeptic" about the entire Holocaust itself now.

No, truth is that I now want to call this "The Holocaust Fraud".

A few weeks back, I discovered one of those "evil" "hideous" holocaust deniers on the web. I have always been STRICTLY pure in not being a holocaust denier, preferring to highlight the hypocrisy of Jews not condemning other more heinous holocausts that they participated in like the Holodomor, the Red Scare, the Stalinist Purges, the Stalin show trials, and his Gulag Camps. But this guy really has punched through all the lies and propaganda, explaining much to my satisfaction, to the point of making me a believer in the Holocaust being a gigantic grand fraud to scare Jews into migrating to Palestine to create Israel, and to keep us and the Germans in line.

You can watch my condensed version here

You can watch the real deal here

Supplemental Material

I will summarize what I can surmise of the facts in question.

  • One Third of the Holocaust: Shows how the Reinhard Death Camps of Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka were not actually death camps, but an elaborate ruse to deceive, was discovered to be a fraud, and goes on to explain how the deceit was not-so-cleverly covered up -- or in many cases -- never covered up.

  • Buchenwald : The liberation of Buchenwald was an opportunity for an allied Psyche Warfare Operation involving planting objects like shrunken heads. The operation was meant to denazify the German population. The person in charge reported directly to Eisenhower.

  • Phil Donahue segment: Shows how people are character assassinated about this topic.

  • Auschwitz segment: Jewish David Cole gets some interesting documentation about Auschwitz as no other could. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

  • Lies that justify war

One Third of the Holocaust
Holocaust Denial Videos
Eisenhower the "Swedish jew"?

You can read further at The Problem
You can read further at Guide to "Checks and Balances"
You can read further at The Solution
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Last Hope for America
Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
Church and State

The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008