![BIS HQ in Basel, Switzerland](../img2014/BIS_HQ.PNG)
Before we can understand how the private Federal Reserve has grown 391%
during this depression while not fixing any problems. And before
we delve into the gory details of the Bank of International Settlements
(BIS), whose headquarters is in Basel, Switzerland; hence called The
Tower of Basel, we need to have a
good historical grounding in how the BIS bank for central bankers came
into existence.
A History of Banking
European countries borrowed heavily from Central Bankers to pay for WW1.
At the close of the war, in Germany's case, it was a double calamity.
Germany not only had to pay for their own reconstruction and their own
WW1 debt, but they were also forced to pay for the WW1 debt of France and
England as well.
Although Christian Germany had to pay massive reparations, Germany's
ally in WW1 was not required to pay any reparations for damages
inflicted. Muslim Ottoman Turkey did not have to pay any reparations --
most likely, because the loss of Ottoman Palestine for the sake of the
rebirth of the Jewish homeland was considered the ultimate reparation.
Following the inevitable German reparations defaults and
1919-to-November 1923 hyperinflation in Germany, made much worst by the
January 11, 1923 French occupation of the Ruhr, it was
understood by the central bankers that the German economy needed to be
re-invigorated before
Germany could restart its WW1 reparations program.
Even a tick knows that the host has to be alive for there to be any blood to suck.
Again, note that the Christian allied winners did not feel Muslim
Turkey needed its economy reinvigorated so that it could pay
reparations, even though
Turkey's inability to pay reparations due to economic collapse
following the end of WW1 was the reason given for it not
being required to pay any reparations.
So following the German hyperinflation, as central bankers love to do, they developed a plan, or two...
1924 the Allies appointed a committee of international bankers, led by
Charles G. Dawes (and accompanied by J.P. Morgan agent, Owen Young), to
develop a plan to get reparations payments back on track.
Historian Carroll Quigley noted that the Dawes Plan was "largely a J.P. Morgan production"
The plan called for $800 million in foreign loans to be arranged for Germany in order to rebuild its economy.
--Global Banking, by Patrick Wood
On the cusp of the Great Depression, all Germany needed was "more Banker's teeth" in its neck.
1924, Dawes was chairman of the Allied Committee of Experts, hence, the
"Dawes Plan." He was replaced as chairman by Owen Young in 1929, with
direct support by J.P. Morgan.
The "Young Plan" of 1928 put more teeth into the Dawes Plan, which many
viewed as a strategy to subvert virtually all German assets to back a
huge mortgage held by the United States bankers.
Dawes nor Young represented anything more than banking interests. After
all, WWI was fought by governments using borrowed money made possible
by the international banking community.
The banks had a vested interest in having those loans repaid!
--Global Banking, by Patrick Wood
Following the
inevitable collapse of the 1928 Young Plan not implemented until
January 1930, which followed the collapse of the 1924 Dawes plan, which
followed the collapse of the 1921 Inter-Allied Reparations Commission
setting of 132 billion gold marks resulting from Article 231 of the
original 1919 Treaty of Versailles, the Bank of
International Settlements (BIS) will be identified as the only remnant
of all the plans to pay German Reparations.
As a "minor" side issue, the implementation of the upcoming and
unrelenting Young Plan in January 1930 against the backdrop of radical
Judeo-Communists running amok in the streets of Germany who implemented
the Spartacus Uprising of January 1919 and the April-May 1919 Bavarian
Soviet Republic, was also in the process of getting Germans so ticked
off by December 1929, that they finally started following German
nationalists like Adolph Hitler, as seen in a plebiscite vote taken
that month.
Funny thing about the end of 1929 -- it marked the beginning of
the Great Depression and Germans were keenly away of what faced them in
the upcoming economic troubles. They had just been through this
starting in 1919 and were not about to allow this turmoil to continue
In fact, things had gotten so bad by May 1931, that the Austrian-based
default of the Creditanstalt caused a world-wide financial crisis, and
Germany stopped paying reparations altogether. The following month,
Herbert Hoover declared a 1 year moratorium on Germany having to pay
reparations for fear of another bout of hyper -inflation.
In 1932, America elected radical socialist FDR to lead them out of the Great Depression, while Germans elected Adolph Hitler.
May 17, 1930, a day which will live in infamy, the Bank of
International Settlements was inaugurated to service German
reparations. A job it performed for only a single year, at which
time, this Frankenstein's monster switched to servicing Nazi gold
reserves and the gold reserves of countries the Nazis conquered while
amazingly, the BIS still lives today -- stronger than ever!
David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski founded the Trilateral
Commission in 1973, the intent was to create a "New International
Economic Order" (NIEO). To this end, they brought together 300 elite
corporate, political and academic leaders from North America, Japan and
Few people believed us when we wrote about their nefarious plans back then.
Now, we look back and clearly see that they did what they said they
were going to do... globalism is upon us like an 8.6 magnitude
The question is, "How did they do it?"
in mind, they had no public mandate from any country in the world. They
didn't have the raw political muscle, especially in democratic
countries where voting is allowed. They didn't have global dictatorial
Indeed, how did they do it?
answer is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), self-described
as the "central bank for central bankers", that controls the vast
global banking system with the precision of a Swiss watch."
--Global Banking, by Patrick Wood
The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) is compared to a weapon of mass destruction.
The BIS can be compared to a stealth bomber.
It flies high and fast, is undetected, has a small crew and carries a huge payload.
By contrast, however, the bomber answers to a chain of command and must be refueled by outside sources.
The BIS, as we shall see, is not accountable to any public authority
and operates with complete autonomy and self-sufficiency.
--Global Banking, by Patrick Wood
Restating the old maxim of "He who has the gold -- rules"...
famous currency expert Dr. Franz Pick once stated, "The destiny of the
currency is, and always will be, the destiny of a nation."
the advent of rampant globalization, this concept can certainly be
given a global context as well: "The destiny of currencies are, and
always will be, the destiny of the world."
----Global Banking, by Patrick Wood
The man most responsible for the creation of the BIS was Hitler's very own
central banker Hjalmar Schacht.
Schacht would later be the man
responsible for the economic miracle of Hitler's Nazism post 1932, while the rest
of the world was still mired in the economic malaise of the Great
Depression, largely we now know, by using funds from BIS's international
In 1924, the president of Reichsbank (Germany's central bank at that time) was Hjalmar Schacht.
had already had a prominent role in creating the Dawes Plan, along with
German industrialist Fritz Thyssen and other prominent German bankers
and industrialists.
Young Plan was so odious to the Germans that many credit it as a
precondition to Hitler's rise to power.
----Global Banking, by Patrick Wood
Hjalmar Schacht was the financier who funded much of Nazism after December 1929, as we learn from the Adam Lebor book,
Tower of Basel.
Tower of Babel
Our whole concept of the
unification of Europe was that it would first contribute to economic
unification. then we hoped to secure an economic-military unity and
finally a political unity.
--Averell Harriman, US Special Envoy for the Marchall Plan for the postwar reconstruction of Europe.
With the initial unification of the Common Market economically, NATO
militarily, the Euro in currency under a European Central Bank, and
finally the European Union, Averell obviously was in the know.
Must be in his blood. Averell was the son of Edward Henry Harriman, the
man who controlled the Union Pacific railroad, bought the Southern
Pacific railroad, and then in 1901, with millions of dollars of Jewish
money from American's richest Jew, Jacob Schiff, along his Jewish
banker friends like Kuhn, Loeb and Company, engaged in a masterful manipulation of the Northern
Pacific stock to take control of it as well, leaving only James Hill's
Great Pacific as the remaining transnational railroad.
James Hill, knowing the railroad business and his company better than
the Jewish bankers and outside Harriman, was to save his company --
until Teddy Roosevelt.
Tower of Basel
Now if you read this very well researched book titled Tower of Basel by Adam Lebor, you must
understand the personal politics he brings to the Tower of Basel book, Much as
he previously did with his previous book, Hitler's Secret Bankers.
The politics Lebor brings is his own Jewishness.
The first half of the book lambastes the Nazism of Bank of
International Settlement as a conspiracy of Western bankers coinciding with the
interests of Hitler. He calls British and American bankers as
treasonous, soulless and greedy bankers who have no allegiance except an
allegiance toward the love of making money.
Lebor goes on and on about the creation of the BIS being sold to the public as only a means to service
Germany's international WW1 debts and so he states often that the BIS should have been completely dissolved
when the German reparation payments stopped -- also ending its reason to exist.
Lebor continues stating his case for the complete shutdown of the BIS
due to the fact that the BIS was the Nazi regime's co-conspirator and
vehicle for "laundering" captured Jewish and national gold in exchange
for war materials supplied through "neutral" countries like Switzerland
and Sweden. Nazi gold would be deposited into the German accounts
of the BIS in Switzerland and then the BIS would issue credit to the
BIS accounts of the Central Banks of Allied and neutral countries to
pay for the war materials Germany needed.
You see, the allies needed gold to pay for their own side of the war.
So frigging ironic in the eyes of the soldiers on both sides don't you think?
Following the end of WW2, Lebor notes that the BIS was the exchange
mechanism used to funnel Marshall Plan money for the reconstruction of
Europe to essentially unrepentant Nazi sympathizers in the German financial
community -- who were never denazified -- and so the BIS should have
been completely shutdown for that reason as well.
Given Lebor's four main complaints he lodges against the BIS,
1) Lost its stated charter when reparations stopped and so should have been closed down,
2) Actually created to bolster Nazis nationalism against Stalinist Communism,
3) Did not purge the Nazis after Hitler was defeated, and
4) the central banker subverted their own national interests for the interests of international banking,
then Lebor looses all credibility in the second half of his book where
he is no longer adamantly opposed to the existence of the BIS,
but only wants it to be...
1) dressed up a bit better with more transparency so we know what they are doing to the world and
2) should be a little more globally democratic in the way it runs the globe.
Of course, Lebor would think this once the Nazis had all been either purged or
retired and Jewish bankers such as our own Jewish central bankers
Bernanke and Janet Yellin finally took the reigns of the BIS.
Once you get past the self-serving Jewishness Adam Lebor brings to the book, it is eye-opening to read indeed.
An Example for our Times
To demonstrate the lack of national allegiance and the influence
central bankers can yield, one on has to look at our current economic
What caused the massive economic collapse of 2008?
Yes indeed,
massive loans bankers had given to people with no credit worthiness to
buy homes everyone knew they could not afford.
conservatives blame the government for this. Bil Clinton had
his "I have a Dream" bill to put people into homes. In fact, so did
both Bush's, one before Clinton and one after Clinton.
Conservatives would not agree that the Treasury Secretary had any say
in spending when you point out that the Treasury Secretary came from
Goldman Sachs before he was Treasury Secretary and would return
to Goldman Sachs after he left the post. Nope, if anyone should ask,
the story goes that "the President and the President alone, without
anyone whispering in his ear, called the
shots in order to win votes for reelection."
A conservative would say that the innocent bankers were coerced into
loaning in the red-lined areas for fear of being labeled racists, or
even dictated by law into loaning in non-red-lined areas to people from
the red-lined areas for fear of discrimination lawsuits or harming our much sanctified "single mothers".
Well, it helped that the bankers were backed by "The Full Faith and
Credit of the United States". They couldn't lose so long as they loaned
through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but in fact, the bankers went above
and beyond the call of federal duty -- they started selling bundled
collateralized securities backed by these risky real estate deals.
What could go wrong? After all, the smartest people in the world were in charge.
In fact, we now know that even these private real estate deals were
backed by Uncle Sam because the banks were just "too darn big to fail".
So we merged these banks and made them even bigger.
Now we have a second Great Depression and like FDR, the federal government's very own Central Bank is called to the rescue.
The prescription? The same as in the first Great Depression...
1) Bail out the Bankers
2) Massive federal deficit spending to "feed the people"
3) Central Bank prime rate lowered to zero to invigorate investment
Working great you say?
Here's how things play out in the real world.
Global Restructuring
In the real world,
The banks being bailed out by central bank monopoly money and hence
saved from bankruptcy means they are the only ones who have any money
invest again. The people out of work are not the ones who can
invest and besides the rate of return is below zero when 4% inflation
totally robs one of his 3% return. Individuals simply cannot leverage
like a bank can.
2) The massive federal deficits for food stamps and extended
unemployment means Americans can still buy goods from China, but since they don't need a
job to do that spending, then investment in American is not imperative on the part of the bankers.
3) A Central Bank prime rate at 0% only means that the banks get free
money. Where they choose to invest that money is their choice. When
they see their own central bank holding the prime at 0% and causing
inflation at the same time with deficit spending, they look outside the
US. The interest
Rate in
averaged 6.42 Percent from 1996 until 2013. Do you honestly believe
that an American investor would invest in America at a 3% return when
he can more than double his investment in China?
So what happened in the real world is that American dollars gushed into
China to build up its infrastructure, so they could sell their goods to
Americans on food stamps and unemployment benefits.
More jobs
left and the downward spiral continues.
Will a militarily powerful China lead to another World War?
Well, as Adam Lebor so painfully reports, the BIS helped build up
Germany's war machine in the 1930's and continued working with Nazi
Germany throughout WW2.
To be sure, again as Adam Lebor makes
abundantly clear, the international central bankers make a little money in peace
selling bread but far more money in wartime financing military hardware such as ships, planes and bombs as well as bread.
given all the factual evidence Adam Lebor shares with us, Lebor seems
to believe the line given by the central bankers to
justify their total and absolute diplomatic immunity, in that they, as
the international central bankers, are the world's only chance for a
lasting peace.
BIS central bankers state in effect, "Since WW2 showed that only they
were able to come together peacefully; hence, it is their duty to
create a new international order of
transnational banking in order to insure transnational peace."
The BIS created the European Coal and Steel Community as a cartel to
give legitimacy to their own monopolistic cartel. The BIS created the
European Central Bank which engendered the European Euro.
Once Europe was united and the BIS had completed its work there, the
time had come for the BIS to unite the rest of the world. The BIS now
invited the Central Bank of China, the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia and
many others to join its inner circle.
With this comes the subversion and destruction of the world's current
currency standard -- the currency of the United States -- by way of
the current global crisis they have created and the subsequent
of a BIS backed world currency.
The American Central bank cartel was legalized in 1913, otherwise, it
would have been a totally criminal syndicate, in restraint of free
trade, in manipulation of the currency markets, in insider trading, in
collusion to set prices, in extortion, in racketeering, in
counterfeiting. Created 124 years after America's
founding, the Fed has been running strong for the last 100 years. Its
sorrowful track
record includes two heavily financed World Wars and two heavily
financed Great Depressions. A heavily financed Vietnam War, a War
on poverty and a War on Drugs. War is highly profitable for our
Central Bank.
Obviously the Fed has not lived up to it stated goals. In fact, the Fed exasperates or
even creates the problem it was created to fix, much as firemen have
been known to be arsonists so they can be the one who heroically fights
the fire.
What good can come of the fact that our Federal Reserve Chairman's boss
is not our own President?
What good can come from the fact that our Federal Reserve Chairman's
real boss is the Bank of International Settlement and that it represents
an anti-competitive financial cartel which controls, manipulates and suppresses all free
enterprise, all free trade, all business competition, denominated in the federal
reserve notes which the Federal Reserve prints out of thin air?
Heavens no that we would "politicize" the
oracle-readings of the Fed Chairman or the dictatorial undertakings of
these anti-Capitalist
banking cartel leaders. No, our dual-citizen Jewish Federal
Reserve chairwoman, Janet Yellen,
answers to her new boss at the BIS in Basel Switzerland, who does not
answer to any American Christian -- not even our elected Presidents who even in
the greatest of economic calamities would never think of holding the
Fed Chairman guilty of destroying the economy, as Ben Bernanke admitted
the Fed did to create the Great Depression.
Ron Paul states that we need to audit Fed. I think they just bragged
that they are now worth $4 trillion dollars and counting, mostly
made while most Americans were losing their life savings.
Who say that the rich don't get richer and the poor porrer?
What is the real bottom line?
To sum it all up, how did we allow ourselves to be conned by a bunch of
anti-free market socialist to think they had all the answers on how to
fix the free market.
Isn't central planning of the economy by central bankers, the antithesis of free markets?