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April 2016 AD

Obama's "White Man"
to the Supreme Court
is really a Jew


Nominates yet another minority Jew to the Supreme Court.


Boast that you have nominated yet another minority Jew on the Supreme Court.

Strange no one points out that Merrick Garland should be disqualified because he is Jewish and with the other 4 Jews on the Supreme Court, would not represent the interests of the Christian majority.

Strange it is considered evil for the majority religion to have any representation on the highest court in the land.

Strange no one says the Supreme Court should recuse itself on any judgements involving the Christian faith.

Strange no one points out that there is not a single Protestant on the Supreme Court.

Strange no descendants of the Protestants of the Virginia Colony are on the Supreme Court.

Strange no descendants of the Protestants of the Founding Fathers are on the Supreme Court.

Strange no descendants of the Protestants of the Civil War of either side are on the Supreme Court.

Strange that only Jews and Catholics arriving to America after America's frontiers were settled with blood, sweat and tears are on the Supreme Court.

Obama Explains
Why He Nominated
‘A White Guy’
To The Supreme Court

The president defended his choice and said he has appointed more women, people of color and LGBT people to federal courts than his predecessors.
--04/07/2016 07:01 pm ET | Updated 1 day ago

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama responded on Thursday to concerns that by selecting “a white guy” for the Supreme Court, he was reneging on his promise to promote diversity with his judicial nominees.

At a town hall event at the University of Chicago Law School — where Obama taught constitutional law for 10 years — a student asked him “what diverse characteristics” Merrick Garland, his nominee to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia, would bring to the high court.

“Well, he’s from Skokie,” Obama joked. “It’s a great town.”

Obama acknowledged criticism he’d received for nominating “a white guy,"” but said he’s always taken steps to consider more diverse nominees for both the Supreme Court and various federal courts, noting that he has done far more to promote diversity in the federal court system than his predecessors.

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