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January 2017 AD
Jewish PivotFINALLY 2017? Not Fake News -- just the FACTS! Dinesh D'Souza, in his movie Hillary's America, did a wonderful job of showing that key Democrats did not pivot to the Republican Party during the LBJ era as the fake news sites reported. Likewise, Jews are not, starting with the Jewish neocons of the Ronald Reagan administration, doing a pivot away from Democrats and to Republicans either. Christians are open-minded;
Jews not open-minded at all By sheer cunning, the Jewish pack of wolves have stolen away the Christian flock of sheep, to where the Christian sheep are no longer shepherd by Christ.
American Christians have allowed themselves to be herded into Socialist Eugene Debs territory. Christian voters have been far more open minded -- than Jewish voters -- over the last 100 years. In the last 26 presidential elections, Christian voters overall have selected the Republican candidate 13 times; while, Christians overall have selected the Democrat candidate 13 times. An EXACT 50/50 split. Kinda of what you would expect the outcome to be, as the name of the political game is to promise just enough to get your candidate over the line at 50% of the vote, but not to promise too much to the opposite side to get them voting for you. Since both sides are playing the exact same game, the winner becomes just about a roll of the dice, or 50/50 odds. Not so with Jewish voters. In every presidential election since Woodrow Wilson, for 26 straight elections in a row, (percentage wise of course,) there has NEVER been a time when "Jews who voted Republican" had loved the Republican Candidate more than "Christians who voted Republican" loved the Republican candidate. Not one time. In every one of those 26 elections, in fact, "Jews who voted Democrat" have loved the Democrat candidate more than "Christians who voted Democrat" loved the Democrat candidate, with one H-U-G-E AND TELLING difference. In the 1920 election, Jews who would have voted Democrat, switched over to vote SOCIALIST in order to vote for Socialist Eugene Debs! And they did so in a H-U-G-E way!! By a ratio of 38% Jewish votes for the Socialist to every 3% Christian votes for the Socialist. At a time when only 3% of Christians were hard-core Socialists, 38% of Jews had hard-core socialist leanings. Can there be any doubt where our left-ward drift into socialism in this country has consistently come from over the last 100 years? The Democrat Party of the last 100 years has decidely been the party of the Jews, (with blacks being their largest Democrat base,) so a Christian would think himself safe in the Republican Party, right? WRONG! ![]() Jewish Pivot is an Illusion
co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg has eschewed his atheist beliefs and
now asserts that “religion is very important.”
Zuckerberg, whose Facebook profile once identified him as an atheist, revealed his change of heart on his social media network after he wished everyone on Dec. 25 a “Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah” from “Priscilla, Max, Beast and me,” referring to his wife, daughter and dog. When a commenter asked him, “Aren’t you an atheist?” he responded: “No. I was raised Jewish and then I went through a period where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is very important.” Which religion Mark Zuckerberg actually believes in is left as a personal secret. The article discusses his wife's religion of Buddhism and him praying to Buddha, so is he now converted to his wife's religion, making him a Buddhist? On the other hand, the article discusses his deep love and affection for the Pope, so is he now a devout Christian, having met his wife half way? Lastly the article discusses the mere fact that he was born Jewish. My guess? He is now like the Hollywood Jews who are everything to everybody when the need arises. Zuckerberg went from no religion, to professing many religions. Until we know better, Zuckerberg is now into Polytheism. And I think it has a lot to do with the new administration who would have been about to crack down on Zuckerberg's not-so-seccret plans to censor the speech of the Christian users of his Facebook. Since Trump is now proven out to be an ISRAEL FIRST President, Zuckerberg saw the light and had to pivot to his own religion so Trump cannot touch him. With a Democrat in office, an atheist Zuckerberg was well respected by the current administration. But, an atheist Zuckerberg could have had the ax brought down hard on his censorship of Facebook, without anyone being able to accuse Trump of being an anti-Semite. Cannot be an anti-Semite against an atheist can you? Well sure you could, because the ethnic Jew card could still be played. But I think Zuckerberg decided he needed the additional "insurance" of having "found religion" in the religion of his forefathers. Expect many other Judeo-pivots in the days and weeks ahead. As to the pivot, no, these Jews will be ideologically the same after Trump as they were before Trump. They will just have to go into hiding, as the Christian majority was having to do under Obama when they could not call out the President for fear of being called a racist, or call out Barrack Obama's handler, Jewish slime-slinger David Axelrod and the Jewish verbal-terrorist George Soros for fear of being called an anti-Semite. How does this play out with Trump?
Back to Trump's first concern when he becomes President, not concern for America, but concern for -- Israel and the UN resolution 2334. Ever hear the phrase, ”If three people tell you you’re drunk, it’s time to go home”? Well, the entire world is telling Israel it’s counterproductive to continue building settlements on disputed land. This dispute over this land in the Middle East is like haggling over a pizza while one party eats slice after slice of the pizza. Jews haggle and haggle and hagle some more to where the entire world is sick of it. All the while, they create one settlement after another after another on conquered territory. Seems only Hilter could have war declared on him for settling conquered territories. Trump promised to make America great again. Let God take care of Israel, right? So why has no one jumped on Britain and France about this UN resolution on Israeli settlements in the West Bank ? They could have stopped it just as easily as the U.S. They also have the same veto power as the United States. The reason is obvious: Britain, France, Japan, New Zealand, etc are not ran by a bunch of religious crazies that insist an angry, Jesus-denying, Israeli god will smite us if we don’t support Israel’s every move. Counter argument of the Jews? Because England and France have too many Muslims and they have to tread softly when deciding to vote against Muslims. Christian Counter to the Counter-argument of the Jews Does this not beg the question? Can anyone who seriously believes England and France can be influenced by Muslims not also seriously understand that America can be influenced by Jews? SUMMARY: Democrats pivoted during the LBJ period -- in public -- but as shown by an Obama administration totally deaf to the plight of blacks as he played golf on elite white golf courses and as Chicago burned under a Jewish liberal Democrat Rahm Emanuel during the last 8 years of the Obama administration, the old racist Democrats of old are still in power and are still racists. Same with the Jews who were and still are the Democrat Party. Jew will publically pivot from their extreme liberal views of the past to align themselves with the new reality of the Trump administration, but they will still be Israeli Firsters. Jews will continue to vote against Trump in his reelection, as much as they voted against him in his first election. Trump knows what Jews truly are, but he still shows every indication of playing along with the "right-wing" element of the Jews by moving our embassy to Jerusalen and fighting against one of the only good things the UN has ever done, pass Resolution 1334, telling the Jewish government they cannot genetically cleanse the West Bank. The neo-con Jews first emerged under Reagan and will be prevalent under Trump, as Trump will have all other Jewish wolves relentlessly nipping at his heals for the next 8 years.
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