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April 23, 2009 Jewish Pirates of the CaribbeanSource: Edward Kritzler Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean President Jefferson sent marines to the "shores of Tripoli" because Muslims felt it was their moral right to pirate Christian ships in the Mediterranean.
"It was written in the Koran, that all Nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon whoever they could find and to make Slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman (Muslim) who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise." Now, Thomas Jefferson did not see the battle as one between Christians and Muslims, but rather as a second War of American Independance. He was not about to be enslaved to these Muslim pirates, any more than being enslaved to Great Britain. Today, we have Somali pirates, who while not pointed out by the Jewish media-Scribes, are also Muslim and who also feel it is their moral right to pirate ships and hold them for ransom. Jewish Pirates ![]() How did Jews get into Spain? The main part of the Jews had been relocated to Spain from Judea by Emporer Titus following the Jewish rebellions of his day. He sent them as far away from Judea as he could. Spain on the western part of the Mediterraneam would becom their "home away from home" for the next 1,500 years. In our study of Jewish History, we have discovered that the Jewish Pharisees had plotted from 632 AD to invade and conquer Christian lands using the strength of the hijacked Muslim faith of their deceased Messiah -- Mohammad. For almost 800 years after helping Muslims conquer Spain from the Christians, the Pharisees and their families lived safely in comfort and luxury among the Muslims of Andalusia in Spain. In a Christian resurgence following the capture of Constantinople in 1453 AD, the Roman Catholic Christians of Spain were finally able to dislodge the Moorish Muslims of Andalusia. Shortly after the Muslims left, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella also kicked out the Jews in 1492 AD. How did the Jews get themselves kicked out of Spain? The Jews who would not convert to Christianity were found to be seducing the Jews, who did convert to Christianity, into doing un-Christian acts. Actually, the Jewish Pharisees and media-Scribes do a darn good job of seducing Christians into doing un-Christian acts, even with Christians who were born and raised as Christians! This new fragile Christian country did not need to be underminded from within once again by Jewish traitors. Jewish Expulsion Decree of 1492 "According to the report of the Inquisitioner, there has come to light the great harm to new Christians (converts to Christianity) due to their contact with Jews (not-converted). Therefore, we have decided to order all Jewish men and woman to leave our kingdom, and they shall not dare to come back to reside, to pass through, nor for any reason whatsoever" -- King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expulsion decree of 150,000 Jews Effects of the Third Diaspora Naturally, this third Diaspora of Jews upon the world would have far reaching effects. One natural effect was an extreme vengeful hatred by Jews toward Christian Spain. Many Pharisees took it upon themselves to violate the commandments of Moses, by first coveting the success of Spain, and then by stealing their riches. The easiest and most vulnerable place to steal the silver and gold of Spain was on the high seas, and Jewish Pirates were among the most cunning and the most blood-thirsty. It was an Inside Job! It takes a lot of money to buy a sailing ship. It takes even more money to maintain a sailing ship and to pay its crew. Even if the ship was stolen, it takes a lot of effort to avoid the owner coming after you to get this outrageously expensive ship returned to his custody. (Think of sailing ships in those days, as the equivalent of a space ship to our modern days.) I know of only one group who could pull off such a feat. The Jewish Pharisee Pirates were fluent in Spainish and had many Jewish clerks in the Carribean hiding as Christians, who were responsible for filling out the bills of lading. These "Jewish spies" knew the contents of the Spainish ships, the sail dates, the military protection available, route to be taken back to Spain, and were instrumental in helping the pirate ships succeed. Edward Kritzler has documented the Jewish roots to many pirates who took non-Jewish names in order to hide among the Christians, in order to steal and plunder from Christians. But they never stole from the English Protestants, who were their allies. In fact, the Protestant English the Jewish Pharisees had so effectively manipulated after the Protesant Reformation, praised pirates for their harming the interests of their "enemy" Spain. Queen Elizabeth even knighted Sir Francis Drake (a Protestant) for essentially being a pirate against Spain and for stealing her treasures.
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