Let's hold, for another discussion, the fact that many
Protestants believe today that the Early Church was corrupted by
secular rule under the government of Constantine.
This belief being too easy an argument
to counter, as millions of Protestants in prime examples like the
Church of
England have gladly submitted to a far worst corruption of the faith.
Constantine got all the clergy together to create the Nicene Creed, but
did not declare himself God as many Roman emperors before him would
done; not as serial-wife-killer King Henry VIII all but did when he
himself Protestant Pope of England.
Instead, I want to concentrate on the Five Solas.
The Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation
Sola Scriptura (Solely Scripture)
Solus Christus (Solely Christ)
Sola Fide (Solely Faith)
Sola Gratia (Solely Grace)
Soli Deo Gloria (Solely God's Glory)
And in this, let's restrict ourselves to examining just
the first and second of the Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation as
those two seem to encompass all the others. By reading your Bible and
following Christ, the last three Solas seem to automatically fall out
of the first two Solas.
Finally, let's narrow our focus of these two Solas to the narrow
intertwining of the two: Sola Christ in the
Sola Scripture.
So to start off with discussing the famous Protestant rant
against Catholicism.
The Reading of the Sola Scriptura
read their Bibles, Catholics do not!",
so Protestants say.
When Protestants
read a Bible,
how do they get from the very simple
definition of Antichrist, which any child in Sunday school could
is a liar,
but he who denieth that Jesus is the
This is Antichrist,
who denieth the Father, and the Son."
John 2:22]
To Protestants reading this into the Bible; where, all Protestant
Reformation leaders engaged in
a very real and
very Great
Apostasy by using this simple definition of
Antichrist to convince some Christians into believing a "reverse Great
Apostasy" where:
1) All Popes are said to have
"denieth that Jesus is the Christ" and therefore
2) All Popes were
3) Explained oftentimes as the Whore of Babylon; which
follows, that
4) All their Christian mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers,
aunts, uncles, cousins,
brothers and sisters suddenly became
5) Pagan followers of this
"Antichrist" as
6) They
too would have to have "denieth the Father and the Son" in following
the Pope?
7) And being a Great Apostasy which
8) Protestants would never fall for
Says so in Wikipedia, so it must be true.
John Wycliffe,
Martin Luther,
John Calvin,
John Thomas,
John Knox,
Roger Williams,
Cotton Mather, and
John Wesley,
as well as most Protestants
of the 16th-18th centuries,
felt that the Early Church
had been led into
Great Apostasy
by the Papacy
and identified the Pope with the Antichrist.
Luther declared that not just a pope from time to time was Antichrist,
but the
Papacy was Antichrist
because they were "the representatives of
an institution opposed to Christ".
Wikipedia - Antichrist
How do Protestants completely miss the Angel Gabriel in the Chapel when
Christ, even in his day, speaks of whom he is most concerned who will
"deniath that Jesus is the Christ?"
Whom does Jesus say will openly deny both the Father and the Son?
Whom does Jesus worry will deny he is the Messiah?
Whom does Jesus all but identify as Antichrist?
(Hint, the Antichrist of whom Jesus spoke was not gentiles
worshiping Zeus, nor the occupying the Roman Empire, nor the outsider
Emperor of Rome, nor even his own mother Mary who would be prayed to
later by millions, and certainly not Peter upon whom he was to build
his Church)
Who is Jesus talking to here?
therefore said to them:
If God were your Father,
you would indeed love
For from God I proceeded,
and came;
for I came not of myself,
but he sent me:
Why do you not know my
Because you cannot hear my
You are of your father the
and the desires of your
father you will do.
John 8:43-45
know thy tribulation and thy poverty,
but thou art rich:
and thou art
blasphemed by them
that say they are Jews and are not,
but are the
synagogue of Satan.
-- Apocalypse (Revelations) 2:9
How do faithful Bible-reading Protestants honestly miss this and/or
how do they reconcile their ill-conceived thoughts?
Where is this leading you ask?
What does...
- Christian life under Jewish rule during the time
of Christ
- The creation
of Protestantism in 1521 AD
- The Great Apostasy
- Christian life under Jewish rule in the New
- The Great Reset
...all have in common?
It’s long and complicated.
call themselves Antifa and portray themselves as anti-Fascists; and
yet, they are fascists.
call themselves JUDEO-Christians and portray themselves as
JUDEO-Christian; and yet, they are in battle against Christians
whom they wrongly call Antichrist, while being in league with the true
Anti-Christ, Jews.
The First
Great Reset
The greatest and most destructive fraud ever perpetrated
upon Western Civilization is the fraud Protestants tell the world that
read ONLY the Bible and think ONLY of Christ first, as all evidence say they do
First Great Reset of Christianity was the Protestant Reformation which caused a huge
Judaizing Apostasy in the Christian world which centrally featured Old Testament Fire
and Brimstone Protestantism.
Protestant religions actually went away from Jesus, and
famously away from his mother and his Church, not toward Christ as they claim.
Jesus was not fire and brimstone,
but 450 years later, all I heard from Protestants as a child was much talk about
Sodom and Gomorrah, lots of movies about Charlton Heston's Moses, Esther, or David and Goliath, with little talk about Christ.
over just the last 50 years, this rigid "You-are-going-to-Hell!"
Protestantism of Puritans, Quakers, Jehovah Witnesses and Calvinists
softened into a complete reversal, now focused on a loving
"Turn-the-other-cheek-to-every-sin" Jesus who would ask you to give
everything unto Caesar, as it is Caesars' job to feed the poor and to
the sick, as well as at all cost, it is Caesar's job to protect the
Israeli military junta.
The Second
Great Reset
The Second
Great Reset of the World War/Great Depression/World War/UN, was the
destruction of all the great Christian empires, themselves being the
Christian World Order.
The Third and Last
Great Reset
We are entering the upcoming Third Great Reset with the final
take-down of the last remaining obstacle, the United States under our
Founder's Constitution, which brings about the completion of the New
Jew World Order.
Calling it The Great War, The Great Depression, The Great Reset, The
Revolution or The Great Recession, 9/11 or the Great Covid-19, it's all
the same crisis created to be an excuse for
PROGRESSION to Jewish World Order.
Martial law freely given to handle any current crisis, which leaves in
its wake
never ending laws after the crisis has ended.
Protestants supported the creation of Israel under the misconception
that all Jews would travel back to the Promised Land and live there, because
they are Jews greatest supporters; but instead, dual-citizen Jews have found the best way to defend
Israel is to control OUR mighty military and economy of the United
States and have it defend and feed THEIR Israel.
"Protestants read the Bible",
Yeh, I've heard
Let's review a few simple minor apostasies to Christian life
where Protestants have misled their believers before we arrive at the
vilest part
of The Great Apostasy, which is The Greatest Reset.
At one time Puritan Protestants did read a
little of the Bible about maintaining a moral life.
At one time, Calvinists used to pridefully say you were "GOING TO
HELL!", especially in regards to violating any of the Old Testament
But no more.
What is more Christian than worshiping Christ over earthly possessions
and what is more Christian than in treating others as you would want
them to treat you?
- All decent Protestants used to understand the
parable about the rich man being unable to fit through the eye of the
but reality is that millions of Protestants openly follow prosperity
ministries from the likes of Joel Osteen where the aim is not eternal
salvation but using Christianity to obtain
earthly riches. Not quite the ultimate outcome Christ had in mind for
- All
decent Protestants used to understand the
Christian principle for marriage of “What God has joined together, let
no man put
asunder”. Yet many Protestants cheat on their wives these days, while
making sure
to vote for politicians who will make no law criminalizing adultery
while making laws
allowing for easy divorce where government judges break apart what God
joined together.
- All
decent Protestants used to
understand “Thou
shall not murder.” And yet, the majority of Protestants today vote for
politicians lying about a fake Constitutional “women’s right”, which
allows for
a “personal right to murder innocents" in the worst possible way by
infanticide, where limb by limb of the baby is ripped out of the
mother's uterus, if the mother so wishes.
- All
decent Protestants used to
understand “Thou
shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods.” They still understand this sin
today, as
they still don’t believe in “personal thief.” Instead, they do a fake
end run
around the prohibition of stealing by voting in politicians who openly
make promises to institutionalize "public thief." Money is
stolen (taxed) from others with politicians promising to give that
stolen money to themselves as
welfare booty, as EIB stamp booty, as free college booty or as free
healthcare booty. Islam was never as efficient in sacking and
plundering the enemy.
(Plenty of Catholics such as Dick Durbin, Nancy
Pelosi, or any of the Kennedys, do the same sins as above.)
Believe it or not, these are just
run-of-the-mill sinners. Been
with us since Adam and Eve / Cain and Able.
Justification for sin is a recent phenomenon
with Protestants though.
- It’s
one thing to sin by robbing a bank, knowing
as a Christian that you have done wrong and if caught, fully expecting
to be
punished by being locked up in prison. Quite another idea to rob the
bank thinking
you have a right to other people's money in the bank and outraged upon
capture to both have
the money returned to the bank, with you placed in prison.
- In
fact, it’s one thing to commit the sin of adultery
by “divorcing” the mother or father of your children, then shacking up
another in adulterous sin, and it’s quite another thing entirely to
expect your
Protestant Church to accept the breakup of your family, to accept your
unrepentant adultery by living with another, and even to go so far as
your church to welcome you back into the fold with open arms, and yet
churches are filled to the brim with such unrepentant adulterous adults.
- The
Catholic Church today, in
keeping up with
the Protestant Jones, is only a tad less egregious, for the Catholic
will say the opposite partner suing for governmental divorce, is prima
facie proof of fraud before God from the very start of the
marriage in
stating they would marry "till death do part." This fig leaf is called
annulment (a true marriage never existed, just fornication, which can
be forgiven if you stop fornicating. Having your sin forgiven meant you
were still free to enter into a real marriage).
These washing away of everyday sins, even as
the sin continues,
had not been present since the start of the Protestant Reformation.
Early Protestants were mercilessly Old
Testament fire and brimstone crusaders
against sin. (Old Testament focused being a clue to the Great Apostasy)
No, these are not the primary killers of
Civilization, but these recent trends toward an acceptance and
accommodation of sin while “reading
the Bible” are indicators of something seriously wrong.
Real Missed Part in the Bible
Where the Protestants get their reading of
the Bible
spectacularly wrong is not in getting sinning wrong, for they certainly
what sin is.
In fact, when it comes to sin, Moses pretty much had this summed up in the Ten Commandments.
with sin prohibitions already being established by the Ten
Commandments, the nature of sin was not the true nature for Christ's
Christ added nothing new here and said so
Where Protestants consciously and
deliberately and blatantly
destroy the entire concept of Christianity is in their missing Christ’s
message about the purpose of the Chosen People of the Old Testament,
and the relative
purpose of the "Chosen People" in the New Testament.
These Protestant "readers of the
Bible" ignoring this, take their destructive concepts of Christianity and
apply their Great Apostasy to America today.
You can discover this Protestant Great
Apostasy for yourself.
Ask any Protestant who considers themselves well
read, then
or now, about their beliefs.
Ask them their concept of modern-day Jews.
Puzzling that the answers will always be
worshipful of a religion other than their own.
- God
will curse those who curse Jews and bless
those who bless Jews.
- Christ
was Jewish (Implying there’s not a bean's worth of
difference between Jewish people and Christian people).
- Christ
was a Rabbi (Better going to a
synagogue for spiritual guidance).
- The
Holocaust was all but Christian
sin against the Chosen People (Germans were Christians after all) for
which we must ask for Jewish forgiveness for eternity or until Christ's
second coming where Jesus will wipe away this Christian original sin as
had wiped away Jewish original sin the first time.
- Israel
who rejects Christ must be
defended at all cost against Muslims who reject Christ, because the
end is near and Jews will become “Woke” don't you know. (but we presume
Muslims will never become Woke?)
- And my favorite. We must be on
their side, until they are on our side, and only then can we again be
on our
own righteous side.
Here is an idea closer to the truth.
- In reading the Bible, Protestants have missed the
concept of why there is an Old Testament and why then there is a New
- What Protestants miss: The entire New Testament is a
parable about the Chosen People and who they
really are in relation to Christ.
- In a word, Protestants have missed Christ's message
in the Bible about the incompatibility
of NEW Christian belief to NEW Jewish belief.
right, you heard me;
Christ did say he was not here to change
anything from the Old Testament.
But please get this
It was actually Jews in the New Testament who changed from their Old
Testament ancestors...
- When they stopped believing in the Messiah.
- When
they stopped believing in Christ.
- Stopped
believing in the Son of God standing directly in front of them.
- Would still believe Jesus to be an apostate to God.
- Protestants who read the Bible would not read the Talmud, right? So they do not even know the current views of Talmudic
Jews whose Talmud teaches them that Jesus was the whore son of Mary who
committed adultery with a Roman soldier and Jesus will rot in hell.
Even Islam says Christ was a prophet.
What is the
most important part of all missed by Protestants?
- Modern Jews
stopped being the Chosen People worthy of Christ's salvation.
- Modern Jews became Antichrist,
- by denying the father
and the Son,
- by denying Jesus
is the Christ.
- Modern Jews
are the Synagogue of Satan.
- JUDEO-Christian
Protestants became useful idiots
for the Antichrist,
- as they
became The Great Apostasy.
All this is not the fault of Protestants so much, for they were
misled by the clever Satan himself.
this happen?
In a word, Jewish Propaganda.
Christians can honestly have differences of
agreement among themselves.
Prime example:
The split in the Church
between Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox in 1054 AD, 500 years
before the
Protestant Reformation, shows how Christians can amicably split without
resorting to calling each other apostates and Antichrist without
leading to waging
devastating religious wars against each other.
then came the printing press
World history was bound to change with the
invention of the printing press back in the 1440’s, for knowledge was
bound to become decentralized.
Destruction of the centralized control of
Church and State would be a forgone conclusion.
The only question for history would be
would wield the power of the printing press to reshape the world to
accommodate their own selfish aims?
Not the existing Christian Church and State, for they wanted to
maintain the current status.
In fact, the first creation of this decentralized New World Order were
the creation of the Protestants, and surprise, surprise, they are
about delegitimizing Christianity by saying that the Pope did not want
Christians to
read the Bible
on their own.
Truth be known, the Pope did not want Christians to
read the
Judeo-heresy of the Judeo-Protestants and be misled.
An trick as old as time. Call your enemy what you are.
"You are a racist if you believe Black Lives Matter is racist."
"You are the heretic if you think I am the heretic."
- "You" don't read the Bible which we printed on our
printing press;
- "Your" Pope lies so he is Antichrist, so says our
printing press;
- "You" are the one misled and you would have known
this, if you had read our damnation-to-hell pamphlet, from our printing
Here is the painful truth.
The ones to change the Western World with the printing press would be
the Jews who abhorred both the Christian Church and the Christian State.
Get one Christian moron to rant against the Church and Jewish presses
start pumping out the drivel in the untold millions, sending to
everyone and making good Christians start to question their own faith
by thinking everyone else believes this.
Sheeple Propaganda WORKS!
The printed word is indeed stronger than armies. Propaganda in the
right places can make
your two enemies into enemies of each other where those two enemies are
fighting each other rather than fighting you.
This Global New World Order, now controlled by the printing press,
would be created by Jews in shaping populations to their choosing, to
their vision.
- Christian kings could build border walls to keep out
dangerous Judeo-radicals, but they could not keep out dangerous
- Christian
kings resisting this Judeo-published Jew World Order would be
characterized in the Judeo-books as tyrants and overthrown.
- Christian kings censoring and outright banning the
Judeo-publishing would still
be labeled a tyrant, now in the Judeo-books being circulated
underground, and
- Hitler famously destroying Judeo-propaganda and
book-burning of Judeo-books would become synonymous with ultimate evil.
- Christian religious leaders would be said to be
opposed to "science" and rejected.
- Christian religious leaders would be said to be
opposed to "progress" and rejected.
- Christian
religious leaders would be said to be hypocritical evil Inquisitor
pedophiles bent on unholy Crusade and rejected.
- Christian Founders
of America would be said to be racist, sexist, homophobe, anti-Semite,
and rejected.
- Christian
authors could not publish books with Amazon on-line telling of The
Great Apostasy
because Jews owned all the printing presses.
- Christian authors could not upload videos to Google's
YouTube speaking of The Great Apostasy without being deleted, because
Jews own Google.
this happen?
The cost of printing presses dropped as a
printing industry
was formed. Mass production of paper dropped paper costs. Ink started
to be
produced by the drum full. And of course, the three combined produced a
production of books, dropping book prices to levels even the poorest of
families could afford.
Literacy rose in proportion to the mass
production of books.
The years to learn to read could now be
justified since there were now so much
to read. (And the industrial revolution was both freeing time for
people to read and creating
millions of jobs which required reading comprehension)
This evolved over a few decades until the
start of the 1500’s
where the printing press finally tore society wide open.
No longer would a small elite of scholars,
who had the time
to learn to read and the means to keep expensive meticulously
hand-written books,
have a monopoly on world history, a monopoly on the written law, have a
on the written Bible, and thus a monopoly on having the say in shaping
present and the future.
Traditionally, one of those trusted elites
were the State
with their one-man rule in the form of centralized Christian Kings,
kept in
place by a small elite of noblemen. Democratic forces of a well-read
base though would take a seemingly long time to develop - for Kings
have strong armies.
300 years for The American Revolution to break the dam in
order for decent informed Christians to finally rule themselves. The
Revolution immediately following was the down side of an indecent
misinformed Judeo-socialist mob
bringing misery down upon their own heads. French Christians were
promised the American Revolution but got The Terror instead.
Our contention all along was Jews were the
behind-the-scene influence for the disastrous French Revolution against
Christian King and Christian Pope.
In contrast, there was a lack of Jews in the
relatively poor New World of New England, where only hard work was
reworded and thus Jews avoided like the plague. Jews were instead
profiting from the
shipment of tea throughout the British Empire and we threw their tea
overboard. This is what allowed for the successful revolt against an
increasingly Judeo-manhandled English King, Jewish intrigue
dominant throughout the English country following Oliver Cromwell
allowing Jews back into England.
But that would all come later.
The first to bear the brute force of the
printing press a
mere 60 years after its creation was the Catholic Church.
The Bible was the first book of importance
published by the
printing press and Catholic priests and bishops were naturally the ones
who, in a sense, would be the first to be overthrown.
Naturally religion was going to be the
easiest to be overthrown,
for priests carry no weapons to impose their will. They carried nothing
but books and now everyone had one.
The lay folk were no longer
as impressed as they said, "I can look it up myself!"
Another reason it was going to be easy to
overthrow religion is because the Church carries a heavy burden of
responsibility for moral behavior in society. They hold the feet of the
State to
the fire for good conduct.
Even in the Old Testament, Kings of Israel
could be brought down by the prophets.
If a King wanted to viciously eliminate
an enemy, a Catholic Bishop may object to too much brutality, insisting
the King provide Christian fairness and forgiveness of enemies.
In those pre-printing-press days the people
would listen to their Bishops, so
Kings were tied down to this Checks and Balances between Church and
State. In return, the Church supported a devout Christian King who
gently ruled his people, allowing him to keep his power.
The world changed when people had their own
Bibles and could be swayed with other thoughts (often from Jewish
quarters in a Judaizing sense).
- No longer could a Bishop have the complete attention
of his parishioners
- No longer did a Bishop have the power to keep the
King in check.
- No longer then would a King be required to come to
the rescue of Bishops under fire from his people to uphold
religious principles.
- No longer did a King have a desire to defend the
because that freedom from the check of the Church now gave him more
- The balance of power between Church and State was
The word of one questioning monk named
Martin Luther, being pushed by a power-crazed German aristocracy, and
naturally Jews in the shadows looking to divide and conquer the
faithful, would be the spark to ignite the Protestant Reformation.
A serial-wife-killer King in England named Henry VIII, could now
declare himself Pope, reserving for himself all power, both on Earth
and in Heaven.
(Funny how Queen Elizabeth II is nothing but a rich beggar in England
now, having no religious or political power. And she is the lucky one
to still claim a mere ceremonial position.)
Today, there are no real Kings having any power. They turned out to be
mere useful idiots, with them and their empires eliminated in the
Judeo-World Wars, making way for the Judeo-Global-New-World-Order of
the United Nations. Along with the UN satellites, the European Union
and the still
to be finished North American Union, with the newly created-by-Trump
Israel-Arab Union
centrally monitoring this Jew World Order.
Ironic for a German Martin Luther to kick
off the
destruction of Western Civilization called the Protestant Reformation,
since the Roman Empire had fallen as well a thousand years earlier to
Germans. But the Catholic Church had converted
the former German pagans to Christianity and over time, by the 1500's,
had well restored civilization.
Medieval Europe before the printing press
was a Catholic Europe and this Catholic Europe paved the way for enough
societal security to allow for the establishment of the printing press.
Ottoman Islam, nor Indian Hindu, nor Chinese Confucius, nor African
pagan, nor
Central American pagan, but Catholic Europe was responsible for the
And yet, prior to the printing press, the
Catholic Church
had grown fat and lazy, even corrupt, resting on its laurels. For
having 14-year-old sons becoming King upon the death of their father,
eyebrows were raised when the Medici, who had long paid for the
construction of
churches and defense of the same Churches, asked that a 14-year-old
priest be allowed to be coroneted as a Cardinal and shortly thereafter
elected Pope.
that the Protestant Reformation was not formed
on this obvious corruption of the State and mercantile powerful
appointing religious leaders of their choosing, for the
powerful would have fought back against those Protestant religious
rebels rejecting their appointments of Popes by having the blame
pointed back at them.
For this was a break in
Separation of Church and State, where the State appointed the Church
leaders. Sure, it was like the President appointing members of
the Supreme Court for life and they could theoretically vote against
the State if they wanted or needed. And a devout Christian King
appointing a Christian Cardinal is not necessarily a bad thing, but in
practice there was no longer any real Checks and Balances in place.
Nope, the Protestant Reformation was instead
created by silly little Karens screaming "Oh my God, indulgences!"
Indulgences are nothing more than a priestly
forgiveness of your sins through
showing penance for your sins by contributing to Catholic charities.
the only wrong here was the sequence. Should have been God's
forgiveness first and
penance later, but point is, if you don’t want to be “taxed” by the
Church, then
you had the freedom to not ask for forgiveness requiring indulgences,
or you even had, the freedom to just not
the King wanted those indulgence taxes to go to him instead and a fight
against that would indeed be an idea a King could stand behind.
In the end, there would be little to stop
this printing press forest fire. It raged across Catholic Europe and
Jews could not have been happier.
Any avid reader of history knows which side
the Jews backed in this divide and conquer of Christendom.
But the Jewish-controlled monopoly on the
printing press can be said, and most arguably is today, to be the
very source of corruption. The Protestant Reformation is a great
example of
how one small corruption of a small but knowledgeable Christian elite
before the
printing press could be completely overwhelmed by a far greater
corruption of a
partially informed mass of Christians being misled by larger
Judeo-nefarious forces after
the printing press.
Diverging in thought for a bit, we have seen
this same dirty deed play out in the propaganda for the 17th Amendment.
To advocate the enactment of the 17th
Amendment, a State was found to have a small bit of
corrupt, so to prevent the States from corrupting the gloriously
uncorrupted federal government by way of State legislature appointments
of Senators, the 17th Amendment simply took away the State's right to
govern the very federal government they had created. This has only led
to a
massive corruption at the federal level without any State Checks and
Balances left in place to restrain the Federal Government.
Reformation Fraud
The main context for the Protestant
Reformation was for people
to read the Bible for themselves, not to have a priest cherry pick out
he was interested in relating to his parish.
No longer having a Pope or anyone below him
to decide what Bible passages meant, we now have 33,000 Protestant
denominations all deciding
for themselves what the Bible says.
really? You don't say! Rejected themselves 33,000 times?
John Wycliffe,
Martin Luther,
John Calvin,
John Thomas,
John Knox,
Roger Williams,
Cotton Mather, and
John Wesley
....all got
God wrong as well?
"Jesus save us, they must be Antichrist along with the Pope!"
....Guess finding out you were wrong does not equate to
putting the genie back into the bottle by rejoining the faith of your
ancestors, but must mean you should wander off to follow even more
outlandish quacks.
There is a saying:
“When the people find that they can vote
themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”
― Benjamin
I don't know why Ben never published this,
but have Franklin's religious corollary:
the people find that they can create a church which will call single
mothers virtuous that will herald the end of Christianity.
--Benjamin Franklin's ghost
All the rage as well now are
non-denominational churches saying they themselves are not even a
England's King Henry VII declaring himself
Pope of the Catholic Church of England was just a humble start of
merging Church with State.
Now with non-denominational believers,
- Everyone can be their own Church,
- Everyone can be their own Pope,
- Everyone can say the Bible says anything they want it
to say.
One Baptist friend of mine was very proud of
his Bible reading. So pure was his Biblical beliefs that he was even
back to Biblical origins by telling me what this word truly meant in
the original New Testament Greek and what
that word precisely meant in ancient Old Testament Hebrew.
Wow, you know Greek and ancient
he didn’t really know how to read
anything but modern English, barely able to read the old English
dialect of the King James Bible. What he was really doing was having
complete strangers
tell him the “meaning of the Bible!”
Not even a trusted parish priest.
Was quite a wakeup call for him when I
pointed this out.
Nothing really astounding here except the
hypocrisy, for no one
reads the Bible from front to back like a novel.
We see this in every Christian Church today,
Catholic or
Protestant even. Bible schools abound with cherry picked stories of
baby Moses and sling-shot throwing young David against Goliath, and the
Sermon on the
This cherry picking does not get much better
with the adults.
We know this because there is no church who
quotes verses teaching that Heber had
two sons named Phaleg and Jectan because the earth was
divided? Go ahead, ask any Biblically literate person you
know who the heck were Phaleg and Jectan.
They had never heard of them
because there is just too much to read in the Bible and much of it goes
off into the weeds of irrelevance.
This passage is simply deemed not
important by priest and lay person alike, so it is never studied and
The story of Heber is innocuous though.
What is really telling is that:
Christian Churches teach their children in
Sunday School that the innocent Chosen People were to have all their
children slaughtered by Pharaoh but instead were miraculously saved by
God’s Passover.
- All
Christian Churches teach their children in
Sunday School that Moses took these innocents to the Promised Land.
- NO
Christian Church teaches about the first
thing the Israelites did when they reached the promised land.
- NO Christian Church tells their children about the
bloodbath of
the Canaanites at the hand of the Jews.
…Where the Lord said to
“Command the children
of Israel, and
say to them:
“When you shall have passed over the
Jordan, entering into the land of Chanaan,
Destroy all the inhabitants of
that land:
beat down their pillars, and
break in pieces their statues,
waste all their high places,
Cleansing the land, and dwelling in
For I have given it you
for a possession.
And you shall divide it among
you by
lot. To the more you shall give a larger part, and to the fewer a
lesser. To
every one as the lot shall fall, so shall the inheritance be given. The
shall be divided by the tribes and the families.
if you will not kill the
inhabitants of the land: they that remain, shall be unto you as nails
in your
eyes, and spears in your sides, and they shall be your adversaries in
the land
of your habitation."
Numbers 33:50-55
Cannot tell our children this!
For what the Israelites did right after
the death of Moses sounds too much
like what ISIS Muslims would do to Christians, which does not comport
well with what we just told them about sacred Moses and the sacred Ten
Why do Jews make hundreds of Holocaust
movies explaining genocide in graphic detail, which Protestants pay
good money to see by the hundreds of millions, but we never get to see
in our movies Jews committing genocidal Holocaust of others even when
Jews wrote it
down themselves in the very book Protestants say they read?
Where are the Hollywood movies for what the
Canaanites had coming to them?
Where are the Hollywood movies for Jewish blood lust?
Jews are always innocent and always
Christians are always guilty and always
No, Protestants just don't read their
Protestants are just too busy going to see
Holocaust movies made by Jews.
Justified it appears if God told the Jews to do
it, but I want to be entertained with genocidal violence BY JEWS as
Why can't I see my Bible come
alive in my local
movie theater by seeing a Jew righteous mob beheading little pagan
girls after they
had just raped and mutilated them?
(For that matter, why can we not see contemporary history, where Jews
running the Soviet Union under Stalin commit the first genocide,
setting the stage for Hitler. When Jews commit Jewish genocide against
seven million Ukrainians in the Holodomor, a mere 10 years before the
Ultimate Christian Taboo
last section highlighted polite self-censorship by Christians about a
few dark spots in Biblical history showing Jewish atrocities.
Much more important is what no Christian has
the courage to teach
their fellow Christians throughout the Protestant Reformation to this
day, not even the Catholic Church since
Vatican II.
And that taboo is a theme which runs the
entire gamut of the
New Testament
This taboo being the fact that:
Jewish elites
tried to commit another genocide,
this time against Christianity
by trying to eliminate Christ and his
at all times
these Jewish elites failed.
From the day Christ was born, our Christmas
holiday is a
celebration of Christ’s survival on Earth against relentless Jewish
elite attempts
to kill all new-born Jewish poor children in an attempt to kill Christ.
Even the Pharaoh’s
attempted killing of innocent Jewish children during Passover was not
as much of an atrocity to be abhorred,
since this was now actual death of Jewish children by the hands of
their own Jewish leaders.
Not heeded by the Jewish elites in their
failed attempt to kill Jesus was the same
message of failure learned, by way of
protection by God, they had learned from Moses.
Thus, the Jewish elites heinous
murder of
fellow Jewish Chosen Peoples, trying to kill the Ultimate Chosen
Person, Jesus Christ, was a full rejection of the salvation of Moses
brought on by the Passover.
Christmas is the "birth Passover" where God
first saved Christianity from the Jews.
Jews today love to take credit for Jesus. He
was a Rabbi they lie. The truth is that many Jewish
elitist attempted to discredit Christ in his teachings which also
failed miserly.
told them that the only salvation is through him, but the lessens were
listened to by the Jewish elite of the need to follow Christ.
Jews reject the teaching and salvation of
Christ died in body when the Jewish elite
coerced Roman Pontus Pilate to be their hit man in murdering a Jew,
which the Jews
could then wash their hands of, but Christ survived in spirit against
Roman “Pharaoh”, while the Jewish elites still refused to follow Christ.
Easter is the "death Passover", where Jewish
intrigue to blame others for their foul deed of killing Christ, failed
again thanks to
Christ's resurrection.
Our celebration of Saint Paul is the miracle
of Saul’s
conversion from Jewish hatred and persecution against Christians as the
Jewish Inquisitor sent on a Jewish Crusade of genocide to wipe out any
Jews who adhered to any remnant of Christianity after Christ’s
Saul's Road to Damascus moment was God's "Resurrection Passover" to
keep safe the Apostles from Jewish tyranny.
Funny thing is that the Catholic Church at
the time, up
until Vatican II, was teaching these important lessons from the New
Even the parts about Christ relating the
Antichrist Jews who rejected Christ to a Synagogue of
But interestingly, the “READ YOUR BIBLE”
Protestants have
NEVER taught any of this in context.
From the way I hear Protestants tell it,
much of anything
you need to know and concern yourself with in terms of Jews are that
“If you
want to be blessed by God, then bless the Jews Chuck Schumer and Adam
Schiff, but
if you want to be cursed by God, then curse the Jew Sacha Baron Cohen
he will disgrace you in one of his Borat movies.”
There is another stream of thought in
Protestant beliefs where Jews who reject
Christ and Christians who
follow Christ are seamlessly merged together as Judeo-Christian.
I call this Judaizing.
The One-World Global government we are
moving toward is a Jewish empire with Judaized
Islam and Judaized Christianity alike subservient to it.
In terms of a post printing press society,
where the individual is reading the Bible for themselves without
authoritative Christian interpretation, the Protestant Reformation has
been the greatest fraud ever
perpetrated upon mankind.
(Outside of Islam which is a different fraud
altogether, but at the same time much the same. Islam was Jews taking
the Arabian pagan religion of Al-Lah and
Judaizing it. There are lots of articles in the Christian Solution
explaining this, so we will not divert here)
Protestantism, with much help from European
Jews of the day, was taking the Christian religion of Christ
and Judaizing it in terms of Judas.
The Jewish produced Hulu series The Handmaid's
supposed to show Christianity coming full circle to portray the old
fashioned Fire and Brimstone Protestants of old as an evil we never
wish to see again,
but most of it looked to me to be old fashioned Old Testament eye for
an eye,
stone your raped handmaid, while not letting any sperm hit the ground,
Nowhere in the Old Testament are there an
example of any
pagan society surrounding Israel ever seen blessing the Jews so that
God will bless
them. Or worried about cursing the Jews for fear of God cursing them.
That’s the silliest notion in the Bible.
this verse were truly followed, then these surrounding peoples would
Jewish converts and no longer outsiders making sure to bless them and
not curse
them. They would become the ones others would bless and not curse.
That verse in the Bible, used by many
Judeo-Christians to begin
and end their discussion of Jews, is there solely for Jewish Supremacy.
No one expects
others outside Judaism to actually agree to this.
This verse is merely God
telling Jews, for now, that they are the Chosen People and have
dominion over
the Earth. Jews are supposed to religiously believe that everyone else
on Earth
should either give them tribute or expect to be righteously wiped out
as was done
to the Canaanites.
Sort of a traditional belief of all pagans
in fact, as seen
in Mongols who would wipe out entire cities for not being properly
or converting, all the way to Islam doing the same today.
Never would there ever be another religion
subverting their
religion to the religion of the Jews.
Until the birth of Protestantism.
These are fighting words to anyone in Islam,
but Islam
followed suit and, in many ways, unknowingly are subservient to Judaism
as seen
in Jews calling the Muslim occupation of Spain their Golden Era, where
dominated Muslim Spain for 800 years at the expense of Christianity.
Catholics did not become subservient to
Judaism until
Vatican II.
But what is it about those Protestants?
- Catholics had always understood Jewish leadership did
actually believe in a peaceful Messiah and hence could not believe in
- Catholics had always understood the destruction of
the Temple as a prophecy of Christ.
- Catholics had always understood the
foolishly following a false Bar Kokhba Messiah into destruction in 136
AD caused their Moses-like wanderings for 2,000 years because they were
no longer worthy of the Promised Land. They have still not rebuilt the
Temple because they are still unworthy.
- Catholics had always understood that Christ-rejecting
helped and followed the false Muhammad Messiah and his Islamic hordes
in 613 AD.
- Catholics know of this rejection of Christ by Jews
the Jewish King Herod ordered the death of the baby Jesus.
- Catholics know this of Jews because the Jewish
Pharisees and Sadducee constantly
tried to trick Christ into making heretical statements, which they
could use to
condemn him, but were never successful.
- Catholics know this of Jews because only at the end
could they
bribe Christ’s weakest apostle Judas to turn on Christ so they could
wash their
hands of Christ by having him executed by their Roman hit-man, Pontus
- Catholics understood the allure of a heretical
turning away
from Christ and understand the re-embrace of Judaism through Judas as
- Catholics understood that the Romans would not be
persecutors without the hand of Judaism involved, as Catholics knew
Pilate washed his hands of the blood of Christ, knowing Jews would not
in demanding his death on threat of revolution.
- Catholics understood that the Romans were not that
religious, understanding instead that fighting was in their blood.
Romans militarily
defeated the Greek, but everyone knew the Greeks won the religious
battle by
converting the Romans to Greek Mythology. Likewise, Christians were now
no problems converting the Romans to Christianity. Hence, Catholics
knew there
was no real hatred of Christianity in the Roman world. There would be
no Roman
persecutions against Christians without Jews spreading malicious
slanderous lies
against them.
- Catholics understood that the Jews wanted revenge for
Rome conquering Israel and revenge
against Rome in their not unexpected harsh measures against Jewish
revolts in
70 AD and 136 AD. Rome destroying their Temple while relocating Jews
the Roman Empire as slaves, especially to Spain, the furthest distance
from the
cursed Promised Land that Romans could move them, was plentiful reasons
for Jews
to curse Romans.
- Catholics understood that the Jews, now as slaves,
agitated other slaves and slave
owners alike all over the empire to resist against the Roman Senate and
enough the Roman Senate was overthrown, beginning the dictatorships of
the Caesars.
- Catholics understood the first order of business for
the Jews -- Blame everything bad on
the Christians.
- Catholics understood that Jews were never persecuted
for bringing down the fall of the
Roman Empire even though it was their crafty agitation and anarchist
to divide and conquer which did the deed. Blaming Christians was just
two birds with one stone. Deflect from their own blame while killing
off a fast-growing
rival religion.
Even with all these hints Christ gave
throughout the New
Testament about what is the main theme of the New Testament,
Protestants just
don’t get it.
- The eye of the needle allegory is one key. The
most privileged (i.e. Jews) have the hardest time gaining salvation.
- The Sermon on the Mount poor and meek (i.e.
Christians) shall
inherit the Earth is another key. The persecuted have the easiest path
salvation, while privileged Jews will be denied salvation for denying
- The
prodigal son was more blessed by his father
for returning to the fold than the faithful sons, showing how formerly
cursed gentiles
could be more blessed than privileged Jews.
And that the Jews, the chosen people in the
Promised Land, whom God gave so much, should have the easiest path to
salvation, but instead will have the hardest path to the heart of
How do we know Christ demanded so much more
from the Jews?
His own people?
Because he specifically told Jews
that any Jews who do not follow him, have instead chosen to follow
Satan, for theirs was the
synagogue of Satan.
Why do Protestants miss Christ's message
about the synagogue of Satan and instead say Judeo-Christian?
For Christ could just as well have said that
the main
message of the New Testament was to determine the ultimate salvation
mankind by separating the real followers of God from blasphemous
Paraphrasing Christ:
“Anyone who
blesses the Jews,
who reject me,
will be cursed by me
Anyone who
curses the Synagogue of
and follow me,
will obtain everlasting life through salvation.”
This is how I know Protestants do not
actually read their
Bibles for they get this completely backwards.
The Last Great Reset
Christianity under a Jewish New World Order
And this is how unfaithful Christians, who
do not read their Bible, have
allowed the Jewish enemy of God within, to freely run all the world’s
forms of
the printing press, from books, to magazines, to movies, to Broadway,
to TV, to
cable, and now to the Tech giants of the Internet.
- You know these Judaizing Christians by the name
they call themselves, JUDEO-Christian, saying they follow a
ethic. A real Christian puts no other Gods before them, including a God
does not have a Son, as both Jews and Muslims refuse to believe.
You know these Judaizing Christians by
country they support, Israel, and the country they do not support,
You know these Judaizing Christians by the wars
they fight. Not to defend Christians in Cyprus from Turkish Muslims, or
Christians from beheadings by Kosovo Muslims, or Christians in China, or Christians in Nigeria.
Instead, these Judaizing Christians are only
are interested in defending Israeli Jews from their old Assyrian Empire
enemy (Syria
today), their old Babylonian Empire enemy (Iraq today), their old
Persian Empire enemy (Iran
and Afghanistan today) and their old Egyptian Empire enemy (Egypt
today, who we just pay
off not to attack Israel).
- You know these Judaizing Christians by the
immigrants they favor. Always favoring Jewish immigration of course,
mainly from Russia now, formerly from Germany, but also Muslims
of all sorts, as Jews founded Islam to be Israel’s shock troops against
Christianity. And just for the hell of it, allow in Hindus from India and
Buddhists from
- You know these Judaizing Christians by their
politics. Socialism is their true religion. The State controls
everything so long as the State is in Jewish hands and
leaves no room for Christianity.
- You know these Judaizing Christians, who call
evangelical Protestants, who tell you not to worry about Jews running
Wall Street, Main Street, Mass Media and High Tech, in fact, you are an
anti-Semite, because didn't
Christianity do just fine 2,000 years ago with Christ under Jewish
Sadducee and State of Herod?
- You know these Judaizing Christians who tell you to
do nothing but pray God will work everything out. God will
cause these Jews to be "woke" soon enough they say.
- You know these Judaizing Christians, who call
themselves Protestants, the worst being the evangelicals, from the
outlandish lies they tell about reading the
I was raised in the belief that God helps those who help
You sin, God will not help you.
You allow sin, God will not help you.
You live a virtuous life, God will help you.
You help others live a virtuous life, God will help you.
- I was never told if you help Antichrist Jews, God
will help
- I was never told if you curse Antichrist Jews, God
curse you.
The biggest fraud is calling your sworn enemy your friend, for that
is a suicidal belief from which you will not survive.
Blind Evangelical Protestants enabling Jewish Antichrist tyranny upon
the entire world are the most dangerous frauds in America.
Jews are permanently expelled from every Christian country, The Third
Great Reset to create the New World Order where Jews are
finally allowed global free reign is the Greatest Apostasy, and
one which will bring God's wrath upon the enablers of the Antichrist.
I'm talking to you Protestants!
You thought you were brave
and courageous to stand up to your fellow Christians in the Catholic
Church, but truth be known, you have always been cowards to stand up to the Jews.
Then, you did not call out Jews as Antichrist because you were
self-servingly strengthened by the Jewish printing press and Jewish
Now, you do not call out Jews as Antichrist because you are afraid of the Jewish
printing press and Jewish money.