German and Russian economies
both take off after Jews Leave
Germany went to full employment as soon as
Hitler dismantled the corrupt and inept basket-case of a
hyper-inflated, Jewish-ran government - The Weimar Republic.
Hitler did this while the rest of the world was still mired in the Great Depression.
Germany is resurgent again now that East and West Germany are reunited
and Germans are allowed some semblance of self-government after the
Cold War ended. Germans are the powerhouse of Europe now with few Jews
left to interfere with their progress.
As soon as most
of the Jews who ran the former corrupt, evil, stagnant,
equally-poor, Jewish-ran communist Soviet Union left for Israel
America,Russia's economy started booming once again under Putin.
Not saying that dictators are the prescription for an ailing
economy, unless the dictator DICTATES that government should get
out of the way of its citizens who will make good lives for their
families if given the chance.
We used to have a Constitutional government where the Constitution DICTATED that government would keep out of our business.
There does seem though to be a strong correlation to a Jewish-ran society and stagnation and misery.
great and telling exception to the rule being the Zionist Nationalistic
Israel. But that is all self-serving, as even a dog is smart
enough to know not to mess his own sleeping area.
Now that Jewish puppet leaders George Clinton, George H.W. Bush, George W.
Bush, Barrack Obama and Ronald Reagan have all had their chance to run the country, our nation
has lost its way.
Yes, I include Ronald Reagan as a Jewish-led leader.
Not that Reagan was
not a powerful champion of Christianity, for he was, but because,
behind the Reagan curtains was a menagerie of Neo-Con Jewish Republicans in
his cabinet. Even though Reagan backed Afghanistan
Muslim fanatics against Russian Christian air
crews who were slaughtered by our Stinger missiles and even though Reagan
ushered in the age of the Middle East wars for Israel, Reagan made us
proud once more to be Americans and Christians.
Before Stagflation,
there was REAL GROWTH
There was a 42% rise in real incomes starting from when the Census
first started recording this measurement in 1960 to the stopping point in the year 1973 where
it maxed out at $51,000 for men.
Imagine how much real incomes have improved since the days
before planes, trains and automobiles. Since the days when
everyone worked manual labor on farms.
And yet, with the completion of the Industrial Revolution these last 40 years, real income has not changed.
Men Who Work Full-Time
Earn Less Than 40 Years Ago
For the last 40 years, that real income has been as level as a table top.
This was not natural to be so flat after a steady rise
beforehand. This was not imposed by the laws of supply and demand. This
was orchestrated to occur by the powers who run this country.
For instance, why did women's wages continue to rise but not
that of men? Women's wages kept rising until they also maxed out
in 2007.
As everyone knows, political demands required companies to
place and reward women over men. This was not a natural outcome of the
laws of supply and demand.
Another indicator that something is amiss is the fact that
real incomes should have INCREASED DRASTICALLY since 1973 as we were in
the mists of a computer revolution
increasing productivity exponentially; as, the brain-based computer
revolution complemented the muscular-based industrial revolution.
The communications revolution, the computer-based supply chain revolution, the plastics revolution, the computer-based, paper-less financial revolution, and many more should have increased productivity greatly and thus pay.
Sending all our "low wage" assembly jobs overseas established a working revolution, where the remaining workers should have moved up into the higher paying jobs.
Problem is: The only thing
which has grown greatly since 1973 is Government.
Greedy Government growth has ate all the productivity gains of the last 40 years.
You don't see the government do this in increased taxes.
You see this in cleverly HIDDEN schemes by the Federal Reserve
printing bogus inflation dollars and redistributing those bogus inflation dollars to others who have not earned it.
This is basically a pre-tax payment to the government. Taken out of your check (through inflation), before you get paid.
Your computer revolution productivity pay raise increases are being squandered by the federal government.
As you don't figure out that you are not
sharing at all in the productivity gains of the computer revolution, so much the better then
for the politicians to get away with it all.
Just because our Jewish corporate leaders are smart enough -
and powerful enough - to reward themselves with massive CEO bonuses for
laying off Christians in America and hiring non-Christians in other
countries and just because fraudulent Jewish stock market manipulators
like the Wolf of Wall Street are smart enough to take their wholly
unfair cut, all brought about by the productivity
gains created by the inventiveness of Christians in the
workforce, does not mean that the government is off the hook.
Myself - I helped revolutionize communications to such a degree where
talking to someone in India is marginally more expensive than talking
to a
cube-mate down the hall, and the same for email. Under this scenario,
work from India
is the same as work from America in my profession, and I worked myself
out of my own job. Indians now do the job I used to do. (To be
absolutely correct, YOUNG Indians now do what I used to do.)
Government did not have to allow these productivity improvements to be
enjoyed by foreigners in India and China at the expense of the ones who
invented and designed the improvements for their own country, but our
government allowed it.

Young Men Earn
Much Less Now
than in 1973
- Ages 25-34. Down 27 percent. Peaked in 1973.
- Ages 35-44. Down 19 percent. Peaked in 1973.
- Ages 45-54. Down 17 percent. Peaked in 1999.
- Ages 55-64. Down 13 percent. Peaked in 2003.
Ah, but, young WOMEN's wages have increased drastically since 1973 so the world's fine.
As we have said before, AVERAGE men's wages stagnated in 1973, while AVERAGE women's wages continued
to rise in real wages until they also stagnated 35 years later in 2007.
If your wife worked, then odds were that your salary was still
slowly rising. But if you were a single wager earner family, then
you have been left behind for the last 40 years.
Could all this be related to women entering the world force at
a lower rate, thereby holding down the wages of men? All in abeyance of the laws of Supply and demand?
Women in my field make on average more than the men in my profession,
so the fact that the charts show them making $10,000 less is purely
statistical. Females teaching for 9 months do not make as much as men
plumbing for 12 months, even though we respect the women teachers of
our children more than we respect the guys who get our toilet working
Fact is that men and women in the workforce prior to 1973 continued to
see a bit of increase, but men and women entering the workforce after
1973, ages 25-34, saw much more drastic changes in compensation.
Prescription for a Sick American Economy
- If we were to take away the economic reigns of power
from the Jewish-ran Wall Street tycoons who use our 401K-pension-plan money to
buy their way onto the Boards of Directors of major corporations,
putting their buddies on the Boards of Directors...
- And, if we were to take the monopolistic national microphone out of the hands of the Jewish-ran Mass Media MONOPOLY....
- And at the same time, if we empowered our States in
the United States Senate to once again reign-in the out-of-control
federal government, as it once used to do prior to FDR's time -- prior
to the 17th Amendment which emasculated our States...
- Then our economy would flower as beautifully as the
post-Weimar Republic Germany, current Germany, or the Post-Soviet Union economies blossomed
after the Jewish shackles on their economies were taken off.