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December 2014 AD

Republican- Democrat


Is there any real difference between Republicans and Democrats? 
Let's see...

"I was born and raised poor, but I believe the rich should not be unfairly taxed."
"I was born and raised rich, but believe the poor should not be unfairly taxed."

Living in Texas, only because I don't think, I never complain about the insanely greedy liberals in California selling their homes for several million dollars and moving into mansions in our neighborhoods. Welcome aboard!
Living on the Two Left Coasts, I constantly laugh at the cheap mobile homes in Fly-Over country which I call trailer trash.  Eventually, I will move to Texas to buy me a McMansion, after making a killing selling my run-down trailer trash Cali home or Boston rat-infested row home.

I never complain about the excessive and illusionary profits of West Coast companies like Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, E-Bay, et-al.
I always complain about the greedy profits of Fly-Over Country companies. Complained about Texas Enron profits until it died. Then I complained about Texas Exxon profits, and now I complain about Koch Brothers profits.

Ted Cruz says: "Israel is God's Chosen People (even if they reject God's only begotten Son Jesus Christ who was specifically delivered straight to the doorsteps of the Jews), and so logically, they and they alone, (not Christians mind you), rightfully should re-occupy God's Promised Land taken by Muslims from Christians in 639 AD."
Debbie Wasserman Schultz says:  "Should I keep my day job as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, or should I immigrate to Israel as my "political opponent" Ted Cruz he will support and even says I must do as a Jew?  Hard decision because, after all, Ted Cruz gives me his Godly blessing in my Jewish governance of the Democratic Party."

n Separation of Church and State, the Muslim States must be separated from the State of Israel, and American Christian soldiers must favor the Judaic Nation of the Israelites with their lives, not because the Nation of Israel discriminates ethnically and religiously in favor of followers of the Judaic faith, no, no, no, never! But simply because all the members of the Judaic faith are allowed to vote democratically, while Muslims suffer under dictatorships and do not have those same freedoms enjoyed by the Jews, even after we free those poor Muslims.
In Separation of Church and State, the Establishment Clause does not allow the federal government to favor any New Testament Christian faith who constructs an Old Testament Ten Commandments statue on any public lands (thereby favoring the Jewish Moses over the Christian Christ.)

In Iraq War 1 (1990) and Iraq War 2 (2001), we wanted to stop Iraq from using WMDs
(Nothing to do with Israel's protection next door and nothing to do with maintaining a Separation of Muslim State and Jewish State)
In 2014, we want to stop Syria and ISIS from using Iraq's WMDs
(Nothing to do with Israel's protection next door, and nothing to do with maintaining a Separation of Muslim State and Jewish State)


Wants to stop Walmart from financially supporting the Democratic Party, since Walmart is unfairly profiting when it exports its cost of a decent and fair payroll to the federal government in food stamps and healthcare for its employees, which is a double windfall when the food stamps are used in Walmart to buy more stuff.
Wants to stop oil company Koch Industries from financially supporting the Republican Party, since Koch Industries is unfairly profiting when it exports its waste management free of charge to the atmosphere as its own personal open sewer.

We deem it necessary for the federal government to abuse human rights by opening our Guantanamo concentration camp.
We deem it necessary for the federal government to continue abusing human rights by keeping our Guantanamo concentration camp open.

We are in a Great Depression. You can see it in the long soup lines at supermarket cash registers as they ring up food stamps purchases and you can see it as former employees line up at federal shovel-ready, Hoover Dam-style projects called the unemployment office which makes no projects.
Thank goodness for the federal government who can print monopoly money to pay for this.

Nixon opened "free trade" with un-free Communist China, so they can freely sell their goods to America, while un-freely restricting our trade to China.
Obama opened our stock market to un-free Communist China, to the likes of the IPO of China's Alibaba, so China can sell shares of their companies to American investors, while the American investor's shares of Alibaba buys them no ownership rights to Chinese company Alibaba.

Democrat National Platform
Written in 2008

   Republican National Platform
Written in 2012

Restoring the American Dream:
Rebuilding the Economy and Creating Jobs

We The People: A Restoration of Constitutional Government

America’s Natural Resources:
Energy, Agriculture and the Environment

Reforming Government to Serve the People

Renewing American Values to Build Healthy Families,
Great Schools and Safe Neighborhoods

American Exceptionalism


Democrat National Platform

Republican National Platform

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You can read further at Guide to "Checks and Balances"
You can read further at The Solution
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Last Hope for America
Christian Libertarian: Harmonious Union
Church and State

The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008