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April 2019 AD

America's President
Declares himself a
Dual Citizen of Israel

Netanyahu colludes with Trump

Even while our President sits with the Prime Minister of Israel, colluding right under our noses, the Judeo-MSM are asking questions about the newly released Mueller Report clearing Trump of collusion with Russia.

Our American Jews, who once hailed the on-going Mueller investigation, as they hoped would tie our President to Russia, all the while, chopping at the bit for the hammer to drop, are all now dismissing the results of that investigation summarized by one of their Jewish own, Rod Rosenstein.

Jews Jerry Nadler, Jews Adam Schiff, Jews Chuck Schumer, all Hollywood Jews, all Judeo-MSM Jews, all academic Jews; all rejecting the truth, because the truth never mattered in the first place. Never does with Jews we are now discovering.

Mueller's investigation "failed because all the crimes

Yes there are a few exceptions for truth among Jews being perhaps Mark Levin, but I can find as well, exceptions for blacks wanting self-sufficiency in black man Thomas Sowell, and so forth, which does not establish the rule.

Diversity has been proven to be a false God.

Jews will never have Christian morals, same as it appears blacks will likewise never be advocates for self-sufficiency.

Well past time to segregate ourselves from one another.

Is our President a Dual Citizen?

Breibart engaged in some FAKE NEWS, which ironically, is actually way more truthful than even they would want to admit.

In the text of the article, the discussion turns away from the Mueller exoneration of any Russian collusion with our President, and turns toward our President's collusion with Israel.

The Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, offers our President a case of the finest wine, but our President does not drink, so our President is relieved that the wine is offered to his staff instead.

And then Trump adds that he loves Israel as much as he loves anything, including his own family, his own country, and his own God.  

In fact, we all know this to be true. Our President is essentially a dual citizen of Israel and thus constitutionally disqualified from leading this great country.

When one reporter asked Trump if Mueller acted honorably throughout his investigation, Trump replied, “Yes, he did.”

“It’s lasted a long time, we’re glad it’s over, its a 100 percent the way it should have been I wish it could have gone a lot quicker,” he added later.

The president ignored further questions during the meeting, focusing on his proclamation to recognize Israel’s territorial claim on the Golan Heights and his relationship with Netanyahu.

Netanyahu said that he brought a case of wine for the president and his staff to celebrate.

“I bought him a case of the finest wine … I understand you’re not a great wine drinker but could I give it to your staff?”

Trump replied, “Yes.”

Overall, the president appeared relieved.

“I will tell you I love this country, I love this country as much as I can love anything: my family, my country, my God,” he said.

But alas, I cannot knowingly report a mistake as truth, as that would a Judeo-Democrat Liar thing to do. If you watch the actual video interview, President Trump says he loves his country - his family, his country, and his God.

We keep trying to bring to light the real collusion and real conspiracy to subjugate this country to the whims of Israel.  Whether it be:
  1.  Our Congress pledging allegiance to Israel, or be it the
  1.  Al Jazeera undercover investigation on the Israel Lobby, or even
  1.  Our own people committing treason in the name of a fake religious belief.

Here are the successive steps freedom is determined, with the last being the last resort:
  1.  Soap Box
  1.  Ballot Box
  1.  Jury Box
  1.  Ammo Box
The Jewish Lobby wants the world to be dependent Socialist, while supporting an independent Israel. 

And yet, once you vote in Socialism, you always have to shoot your way out.

Appears the ammo box will be needed sooner than later.

Donald Trump: Time to Investigate the Left for ‘Treasonous Things’

President Donald Trump told reporters that it was time to investigate leftist Democrats for pushing the ongoing hoax that his campaign colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.

“There are a lot of people out there that have done some very very evil things, very bad things. I would say treasonous things against our country,” Trump said. “And hopefully, people that have done such harm to our country, we’ve gone through a period of really bad things happening. Those people will certainly be looked at. I have been looking at them for a long time.”

The president commented on the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation during a White House event hosting Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.

Trump did not specifically name the people he wanted to be investigated but hinted that they had a lot to do with triggering the special counsel investigation.

“Why haven’t they been looked at? They lied to Congress. Many of them, you know who they are,” he said. “They’ve done so many evil things.”

Trump hinted that the country had to make sure that rogue forces in the FBI and the Justice Department could not bring a similar phony case against another president in the future.

“What they did, it was a false narrative, it was a terrible thing. We can never let this happen to another president again,” he said.

He also added that he supported releasing the report, but said that it was ultimately up to Attorney General William Barr.

Trump also said he believed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller acted honorably during the investigation of his campaign into possible collusion with Russia.

When one reporter asked Trump if Mueller acted honorably throughout his investigation, Trump replied, “Yes, he did.”

“It’s lasted a long time, we’re glad it’s over, its a 100 percent the way it should have been I wish it could have gone a lot quicker,” he added later.

The president ignored further questions during the meeting, focusing on his proclamation to recognize Israel’s territorial claim on the Golan Heights and his relationship with Netanyahu.

Netanyahu said that he brought a case of wine for the president and his staff to celebrate.

“I bought him a case of the finest wine … I understand you’re not a great wine drinker but could I give it to your staff?”

Trump replied, “Yes.”

Overall, the president appeared relieved.

“I will tell you I love this country, I love this country as much as I can love anything: my family, my country, my God,” he said.

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The Christian Solution ©             First Release: March 15, 2008