Boy this freaking Women’s March has really caused an awful lot of ….
Well, Obama’s America has already proven to be the nesting place
for stupidity and ignorance, but this March?
Well. it’s just brought
the stupid to a whole new level… am I alone on this thought?
It’s just so… what’s the word? Insufferable.
Now, let me make my point.
Look at this picture. The woman is holding up a sign that says:
“I dream women will one day have the same rights as guns.”
See what I mean? Stupid.
However, this woman’s attempt at being witty, totally
backfired on her pretty darn badly. Hindsight on this one is going to
drop kick her butt to Timbuktu. I have no idea where that is, but it
sounds far, far away from here.
Gun Rights Across America has responded…

Sorry…I need just a moment.
Okay… I’m good now.
I think that response puts everything in perspective, pretty
brilliantly in fact. The ignorance of the leftist, modern “feminist”
movement is a joke. One big fat obnoxious joke.
Just the left once again on the look out for any and all ways to get
offended and like all leftist agenda, it’s geared towards bringing
further division to our country…all so they can push their radical
globalist crap agenda down our throats.
These freaking modern day feminists have no idea what they are even
protesting for. This whole march is just a bizarre array of crazy and
hysterical anti-trump, anti-man, anti-any woman who does not see eye to
eye with them, load of crap with zero substance.
You got intolerance, bigotry, ignorance and hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Period.
I’m sure there are plenty of women elsewhere who would love to trade
places with them here in America. Right about now, I’m sure they are
thinking…how selfish and utterly ungrateful these women are who are
marching and trashing the streets of America in the name of all things
I’ll pray for those women globally who are truly suffering. If they
can see the ones we got here doing what they are doing…it has to be
horrible for them.
The women of history have already fought the good fight and the
rights were given to us today to enjoy and take advantage of to progress
in life.
I guess the sacrifice of those female heroes in history isn’t enough for our modern day feminists.