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November 2014 AD

Ted Cruz

Another  Blasted Israel Lobbyist

Since Ted Cruz was one of my favorites, it is sad for me to say this:
  •  Ted Cruz does not work for America,
  •  Ted Cruz is instead a hard-core lobbyist for Israel.
  •  Ted Cruz is a traitor to Americans and heretical to Christians.
  • Ted Cruz is a Judas with shekels filling his campaign chest.
  •  Rafael "Ted" Cruz, born in Canada, cannot become President

Ted Cruz says...
"If you hate the Jewish people,
you are not reflecting
the teachings of Christ."

Christ said to the Jewish people who rejected him...

"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?  Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:  That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar."
-- Matthew 23: 33-35

Seminar for
The Defense of Christians

The Middle East

Washington D.C.
September 11, 2014

Infamous Quotes
from the speech given by
Ted Cruz
We are all united in the defense of Christians...
(except for me)
Religious Bigotry is a cancer...
(unless you are God's Chosen People living in God's Promised Land)
Christians have no Greater Ally than the Jewish State...
(which is a good thing, because if you make me President,
I will not be your ally, I will be Israel's ally)
Those who hate Israel,
hate America...

(for I love the foreign nation Israel over my own adopted America,
I worship Israelis who deny Christ, over Americans who love Christ,
and for those American Christians who oppose my agenda, then,
as President, I will come after you "HATERS OF AMERICA")
Those who hate Jews,
hate Christians...

(As for me, I especially hate persecuted Christians
from the Middle East,
who live in America
AND, as President, I will come after you  "HATERS OF CHRISTIANS")
If you hate the Jewish people,
you are not reflecting the teachings of Christ...

(says Judas Mel Cruz, with his campaign finance shekels bulging out of his pockets to sell-out our Lord Christ to the Pharisees,
all trying to make himself ...
President of the United States....
Lord Protector of Israel)
You are so consumed with hate,
you cannot address your fellow brother...

(said by Ted Cruz just before he walks off the stage,
after being graciously asked to the podium to address
his fellow brothers in Christ)
If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews,
then I will not stand with you...

(Says the only man in the room not consumed with hate (sic),
just before he stops standing in front of
this persecuted Christian group
by walking out on those whom he no longer will stand with)

Ted Cruz totally blew a "solidarity meeting" with persecuted Christians from the Middle East by stating that he is not in solidarity with those same persecuted Christians.

Cruz high-jacked the Christian solidarity meeting to make it all about Jews. The way Ted Cruz tells it, it is the Jews safely in their homes in their own country who are having a hard time of it now in the Middle East and not the persecuted Middle Eastern Christians torn from their homes he was speaking to. Talk about utter insensitivity!

Nice we get to see a little truth about what the Jewish MSM have given conservatives as their future leaders.

I was at the Texas Republican Convention when fake American Ted Cruz appeared from out of nowhere and stole the convention. His supporters were everywhere -- and VERY WELL FUNDED!!!!

I should have known better.

My own gut instincts have always been, "if the Jewish MSM is giving someone press time -- good or bad -- then that person is one of them." They give Ted Cruz a hard time because they know we despise their new coverage, in the hopes that we actually make Ted Cruz our candidate to oppose them, when all along, Ted Cruz was always their candidate.

How many times have I pointed out this propaganda tactic -- and yet, hope springs eternal for a true Christian American patriot to lead this country, even for someone as cynical as myself.

  Entirety of
Ted Cruz's Speech

a Christian group organized for

The Defense of Christians
The Middle East

Washington D.C.
September 11, 2014

Ted Cruz @ 0:11: 
we are all united...
in the Defense of Christians...
Christian Audience:
Huge Applause

Ted Cruz @ 0:24: 
we are all united...
in the Defense of Jews....
Christians Audience:
Exact Same Huge Applause as before.
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience applauded this defense of Jews:
"Because Ted,
these Middle Eastern Christians are not knuckle-dragging, redneck, bigoted, hateful, anti-Semite Nazis,
as you are about to accuse them of being."

Ted Cruz @ 0:36: 
we are all united...
 in Defense of People of Good  Faith...
who are standing together...
against those who would persecute and murder,
those who dare disagree with their religious teachings.
Christian Audience: 
Same 5 second Huge Applause as before
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience applauded this defense of People of Good Faith:
"Wouldn't everyone applaud the defense of people of good faith, since everyone believes they have good faith?
Humm, those Jews must generally have good faith as well, or we would not have applauded their defense as well.
Hope you understand how understanding we Christians are Mr. Cruz)

Ted Cruz @ 0:57:
Religious bigotry...
is a cancer with many manifestations...
ISIS, Al Queda, Hezbollah, Hamas...
Christian Audience: 
Same 5 second applause
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience appladed:
Neglects to say that Jews exhibit their own manifestation of religious bigotry -- can you say -- The Chosen People in The Promised Land?  But we are a polite crowd and will respectfully applaud.

Ted Cruz @ 1:17: 
And their state sponsors like Syria and Iran.
Christian Audience: 
Delayed applause
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience had to think that one over:
"Syria and Iran?  That's it???  Shiite Muslim are our problem? Our only problem?  I thought it was the Sunni Muslims? How does Iran fit into our problem, for they fought against the Sunni-based Iraqi Saddam Hussein, whose Sunni Muslims are now rampaging across Iraq as Ted Cruz speaks. It is they who threaten us as Christians in Iraq  In fact, it is news to me that Syria's Assad is a State sponsor of ISIS , since ISIS is working to overthrow him.  This Ted Cruz fellow is sorely misinformed. 
I'll be on the look out for a secret agenda from this guy"

Ted Cruz @ 1:27:
Are all engaged in a vicious genocidal campaign to destroy religious minorities in the Middle East...
Christian Audience: 
No applause
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience failed to applaud:
"First off, the Shiite Muslims of which he refers is a religious minority among Muslims, so this fellow is sorely misinformed from the start. OK, we Christians are also a religious minority who are being destroyed -- in fact, we are already destroyed. Sure hope he does not talk about the safest place in the Middle East -- the place with the strongest military in the region -- Israel -- as being destroyed."

Ted Cruz @ 1:36:
Sometimes, we are told not to loop these groups together, that we have to understand their so-called nuances and  differences, but we shouldn't try to parse different manifestations of evil that is on a murderous rampage through the region.
Christian Audience: 
No applause
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience did not applaud:
"I think he is going to imply that there are no nuances or differences between the Jews who militarily dominate the region and are gaining land, versus us, the persecuted defenseless Christians caught in the cross-fire who are losing our lands."

Ted Cruz @ 1:57: 
Hate is hate...
And murder is murder....
Christian Audience:  
No applause. 
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is not applauding anymore: 
"This could be a classic Clintonian "Depends upon what 'is' is"
"Depends upon whom haters believe are haters."
"Depends upon whom murders believe murders are"

Ted Cruz @ 2:05: 
Our purpose here tonight is to highlight a terrible injustice, a humanitarian crisis: Christians are being systematically exterminated.
Christian Audience:  
No applause
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is not applauding anymore: 
"Well, at least he knows why he is here."
"Seems like he knows whom the haters and murderers are." 
"But I'll hold off judgment until I hear more."

Ted Cruz @ 2:24: 
In 1948, Jews throughout the Middle East faced murder and extermination...
and fled to the nation of Israel.
Christian Audience:  
No applause
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is not applauding anymore: 
"In 1948?"
" I thought in 1945, the politically correct view was that Jews had been facing murder and extermination in Nazi Europe, not in the Middle East"
"I thought Jews were fleeing to Israel from Europe, not from Muslim countries where some Jews had been for centuries."
"Seems that the definition of haters and murders are about to be changed around to being us Middle Eastern Christians, same as this Mel Cruz nutcase is accusing our fellow German Christians in Europe"
"Now I am beginning to see where this guy is coming from."

Ted Cruz @ 2:36:
And today...
Christians have no greater ally than the Jewish state.
Christian Audience:  
Scattered mumblings of disagreement.
The Christian Solution Analysis
projecting about why the audience is disagreeing:
"Given that the Israeli state built their protective wall around our Christian town of Bethlehem, leaving Christians on the Muslim side, open to the fate of the Muslims of which he is complaining, resulting in a mass exodus of Christians from Bethlehem, I don't agree that the Jewish state gives a damn about Middle Eastern Christians, only themselves."

Hey Ted Cruz, if a homeland is good for the Jews to protect them from the Muslims, how about a Christian state in the Middle East as well to protect our children from the same evil Muslims?"

Ted Cruz @ 2.51:
(Ad libbing)
Let me say this...
Those who hate Israel, hate America.
Christian Audience:  
Widespread disagreement expressed
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is disagreeing:
"But I love America!!"
"I don't have to love Israel to love America!!!!"
"America has loved me by allowing me in to immigrate into their country,
NOT my 'NO GREATER ALLY THAN ISRAEL' so-called friends"

Ted Cruz @ 3:00: 
(Ad libbing)
Those who hate Jews,
hate Christians.

Christian Audience:  
Open boos!
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is booing Ted Cruz:
"I am a Christian you IDIOT!!"
"You are saying that if I hate Jews then I also hate myself?"
"And I hate my own Christian family?
"And I hate my own Christian Church!!"

Ted Cruz @ 3:07:
(Ad libbing) 
And if this room will not recognize that...
then my heart weeps...
That the men and women here will not stand in solidarity with Jews and Christians alike,
who are persecuted by radicals, who seek to murder them
Christian Audience:  
Back to applause.
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience applauded:
"OK, hopefully he understands that he screwed up and has returned to the issue at hand -- murder in the Middle East.

Ted Cruz @ 3:32:
(Ad libbing)
If you hate the Jewish people,
you are not reflecting the teachings of Christ.

Christian Audience:  
Mix of applause and murmuring.
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is coming to the realization that this guy is hopeless and clueless:
This guy cannot let it go! 
Is this a prepared speech of a politician

or a sermon from a Rabbi?
Christ taught us that the Jewish Pharisees and Scribes were evil. And they proved their evil by having Christ crucified, don't you know? Christ taught us that only the Jews who accept Christ into their hearts have the blessing of his father.  Man, this guy needs to go back to Sunday School!!)

Ted Cruz @ 3:43:
And the very same  people, who persecute and murder Christians right now; who crucify Christians, who behead children; are the very same people who target and murder Jews for their faith - for the same reason.
Christian Audience:  
Weak applause, more disagreement
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is booing Ted Cruz:
"And which Jew sunbathing on the sunny beaches of Tel Aviv, with cocktail in hand, is being persecuted???"
"You lying douchbag!!!"

Ted Cruz @ 4:13:
I will say this...
Christian Audience:
Get off the stage.
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is booing Ted Cruz:
"How can you come here and equate our suffering with that of the Jews in Israel?
"Jews are safely in their homes in Israel."
"We are expelled from our homes."
"Why do you think you are talking to us here in America you MORON?"

Ted Cruz @ 4:20:
I am saddened...
Christian Audience:  
More disagreements. 
The moderator comes out to calm the audience.

Moderator @ 4:38:
Please. Respect..Respect.. Respect for dialog. Respect please. We're in America.
Christian Audience: 
Audience continues a few mumblings

Ted Cruz @ 4:45:
I will say this...
I am saddened..
to see that some here, not everyone, but some here....
Are so consumed with hate...
that you cannot address your brother

I will say this.....
Christian Audience:  
Enough! Enough!
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting about why the audience is booing Ted Cruz:
"There it is finally 'HATE IS HATE'. Just as I expected"
"The only hate I see here is your hatred of the same persecuted Middle Eastern Christians you have been invited to address and are rudely condemning to their face."

Ted Cruz @ 5:05:
If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews,
then I will not stand with you!

Thank you and God Bless you.
(Then walks off stage)
Christian Audience:  
Audience left stunned in disbelief
The Christian Solution Analysis:
projecting what the audience is thinking of Ted Cruz:
"Just as I suspected."
This so-called Christian is more Jewish than Christian."
He will turn his back on any and all Christians, no matter how persecuted they are themselves, the second anyone questions his Zionist propaganda."
";Murders will be Murders' and Mel Cruz is an accomplice."
"Must be lining his pockets with tons of Jewish shekels"
"Good riddance!!!!"
"Christians don't need a sell out -- A JUDAS!!!"

Unlike ultra-Zionist Ted Cruz, even our ultra-liberal Jewish-controlled MSM are not buying into the total Israeli brainwashing.  They object to Israel sending their ambassador to the United States to speak with the Chairman of CBS, attempting through coercion and blackmail, to censor the news.

CBS broadcast 60 Minutes
Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Land


Senator Ted Cruz: Boo'ed off stage

Israeli Persecution of Christians in the Holy Lands -- 60 Minutes

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You can read further at Guide to "Checks and Balances"
You can read further at The Solution
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Last Hope for America
Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
Church and State

The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008